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When Tian Ci saw Qin Shuang, he exclaimed with joy. Qín Lie and the others also looked at Qin Shuang with joy. Among the crowd of Martial Artist Continent, Li Linchen and Yue Qingzhao couldn't help turning their heads to look at Qin Shuang who had just landed on the ground. Yue Qingzhao's eyes flashed with spitefulness.

"hahaha..." Lan Mingyue greeted Qin Shuang with a big smile, with a smug look on his face: "Shuang'er, I'm breaking through Martial King Fourth Layer, am I good?"

"Awesome!" Qin Shuang moved towards Lan Mingyue and gave a thumbs up.

The faces of the cultivators with the vast continent and the antler continent all showed disdain, but Lan Mingyue didn't care, came to Qin Shuang and looked up and down:

" Shuang'er, what realm are you breaking through now?"

"Me?" Qin Shuang scratched his head awkwardly: "Pill Formation Stage Ninth Layer late peak."

" You..."

Lan Mingyue's face showed total disbelief, and then was embarrassed. Everyone around him had a fortuite encounter. In his opinion, Qin Shuang must also have a fortuite Encounter, but did not expect Qin Shuang’s cultivation base to not grow in the slightest, but he shows himself in front of Qin Shuang... too unkind...

" Let her die!" Yue Qingzhao's eyes lit up in the crowd. Now she is the Martial King Fifth Layer, a Martial King Fifth Layer condensed with eight Golden Pills. What if Qin Shuang gathers ten Golden Pills? It's just a Pill Formation Stage. At this time, the sense of superiority beyond Qin Shuang can no longer suppress the killing intent of Qin Shuang, and she walks towards Qin Shuang, she wants to kill Qin Shuang with her own hands. Let Li Linchen kill Qin Shuang, where can he kill Qin Shuang by himself?

"Qin Shuang!"

When Qin Shuang heard a voice full of killing intents, Qin Shuang couldn't help but follow her reputation, and saw Yue Qingzhao's face full of killing intents, her eyes sprayed with resentment Walk towards her.

"Qin Shuang, do you remember the humiliation you once gave me? You made me a joke for the entire Imperial Capital. Hehe......"

Yue Qingzhao’s face appeared There was a thrill of revenge, and I looked down at Qin Shuang and said:

"I am now a Martial King Fifth Layer, but you are still a Martial Master. Didn’t expect it? You are now with me. There is only an ant in front of him. Kneeling in front of me, I will consider giving you a whole corpse."

"Yue Qingzhao, you want to kill Qin Shuang?" Qín Lie lightly looked at Yue Qingzhao.

Yue Qingzhao's gaze fell on Qín Lie's expression, without the slightest fear on her face: "What? His Highness the Crown Prince wants to stop me?"

Qín Lie's face Showing a faint smile, he said: "You are very confident."

Tian Ci's eyes have become cold, and Lan Mingyue and the others have shown disdain. They have so many Martial King Fourth Layer standing here, and there is also a Tian Ci of Martial King Eighth Layer Peak. Is Qingzhao crazy this month?

Does she really think that Qin Shuang does not have a fortuitous encounter or a breakthrough, so people like them can watch Qin Shuang get humiliated?

"I am also very confident. Will His Highness the Crown Prince also stop me?"

Li Linchen walked slowly from behind, the imposing manner on his body burst out, belonging to The imposing manner of Martial Emperor First Layer pushed other Martial Artist Continent people away, strolling around like a king, with an extremely confident smile on his face, and an undisguised looking down in his eyes.

Qín Lie and the others' complexion changed. The Martial Emperor, which gathered nine Golden Pills, only the imposing manner exuding from the body made them feel suffocated. Tian Ci squinted his eyes slightly, and the cold light in his eyes was like lightning.

Qin Shuang's heart felt a trace of irritability, a trace of killing intent, and a trace of blood appeared in her eyes.

"Oops!" Blood Qin in Sea of ​​Consciousness was surprised: "She was still affected by me."

In order to save Qin Shuang, Blood Qin was The heart of the fire phoenix tree is refining, but it inevitably blends into a trace of bloodfiend. Although Blood Qin did not tell Qin Shuang, he was always worried in his heart. He did not think that the things he had been worried about were finally revealed today.

"Yue Qingzhao!" Qin Shuang separated from the crowd and walked out slowly: "You think you can kill me?"

Yue Qingzhao's eyes and Qin Shuang's eyes are in the air When they collided, her eyes shrank suddenly, showing a trace of fear. In the center of the pupils of Qin Shuang's eyes, there is a trace of blood standing upright, but the trace of blood makes Qin Shuang's eyes strange and bloodthirsty. At the moment when the two people’s eyes met, Yue Qingzhao felt as if she was being stared at by a peerless ominous beast. His whole body was cold, and the hair on his body was erected in an instant, and the skin was covered involuntarily. A layer of goose bumps.

Look at Qin Shuang again, the trace of fear in her heart instantly magnified, and the superiority of looking down was lost instantly. She felt like a lamb standing in front of a jackal at this time...


Yue Qingzhao took a step backward involuntarily, and then her face showed shame. A Martial King Fifth Layer of oneself, scared a Martial Master?

However, whenever she looked towards Qin Shuang, a trace of blood sticking up in Qin Shuang's pupil made her feel fear in her heart.


Yue Qingzhao suddenly found that she had lost her courage in front of Qin Shuang, but the more frightened, the more resentful Qin Shuang was in her heart. He looked at Li Linchen who had already walked to him with some embarrassed eyes: "Kill her! Kill me, Qin Shuang, this slut!"

Although it is clear to Yue Qingzhao In the crowd, speaking to him in a commanding tone made his heart feel a little unhappy, but Li Linchen was still nodded and walked towards Qin Shuang with a condescending expression.

"Qin Shuang, in your next life, you must remember not to offend people who shouldn't be offended."


At this time, the vast continent The cultivator on the antler continent also stopped attacking the mask, and watched the excitement one by one. Hearing Li Linchen's aloof and remote tone, those people couldn't help but laugh.

"These rubbish pretends to be like that, hehe..."

"Don't talk about rubbish like that, rubbish also has the dignity of rubbish."

"pu hahaha ……"

"shua..." Qín Lie and the others looked fiercely at those cultivators, Duan Hong was full of breath and fighting intent.

"What do you look at?" A white-faced cultivator's eyes were cold light: "If you don't have a little strength and can help a little, do you think you can stand here? The weak? We must have the attitude of the weak, otherwise it will be misfortune to ourselves."


Duan Hong's body flashed, it fell on the opposite side of the white-faced cultivator, in his hands. The big sword pointed at the opponent:

"Come out and fight a certain."

The white-faced cultivator showed a trace of anger on his face: "An ant dare to challenge me , Courting death."


The white-faced cultivator stood up like a knife, and slashed towards Duan Hong on the opposite side. A hole seemed to have been broken in the air, and a huge knife cut through the air, and there was a sour, sharp howling sound, which was chopped down like lightning.


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