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At this moment, in Tian Ci's consciousness, he is trying hard to see the vague silhouette clearly. He has stood here one day and one night, but Still can't see the silhouette of the sword dancing, but he refuses to give up. He knows that this is probably a great opportunity for him. Although, this one day and one night, he still didn't see the silhouette of the sword dancing clearly, but he saw a little clearer than before, which greatly increased his confidence.

Time passed in the silence. Suddenly, the aura on Tian Ci's body rioted, and the blood began to retrograde, causing blood to flow out of his seven orifices, painful color on his face, and bloodshot eyes.


The sealed group of essences from the historical sites at the bottom of the river flowed out, but instantly smoothed the retrograde blood in his body , Repaired his body, and then burst out from his body the sword intent soaring, this sword intent does not belong to Tian Ci, but the sword intent that burst out of the essence.

It’s just...

The sword intent that had just exploded and shot out of the body, it was suppressed by the sword intent released by the dancing silhouette on the cliff, the sword intent unyielding The earth struggled, but was suppressed by little by little, and was finally suppressed in the body. However, in the confrontation between these two sword intents, countless sword intent fragments were shattered and absorbed by Tian Ci.


Tian Ci felt his mind clear for a while, he saw the silhouette of the dancing sword clearly, every sword was not repeated, as if disordered and in a mess , But it is full of breathtaking power.

In the great hall underground.

Qin Shuang has already obtained one hundred and one middle grade Spirit Stones. She swallowed a Wen Wang Dan and flickered away again.


At this time, I heard a huge roar and several screams in my ears. Qin Shuang suddenly looked back and saw Martial Sect Hall. The Martial Artist on the side collapsed, two Martial Sect Hall Martial Artists were broken off, and the puppets rushed out one by one.


Qin Shuang shouted, too late to take care of the puppet opposite, greeted Duan Hong and the others, and flew towards the passage to the outside. Duan Hong and the others changed their expressions and fled one after another.

Xu Kaishan let out an angry roar and retreated towards the entrance of the cave. He and Bing Lingfeng retreated outside the entrance of the cave, but did not enter the passage. Instead, they guarded the outside, resisting the puppet and let the others Martial Artist or cultivator withdraws the channel. Those Martial Artists and cultivators didn't dare to stay at all, knowing that once these puppets rushed out, their roots would not be able to resist them, and they flew straight to the outside. Qin Shuang flew away while hesitating to go back. If she only had the cultivation base and Heaven Grade sword skills of Pill Formation Stage Ninth Layer, she would naturally not dare to go back because she was simply not the enemy of the puppet. . But she has Feifengwu and that fast sword, but she is the nemesis of the puppet. When I was thinking about seeing it, I felt a sharp sword wind slashing towards my back. At the same time, I heard Duan Hong's extremely angry shout: "Wu Jinsong, you dare!"

The corner of Qin Shuang's mouth swept away with a hint of sarcasm. After being conspired by the fire, how could she not have a bite to gain her wisdom? On the way she flees, Soul Power has been spreading, and Wu Jinsong's every move is within her observation.

Qin Shuang turned around abruptly and struck out with a sword!

Heaven Grade high grade Sword Skill: Dragon Spit Bead.

Wu Jinsong just guarded against Qin Shuang's sudden approach to him and used that fast sword, but he was not afraid of Qin Shuang's other strengths.

He condensed nine Golden Pills, Martial King Ninth Layer Peak, and Qin Shuang, although ten Golden Pills were condensed, the cultivation base is only the Pill Formation Stage Ninth Layer Late Peak, and there is a great realm difference between the two sides. , How is Qin Shuang his opponent?


When he faced the sword cut by Qin Shuang, he felt the immense power.

Qin Shuang is a ruthless sword. Now every Golden Pill she has is 10% pure. Even on the cultivation base, it can be compared with Wu Jinsong, even more how she used it. Ten heavy sword meaning?

"Why... so strong..."

This is the last a single thought that emerged in Wu Jinsong's mind, and then his body was swallowed by a huge sword glow. When the sword glow receded, Wu Jinsong's body had disappeared, only a layer of blood-red flesh fell on the ground.

"peng!" Qin Shuang paused on the ground and said: "Duan Hong, you leave."

"Shuang'er you......"

"I want to go back and take a look!"


The words are over, Qin Shuang's figure has flew towards the inside. Duan Hong's figure moved a bit and wanted to chase Qin Shuang, but eventually he stopped. He knew that Qin Shuang had that fast sword, but he didn't. When I went back, I was courting death. I thought about Qin Shuang's Feifengwu. Even if I lost it, I didn't have a problem to escape, so I turned my head and flew outside.

Qin Shuang’s figure was running quickly inside, and soon returned to the exit of the passage outside the Fourth Layer. At this time, there were only two silhouettes left at the entrance of the cave. It was Xu Kaitian and Bing. Lingfeng. The two stood side by side in the entrance of the cave, fighting fiercely with the puppet. In the great hall, dozens of puppets were walking back and forth, and from the nine passages, there were still puppets coming out of it. It’s just that the entrance to the cave where Xu Kaitian and Bing Lengfeng are, can only allow two puppets to come in, so the two of them face each other only two puppets, each fighting a fierce battle. When Qin Shuang arrived, right view When the two of them smashed two puppets, they each harvested a middle grade Spirit Stone.

Hearing the sound of footsteps coming from behind, the two of them looked back, and Xu Kaitian grinned and said with a smile:

"Little Sister, you are from the vast continent. Is it?"

"en!" Qin Shuang stopped at some distance from the two of them, lest the other side guarded themselves and affected their energy.

"Boom..." Xu Kaitian and the opposite puppet made a blow: "Little Sister, I am the boundless continent, Xu Family, Xu Kaishan. What do you call it?"

"Martial Artist Continent..." Qin Shuang originally wanted to announce the name of Great Qin Empire, but suddenly remembered Qin Wudi, and sadness filled his heart:

"Quanyue, Qin Shuang."

Then, Qin Shuang looked at the back of Bing Lengfeng, but when he heard that Bing Lengfeng was coldly snorted, there was disdain in his voice. In her opinion, the people who come out of Martial Artist Continent are all weak, what can they do? Qin Shuang is just relying on a quick sword. If she and Qin Shuang meet, she kills Qin Shuang in one move.

Seeing Binglingfeng ignore herself, Qin Shuang naturally does not use her hot face to stick her cold ass. She looked into the great hall through the gap between Xu Kaitian and Bing Lengfeng, and saw the situation in the great hall. She thought about it carefully, and felt that the space inside at this time could still allow her to dance like a phoenix. Walk freely.

If you wait until more and more puppets come out of the nine passages and fill up the entire great hall, then there will be no room to flash and move. At this time, if you rush in, even though there are puppets coming out of the nine passages, you can continue to smash the puppets, so there will always be room for flash. With a decision in mind, Dang Even said to Xu Kaishan:

"Big Brother Xu, can you let me enter the great hall?"


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