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Strong Stone God is dead?

Looking at the broken stone, the Blood Shadow God 3 were all wide-eyed and could not believe it.

The strong stone god is the god powerhouse!

And it is the Stone Giant Clan, born with a strong body and extremely hard.

For him, ordinary means were tickling.

However, at this time, it was blown to pieces, and even a whole body could not be left.

This… this is incredible!

“This Heavenly Dao Divine Punishment is too terrifying, which is far from our Heavenly Dao Divine Punishment, and he also has 2 special Divine Items. The strong stone god is not skilled in speed, it is even more difficult after being suppressed by him. Break free.”

Wind expression God facial expression grave, Shen Sheng spoke.

Although they were all looking far away, they also saw the main reason for the fall of the strong stone god.

On true strength, Xiao Changfeng is naturally not a strong stone god’s opponent.

But under this Immortal Tribulation, the endless Leihai.

This has caused great pressure to everyone, so that the Stone God had to divide a lot of divine force to resist the thunderbolt of all around.

Then Xiao Changfeng imprisoned the strong stone god with Human King Palace and Ganges Star Sand, making it impossible for him to escape.

Then through the strength of Dragon, the stone god was bombarded into slag.

From beginning to end, Xiao Changfeng only used Human King Palace and Ganges Xingsha that’s all.

The power that really kills the Stonehenge is the Thunder Sea and the dozen Thunder Dragons.

“Now there are only two roads before us. Either leave this place, wait for his Transcending Tribulation, and then look at the situation.”

“If he didn’t spend it and was bombarded by Heavenly Dao Divine Punishment, it wouldn’t matter. If he succeeded, I’m afraid none of us will be his opponent.”

Feng Xiaoshen calmly analyzed the current situation.

Their mission here is to capture Xiao Changfeng.

However, if something is impossible, taking Xiao Changfeng’s death to return to life can also be accepted.

But looking at the scale of this Heavenly Dao Divine Punishment, once Xiao Changfeng gets through, his strength will be unimaginable.

When the time comes let alone go back to life, I am afraid that it is difficult to escape.

So this is a very risky choice.

“And the second option is that while Heavenly Dao Divine Punishment has not yet fully demonstrated its power, the three of us joined forces and beheaded him with a thunderbolt trend. Although it is impossible to capture, it is better than nothing.”

The wind howling god spoke again, and said the second choice.

Their first choice is of course Xiao Changfeng.

But looking at the current situation, it seems a bit difficult. Only by beheading it and taking the body back to life is the best ending right now.

However, there is a lesson from the strong stone god, Feng Xiaoshen did not dare to face Xiao Changfeng alone.

So she told the story, hoping that the blood shadow god and thunder god could shoot together.

And it must be the kind that goes all out.

Otherwise, with a little hesitation, I am afraid it will step into the footsteps of the strong stone god.

And this opportunity is only once, once missed, and then want to find, it is extremely difficult.

“As long as you can go back to life, the body is also good!”

The blood-shadow god looked at the bird of prey, staring at Xiao Changfeng in the distance.

“In that case, kill it!”

The sound of thunder seems pure and lovely, but when it comes time to shoot, it will never be merciless.

“it is good!”

Seeing an agreement, the God of Wind is also slightly relaxed.

She also didn’t want to go home empty-handed.

Hong long long !

At the moment Xiao Changfeng is pulling the endless thunderbolt, and has rushed towards 3 people.

“Blade of the Storm!”

Feng Xiaoshen raised his hand and held a long curved sword.

This is her low grade Divine Item.

The divine force was poured in, and the divine glow suddenly soared into the sky, even though the all around thunderbolt was overwhelmed.

“Low grade divine technique: Slash with a knife!”

The wind howling god holds the blade of the wind storm, divine force throughput, divine sense branding, and even carries Law Power.

With a knife, I saw a violent wind blade of ten thousand meters in size, split the thunderbolt, and cut towards Xiao Changfeng.

This blade is extremely sharp and amazingly fast.

The space was directly scratched, and even Leihai could not stop it.

The divine force and rules contained in it are even more invincible.

Under the divine realm, no one can stop!

“Blood Evil Cup!”

Blood God also took out his Divine Item, and saw a scarlet wine glass held in his hand.

At this time, run the divine force to activate it.

Suddenly a torrent of blood flowed out of it, when the air condensed into a sturdy blood river lance.

lance is very smelly, with the law of blood evil, contaminating all the thunderbolt around.

At this moment the blood river lance rises into the sky, penetrates the thunderbolt, and goes straight to Xiao Changfeng.

“Thrilling divine token!”

Thunder God holds a quaint token with a 6-sided shape.

She was originally cultivated Thunder Attribute Cultivation Art, but also mastered a kind of Divine Thunder, lightning control is also very strong.

At this time, all around Lei Hai diffused, and she threw some thunderbolt with the thunder dive token in her hand.

The thundering law she felt was more roaring and shocking.

I saw the majestic thunderbolt, attracted by her, condensed into a Thunder Beast, soared into the sky, went straight to Xiao Changfeng to kill.

this moment.

Three Great Deities no longer keep their hands.

Divine Item comes out, divine force is running, the rules are constant.

Each blow can destroy a territorial boundary, strong terrifying.

If there is no Immortal Tribulation, Xiao Changfeng’s power alone cannot be resisted and must be easily defeated.

However, Xiao Changfeng, bathed in thunderbolt at this time, has no fear.

“Magical Powers: One Qi Becomes Three Purities!”

Xiao Changfeng once again performed the magical powers technique, and 2 dharma bodies emerged from within the body.

Xiao Changfeng is a Transcending Tribulation person. No matter what method he uses, he cannot escape the thunder of Immortal Tribulation.

At the moment, the two magical bodies he transformed into were also attracted by the strikers of countless thunderbolt.


I saw 2 Fashen one left and one right, and went straight to the God of Blood and Wind God.

The endless thunderbolt and Thunder Dragon drawn by the magic body successfully blocked the blood river lance and the violent wind blade.

However, the two dharma bodies were also affected and suffered a lot of injuries.

However, Xiao Changfeng didn’t care at all.

Even if the two dharma bodies are destroyed, he doesn’t care.

At this time his goal is Thunder God!

Although Thunder God masters Divine Thunder and can provoke part of thunderbolt, it is also her fatal weakness.

How can her thunderbolt be comparable to the thunder of Immortal Tribulation.

Xiao Changfeng strongest fist, with the endless thunderbolt, blocked Thunder Beast.

“Not good !”

Seeing this scene, Lei Ming Divine Heart said badly, he didn’t dare to be close by Xiao Changfeng.

The experience of Qiangshi God is still there. She doesn’t want to be imprisoned by Human King Palace and Ganges Star Sands.

However, Xiao Changfeng did not intend to use this method at this time.

“Thunderbolt Divine Consciousness!”

The golden light of Xiao Changfeng’s eyebrows was shining, and the majestic thunderbolt Divine Consciousness surged out towards the thunder god.

Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness also contains the power of thunderbolt and is the object of destruction by Immortal Tribulation.

At this time, thunderbolt Divine Consciousness came to the thunder god, and immediately stirred the 8-way Divine Thunder.

The thunder divine token in the hands of Thunder God has already caused a lot of thunderbolt. At this time, the arrival of thunderbolt Divine Consciousness is like adding fuel to the fire.


In the Heaven and Earth where the Thunder God is located in an instant, countless Divine Thunder suddenly boils, submerging the Thunder God.

Break the thunder with thunder and kill the spirits!

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