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The huge body of Golden Boy has been disappeared.

Instead, it is a black flame.

This is a bone evil fire, but at this time the breath is violent and extremely violent, like a violent giant wave.

“This is… about to change?”

Xiao Changfeng eyes slightly narrowed, soon it was judged the reason for the change except for the bones and evil fire.

Bone-evil fire was originally a kind of spirit fire, although it is not bad, but it can not be compared with the cold flame god fire.

But he has a characteristic not found in other flames.

That is to be able to devour the essence of flesh and strengthen oneself.

Like cultivation, ego becomes stronger.

After Xiao Changfeng conquered the bone-evil fire, he was always sealed in his left hand.

Only when it is needed, Xiao Changfeng will summon him out.

In these years, Xiao Changfeng has gone east and west, not knowing how many powerful enemies he killed.

at first is just some ordinary martial artist Demonic beast.

But with the advent of powerhouses outside the world, a innate talent is extraordinary, and the special powerhouse of Fleshy Body is dead in the hands of Xiao Changfeng.

Although most of them were swallowed and refined by Nine Headed Snake.

But there are also many swallowed by bones and evil fires.

Even after Nine Headed Snake guarded Dancheng.

The enemies killed by Xiao Changfeng in the Taichu Gold Mine were burned and refining.

Make it quickly become stronger.

To this day, he has once again swallowed the huge blood fleshy body of Golden Boy.

The accumulated energy reached a limit and began to metamorphose.

The bone fire is the spirit fire, and what he transformed is naturally the god fire.

The spirit and the god, like the god and the god, are difference between Heaven and Earth.

Therefore, this transformation is also very important for the destruction of bones and evil fires.

And metamorphosis is not necessarily 100% successful.

Everything has to rely on the bones and evil fire itself.


At this moment, Bone Evil Fire quickly coalesced, revealing Fire Spirit.

Fire Spirit looks like a child, with a clear face and outstanding spiritual wisdom.

But he was suffering endless pain at this time, emitting the roar of flame hu hu.

At this moment he was standing in the air, sitting cross-legged, and began to wait for the transformation.

God has God Tribulation, Immortal has Immortal Tribulation.

Linghuo metamorphosis, there is also a unique fire disaster.

“Magical Powers: Golden Fire Eyes!”

naked eye can not see the fire robbery, Xiao Changfeng directly cast Magical Powers.

Suddenly, the golden light was like fire. Through the surface, seeing the essence, I saw the fire.

Fire catastrophe is different from other sky catastrophes, it does not condense into clouds and turn into thunder.

Fire catastrophe was born from within the body.

Like the rebirth of Vermilion Bird and Phoenix.

It needs a rebirth if it wants to transform into a god fire.

The bone-bearing evil fire is as dark as ink, but at this time, its body has a scarlet red blood flame emerging from within the body and overflowing on the body surface.

This is his fire robbery, which is what he will become.

This scarlet flame has an unimaginable horror torture on Fire Spirit.

As soon as it appeared, a fierce expression of pain appeared on the life-like face of Fire Spirit.

It seems as if he is tortured like 8 to 1 years, and the pain is unbearable.


At the same time, in its all around, one after another illusory shadow emerged.

One of the most conspicuous is the tall golden boy.

Apart from this, there are other illusory shadows, which are the many powerhouses it has burned and swallowed.

These people were originally killed by Xiao Changfeng and burned by the bone-evil fire.

At this moment, it has become a robbery of bone and evil fire.

One after another illusory shadow emerged, resembling a regeneration, attacking towards Fire Spirit.

Although they are not real, their strength is extremely strong.

One after another attack fell, making Fire Spirit riddled with scars, bruised all over.

There is an illusory shadow attack outside, and there is blood burning inside.

At this moment, Fire Spirit is suffering unprecedented disaster.

But this was his robbery. Xiao Changfeng couldn’t help and could only watch silently on the side.

More and more scarlet bloody flames poured out on the body of Fire Spirit, dyeing him dark red like a demon.

The one after another illusory shadow is a continuous attack, as if it will never fail.


Fire Spirit makes a roar, like a roar, but its pain is unabated.

However, Fire Spirit has long been born spiritual wisdom, very determined.

At this moment, regardless of how tortured by the fire, he was clenching his teeth.

Suddenly got up suddenly, fighting with that one after another illusory shadow.

These illusory shadows were famous powerhouses during their lifetime, and each of them is very good.

Although he died in the hands of Xiao Changfeng, he still managed to stabilize Fire Spirit.

However, Fire Spirit is not convinced.

At this moment, like a hungry wolf, fighting frantically, the flames are violent, burning 10000 enemies.

Peng peng peng!

Finally, under the mad fighting of Fire Spirit, one after another illusory shadow was defeated and destroyed by him, disappeared.

At this time, the scarlet flames occupied his body.

He changed from dark to ink to scarlet as blood.

It seems to have become a blood man.

But the fire disaster did not end there.

The illusory shadow is broken, but the flame is still there.

This is a kind of transformation. The transformation from the essence requires the rebirth of the fire, and then the standing.

Tick! Tick!

A drop of spiritual liquid drips from Fire Spirit’s body, like blood, very strange.

Is Fire Spirit transformed into flesh and blood creatures?

Xiao Changfeng is puzzled, but at this time Fire Spirit continues to transform.

He was scarlet all over, and a strong, pungent, bloody smell came out, which was disgusting.

“hu hu! ”

The Fire Spirit kept roaring, and the whole person wailed in pain.

It’s like 10000 ants are eating, and it’s like cramping and peeling.

I haven’t experienced it myself, I don’t know the pain of this fire disaster.

10000 things in the world, want to transform, and easier said than done.

This painful process is extremely long.

It took only 18 days for the Fire Spirit’s fire disaster to gradually weaken.

But Xiao Changfeng did not leave, stayed here for ten or eight days, and has been paying attention to the changes of Fire Spirit.

On the tenth day.

Fire Spirit is no longer roar, like collapsed, fell to the ground.

The flame on him was no longer violent, but dimmed instead.

Like the lamp that is about to go out, the lamp runs out of oil.

Xiao Changfeng stood there without any other actions, but waited quietly.


After half a day, Fire Spirit’s flame that was about to extinguish suddenly rose.

Like adding new firewood, violent and turbulent.

A wave of Heaven and Earth divine might burst out of Fire Spirit, which is heart-wrenching.

At this time, Fire Spirit was almost transformed into a dangerous one.

He was no longer dark, but completely changed to scarlet blood.

Full of blood and Death Aura, as if it could burn all flesh and spirits into ashes.

At this moment, he is no longer a bone evil.

Instead, it turned into a corpse burn!

This is an evil god fire, specializing in burning flesh and blood, able to self-cultivation, very powerful.

Even if it is Peak, it is the God King and Venerable King, and it cannot resist.

this moment.

Bone Evil Fire survives the fire robbery and transforms successfully, just like a mortal Transcending Tribulation soaring.

A strong breath emerged from Fire Spirit. At this moment, he is also extremely strong.


Corpse Burning Flame did not choose to return to Xiao Changfeng at this moment, nor did he choose to escape.

Actually eye shows the ominous light, killing Xiao Changfeng.

He wanted to burn Xiao Changfeng to avenge his hatred!

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