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Duan Hong shouted, a huge Wuxiang appeared behind him, the long sword in his hand and the one in Wuxiang's hands The giant sword merged into one, bursting out the sword gang that rushed towards the night, and slammed hard towards the giant sword.


The swords intersected, and a vortex appeared in the middle. The violent energy shot all around, blowing everyone's clothes back, hunting Rattle.

Duan Hong's sword shattered, but the giant knife was only dimmed for a few minutes, but it slashed towards Duan Hong unabated.


A long sword suddenly appeared in front of Duan Hong. The giant knife with the handle made a crisp cracking sound, layered to pieces, and finally blasted away. The fragments lased all around, and the surrounding Martial Artists released their spiritual power shields, and flew back toward the back at the same time. The white-faced cultivator turned pale, and then returned to blush. He looked at Tian Ci who was standing in front of Duan Hong with a trace of scrutiny in his eyes. Finally nodded with satisfaction:

"During the Immemorial space, being my servant of Xu Kaiyun, I will spare your life."

"Boy, this is your honor!" Baimian The face of a thin cultivator beside the cultivator showed the appearance of you brat hitting a big fortune, shouted like a dog:

"Kaiyun is a descendant of the vast continent Xu Family Lotus Flower Peak. As long as you are a good dog of Brother Kaiyun, when the time comes Brother Kaiyun rewards you with something, it will be enough for you to enjoy endlessly."


Tian Ci's backhand palm, a handprint condensed in the air and slapped, the thin cultivator was fanned out, a face was swollen, and a few teeth spurted out of his mouth, which was fanned like a spinning top go out.

"So courageous!"

Xu Kaiyun pulled his hands in front of him, and a row of dense Icicles appeared between his hands, turning his hands loudly. shouted:


Tian Ci's eyes seemed to have lost all the scenery at this moment, and the eyes are full of Icicle,

Tian Ci crossed his left arm, and the turtle's back arm on his left arm suddenly lit up, forming a turtle's back-like shield, blocking him in front of him.

"Boom boom boom..."

The dense Icicle strikes on the shield released by the turtle's back arm, the shield like turtle's back wobbly, but finally blocked it Xu Kaiyun's attack.

Tian Ci pulled his right arm back, arching his entire spine, like a big bow, and shot his fist at the opposite Xu Kaiyun like a sharp arrow. On his right arm, the same With an arm guard, the upper arm guard suddenly lit up, and a dragon shadow rushed out of the arm guard, melted into Tian Ci's fist, and turned into a giant dragon, roaring and swooping towards the opposite white-faced cultivator Past.

Xu Kaiyun's expression changed, right hand pointed like a sword, and fisted towards Tian Ci. As if a lightning flashed in the sky, it cut through the sky and condensed Tian Ci's fist. The giant dragon cut open and cut towards Tian Ci.

“clang! ”

Tian Ci backhanded out the Earth Grade long sword behind his back, with a solemn expression, and the long sword danced in front of him like a peacock.

“clang clang clang ……”

Xu Kaiyun’s sword intent hits Tian Ci’s long sword intensively on the screen, the space buzzes, but is opened by Tian Ci’s hands The long sword blooming sword intent bounced back.

"sword intent!"

Xu Kaiyun eyebrow raised, a hint of surprise appeared on his face, the sword pointed at a collar, a brilliance long sword came out around his body, and Xu Kaiyun with one hand Holding it, holding the long sword in his hand, with his toes on the ground, his figure rushed towards Tian Ci like an eagle.

"Good come!"

Tian Ci strode towards Xu Kaiyun, one as agile as an eagle, the other as dignified as a Yue, the two fought together in an instant, the sword light shot in all directions .


Li Linchen pulled out the long sword and pointed towards Qin Shuang: "Qin Shuang, die!"

"Boom... "Qín Lie, Lan Mingyue and the others imposing manner rushed towards the night, looking sharply at Li Linchen.

"I'll come!"

Behind Qín ​​Lie and the others, Qin Shuang’s voice sounded. Qín Lie and the others looked back, and their hearts were stunned. They started from Qin Lie and the others. Shuang felt a kind of rage, a kind of bloodthirsty.

Qin Shuang walks out slowly, every step he takes, as if he has been measured, the size is the same, the imposing manner on his body climbs with each step, the space around the body seems to be faintly boiling, allowing the space to emerge With slight distortions and ripples.

"clang!" Qin Shuang pulled out the Earth Grade long sword behind his backhand: "Martial Emperor?"


Qin Shuang The body exploded from the middle, turning into nine Qin Shuangs, rushing towards Li Linchen from nine directions, and at the same time stabbing a sword towards Li Linchen in the middle. Nine swords cut through the space with tiny cracks. Gathered towards Li Linchen who was in the center.

Li Linchen has seen the formidable power of the unity of the nine palaces, and the moment Qin Shuang took out the sword, the warning signs in his heart reached the extreme.

"This...Where is the power of the Pill Formation Stage?"

His eyelids jumped straight, and his long sword danced like a wheel, protecting his body completely Inside.

The sword is like a wheel!


Nine sword gun strikes are on the sword wheel, Li Linchen can block the unity of the nine palaces, his heart is determined, and he can't help but sighed in relief. The long sword leads, and goes out.

The sword is like a forest!


one after another Jian Gang appeared abruptly in Qin Shuang's eyes like a jungle, shaking towards her.

Qin Shuang squinted his eyes slightly, in a flash in his heart.

Each Golden Pill has reached 12%. The ten Golden Pills combined are 1.2 times the strength of the Continent and Antlers Continental Cultivator. Equivalent to Martial Artist Continent has gathered half of the ten Golden Pills. Step Martial Emperor. It's just half a step away from Martial Emperor First Layer.

"Then use high grade sword skills to make up for it!"


The long sword in the hand hummed and trembled, and the trembling sword tip Presents an illusory shadow, like a dragon head. The sword in his hand sprang out like a tiny Flood Dragon that instantly zoomed in.

High grade Heaven Grade sword skill: Dragon swallows beads.


With a roar of clanging sword cry, Li Linchen looked at the giant dragon swooping down in the air, his heart was extremely vigilant. The giant dragon held a dragon ball in the air, and when he saw the huge dragon's mouth spit out, the dragon ball shot out.


Where the dragon ball passed, the sword forest burst into pieces, and the dragon ball blasted out a channel, and the one that followed the dragon ball giant dragon.


Li Linchen's eyes were splitting, and the long sword in his hand pierced the dragon ball, like a long rainbow thread piercing the dragon ball like the sun.

rainbow piercing the sun.


The dragon ball was shattered by a sword, and Li Linchen's body also staggered back, with a look of despair on his face, seeing the dragon-like sword facing towards He swooped down.




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