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The endless Divine Thunder roared and swelled, like a tsunami, desperate.

The petite silhouette of Thunder God is completely submerged by Divine Thunder, and can no longer be seen for half a minute.

Like 100000000 10000 Divine Thunder exploding, the terrifying wave directly collapsed and shattered the surrounding space.

Above the earth, a huge deep hole was smashed.

“Ahhh !”

The mournful scream, like the wailing of hell evil spirits, kept ringing in Divine Thunder.

Let the blood shadow god and wind howling god complexion greatly changed not far away, can’t believe it.

Divine Thunder’s formidable power is terrifying. Soon, Thunder God’s screams gradually weakened.

Eventually completely disappeared.

Also disappearing together, there is the body of Thunder God and Divine Soul.

This Divine Thunder is too strong and destroys everything.

Neither Thundergod’s body nor Divine Soul can be preserved.

Even the divine token of thunder was distorted and burnt, which was obviously scrapped.


I saw the thunder god fall, and the blood shadow god ran away immediately.

Although he also wanted rewards, he chose the latter compared to his own life.

The strength of Qiangshi God and Thunder God is not weaker than him.

However, in just a few moments, they have successively fallen.

This gave him a trace of fear from the bottom of his heart.

Moreover, the formidable power of Heavenly Dao Divine Punishment has never been heard before, and it is also very disturbing in Divine Heart.

Although Xiao Changfeng is not yet Transcending Tribulation.

But he felt as if death came.

So he escaped and no longer joined forces with Fengshen.

Even if he is blamed by the commander-in-chief afterwards, it is better than losing his life.


The God of Blood is a blood bat, flying and speed is Innate Ability.

At this moment, he was scared and dared to run the divine force with no stingy, and played the Magical Powers escape.

“Low grade Magical Powers: Blood escape!”

I saw that the blood shadow became a blood shadow, punctured the sky, penetrated the thunderbolt, traveled through time and space, and fled outward.

His speed was incredible, and in a blink of an eye, he was beyond ten thousand meters.

In just a few seconds, you can escape from the Immortal Tribulation range.

When the time comes Xiao Changfeng can no longer threaten him with Divine Thunder.

Blood Shadow Divine Heart thinks clearly, but at this moment, a trace of Dao marks appears behind him.

Not only is his speed not slower than him, but also a lot faster, at this moment the distance has been shortened.

“How can this be?”

The Blood Shadow God soon discovered this ray of Dao marks, his eyes suddenly widened, full of shock, could not believe it.

My blood escape Magical Powers, its speed is incomparable, ten thousand meters in a flash.

Xiao Changfeng has not yet become Transcending Tribulation, can he catch up with himself?

Hong long long !

The place where Xiao Changfeng is located is the center of the endless Leihai.

All Divine Thunder, countless Thunder Dragon, are crazy to him.

At this moment, Xiao Changfeng chased after the God of Blood, and these Thunder Dragons naturally followed.

“I don’t believe it, you can pass me quickly!”

The blood-shadow god puts his heart across and runs the divine force with all his strength to bring the blood escape to the extreme.

At the same time, he controlled the Blood Fiend God Cup, and immediately the Blood River lance reappeared, collapsing the space, defiled everything, and hit Xiao Changfeng.

He even grabbed a hand and shot out a few magic beads made by himself.

Each divine bead contains his divine force.

Although it may not hurt Xiao Changfeng, it can affect a moment and win time for him.


Blood River lance and Shenzhu burst together, the deafening rumbling sound is endless.

The energy of the explosion fluctuates layer after layer, destroying heaven extinguishing earth, nothing can survive.

“Hmph, compare speed with me, next life!”

With this moment, the God of Blood has come to the edge of Immortal Tribulation.

Feeling the volcanic eruption and waves of destruction behind him, the blood-god god coldly smiled, only felt that he had escaped alive.

However, in the next moment, he turned into a blood light figure, and suddenly, he stiffened in place.

The whole person seemed to be trapped by flies in amber, and was imprisoned to move.

How is this going?

Fear in Divine Heart, while urging the divine force to struggle, looking for the reason.

I saw one after another tiny dust around my body.

These dusts bloom with faint rays of light, like stars in the night sky, magnificent.

But there is a special energy that completely confines himself in place.

This energy is not very strong, the blood shadow god is struggling at this time, faintly loosened.

If there is another in a short time, you can get rid of it completely.

But at this time, the sense of crisis in Divine Heart is very high, let alone in a short time, it is a second, and he is not willing to delay.

“Human King Palace!”

A familiar voice sounded from behind, causing the blood shadow god’s pupils to shrink suddenly.

I saw a vast temple of divine might descend from the sky.

The glittering law of repression on it made Devine Heart despair.

My own full strength attack failed to stop Xiao Changfeng.

Instead, it was unconsciously confined by Ganges Xingsha.

At this moment, the God of Blood only feels as if he is a Demonic beast that has fallen into a trap. Although he has powerful power, he can’t break away to survive.

Ganges Xingsha and Human King Palace only serve to restrain and suppress.

If you want to actually kill the God of Blood, you need to rely on the power of Immortal Tribulation.

“send you off !”

The silhouette of Xiao Changfeng appeared beside the blood shadow god. The indifferent words made the blood shadow Divine Heart cold.

I saw that Thunder Dragon was pulled by Xiao Changfeng, roaring and roaring.


In the horrified gaze of the Blood God, Thunder Dragon flooded him.

In the end, the God of Blood was diverted into waste by Divine Thunder explodes into waste, leaving nothing at all.

In this way, only the Wind God is the only one of the 4 Spiritual Gods.

And this time on the other side.

Xiao Changfeng’s 2 dharmakayas are dragging the wind howling god.

Although the strength of Fengshen is strong, Xiao Changfeng’s magic body holds a mysterious scabbard in one person, a divine wood peach sword in one person, plus Divine Item such as Heaven Shaking Drum.

Although he can’t defeat Feng Xiaoshen, it can barely hold her back.

At this time, the body of Xiao Changfeng is back.

“Xiao Changfeng, the Alliance of Gods is waiting for you. If you kill me today, the commander will never let you go.”

Feng Xiaoshen didn’t want to die, at this time he threatened and forced Xiao Changfeng to retreat.

It’s a pity that Xiao Changfeng turned a deaf ear to control the Ganges Xingsha and Human King Palace, killing with the roaring Thunder Dragon.

The wind howling god is powerful, but in this Leihai, it is suppressed to the extreme.

Coupled with Xiao Changfeng’s 3 battles, the Feng Xiao God can’t escape.

Ganges Xingsha and Human King Palace are the Supreme Divine Artifact that imprisoned the suppression.

Regardless of how Feng Xiao God struggles and howls, it is hard to escape this already doomed ending.

“Master, please wait for my revenge!”

In the end, the Wind Howling God was suppressed by Ganga Star Sands and Human King Palace, and a roar filled with resentment was issued before he died.

Xiao Changfeng expression remains the same, his eyes cold.

Pulling Thunder Dragon.


Thunderbolt is like a sea, boiling wildly, submerging the silhouette of the God of Wind.

Under Divine Thunder, 10000 things are gray, even Spiritual God.

In the end, Feng Xiao God could not escape.

At this point, the 4 Spiritual Gods have all fallen, and the whole army is annihilated!

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