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"hmph, boasted shamelessly!" Before Xu Kaitian could speak, Bing Lingfeng said disdainfully: "You think you can be in the great hall if you know such a quick sword. I face dozens of them at the same time, or even hundreds of puppets in a while? It's so stupid to die!"

"Big Brother Xu!" Qin Shuang ignored Bing Lingfeng, but called out Xu Kaitian again. .

Xu Kaitian hesitated and said: "Qin Shuang, you can go in, but if you want to come back again, I may not be able to make another gap for you."

" Thank you Big Brother Xu, I am here!"

"Which..." Qin Shuang fell behind Xu Kaitian and said: "I'm ready!"

"Boom... "

Xu Kaitian and the opposite puppet fought hard, and then flashed to the side. Qin Shuang stepped on the ground with his right foot. With a "peng", Qin Shuang's figure flew away. After plundering it out, the puppet and Xu Kaitian fought relentlessly, and his body shook. Before he could attack again, Qin Shuang's hand was pressed on its head, and with the help of his force, his body turned over the puppet's head. After that, he fell lightly towards the middle of the great hall.

"Bang..." Qin Shuang fell to the ground.

"peng~ peng~ peng~ ……"

The surrounding puppets rushed towards her, Qin Shuang's figure lightly and quickly swept up, pulling in the great hall One after another blurry afterimage, like a strip of Fire Phoenix flying in the air.

“clang clang clang ……”


The puppet’s buttocks were exploded in the middle, one after another The middle grade Spirit Stone was taken into the storage ring by Qin Shuang. Bing Leng phoenix eyes stared at Qin Shuang’s vague silhouette with a stunned mouth. She didn’t pay much attention to Qin Shuang before, but now she really saw Qin Shuang’s movement method and that fast sword. The hair on her body was towering. She was very clear in her heart. If Qin Shuang is allowed to bully her body and use this sword, she will definitely not be able to resist it.

Xu Kaishan's eyes brightened. There is no doubt that Qin Shuang's movement method and this style fast sword are a perfect match. Dealing with these puppets is wonderful. This immediately relieved the pressure on the two of them. At the same time, seeing Qin Shuang quickly collect the middle grade Spirit Stone there, which was more than ten times faster than the collection speed of the two of them, which made him feel a little depressed. All the power burst out, and the puppet strikes on the opposite side rumbled.

Qin Shuang's speed of crushing the puppets is much faster than the speed of the puppets coming out of the nine passages, but in less than a quarter of an hour, the number of puppets in the great hall is reduced by half. Xu Kaitian and Bing Lengfeng glanced at each other. Both of them had their eyes moved. After a strike with the puppet on the opposite side, they rushed out. The movement method of the two was also extremely fast and mysterious, not weaker than that. Qin Shuang's flying phoenix dance, pulling out a vague afterimage in the air, falling behind the puppet, and the sword in his hand pierced fiercely towards the puppet's butt.


There was indeed the most vulnerable place of the puppet. It was smashed to pieces by two people each with a sword. They reached out and grabbed the middle grade Spirit Stone, and then turned towards the other puppets. Rushed over.

"clang clang clang..."

In the great hall, there was a dense sword cry, and the afterimages of the three people interlaced in space. Xu Kaitian and Bing Lengfeng are both Core Formation Stage Ninth Layer late Peak, which is the Martial King Ninth Layer late Peak. The two cultivation bases prompted them to move one point faster than Qin Shuang, but two people. sword drawing speed is much slower than Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang relied on the Martial Dao Cultivation Base when Qin Shuang ran the Feifeng Dance, but the quick sword that stabbed it completely relied on the power of the Martial King Ninth Layer Early-Stage. Therefore, Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng were surprised to find that after the two of them had found the trick to smash the puppet, they were still not as fast as Qin Shuang.

Xu Kaishan and Bing Lingfeng are both influential figures on their respective continents. It can be said that Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng are invincible players of the same rank on the boundless continent and the antlers continent. However, they found that the Martial Artist on the Martial Artist Continent, which they had always looked down on, was compared. Although this did not mean that Qin Shuang could beat them, it also made them feel uncomfortable.

Extremely uncomfortable.

The pride of these two people does not allow them to fall under the wind, even if it is only a certain aspect.


The fighting intents on the two people broke out completely. While their figures were flickering, Xu Kaitian was holding the sword in his right hand and attacking the puppet’s butt with his left hand. The moving finger tactic, a golden spear condensed from spiritual power appeared in the air, whizzing hurriedly towards the puppet's ass.

"peng~ peng~ peng~ ……"

The puppet’s buttocks were exploded by the golden spear, sending out the crystal clear rays of light, Xu Kaitian pinched his fingers, He transformed a hand in the air and put away the middle grade Spirit Stone. On the other side, Bing Lingfeng released an Icicle, exploded the puppet’s buttocks, and then transformed into a jade and ice clear hand, collecting one after another middle grade Spirit Stone, and finally looked at it proudly. A glance at Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang’s gaze swept all around, but Xu Kaitian and Bing Lengfeng’s attack made the appearance in the great hall less 2/3/2021, and the face couldn’t help showing up. Gave a wry smile.

She does not have the abilities of Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng. Although she also possesses the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness, she has very few dao techniques, that is, Fireball Technique, swamp technique, and even Qin Shuang. Will promise Kaishan’s golden spear technique and Binglingfeng’s Ice Cone Technique, her dao technique is not strong enough, it is impossible to break the puppet’s ass. Her Martial Dao couldn't make Jian Gang turn. The way Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng were two, she simply couldn't learn, so she could only continue to use Feifengwu and that fast sword.

In less than two quarters of an hour, no more puppets came out in the nine passages, and they emptied the puppets of this layer. Both Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng’s faces were full of smiles. The middle grade Spirit Stone they got here was more than ten times that of Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang only shook the head depressed.

"Fellow Daoist, we want to continue, do you go down?" Xu Kaitian asked with a smile.

"go! Why not go?" Qin Shuang responded.

"The puppet on the next level should be the strength of the Martial Emperor Late Peak. Are you sure you want to go down?" Bing Lingfeng looked at Qin Shuang disdainfully.

"You don't have to worry about it!"

Qin Shuang's heart is bored with Bing Lingfeng. Is Antlers continent great? It looks like aloof and remote!

"You are courting death!"

Bing Lingfeng's slim eyebrows, the imposing manner on his body burst out, and he crushed towards Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang's Soul Power circulates on the surface, blocking the opponent's imposing manner outside. The right hand has touched the hilt, and sharp rays of light are seen through his eyes.

"Okay!" Xu Kaitian took a step and stood between Qin Shuang and Bing Lingfeng, separating them in an imposing manner and said:

"Keep it there Do your best to deal with the puppets on the next level."


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