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Why the Yin-Yang Upside Down Mirror breaks here and turns into ancient ruins.

This is a 1000 ancient mystery, no one can tell the truth.

But the Artifact Spirit of Yinyangyang inverted mirror still exists.

And it is related to the Legendary 9 Divine Emperor, which has attracted countless people to covet.

Only with the end of Ancient Era, the gods were also rejected by Heavenly Dao.

So that no one else can come to this world and explore found mystery.

As for the native creatures, little is known about these secrets, even if they are lucky enough to see Artifact Spirit.

I don’t know if it’s related to the Yin-Yang inverted mirror.

But this matter has long been recorded in Yin and Yang Divine Sect.

So when Spiritual Qi recovers and outside powerhouses can enter.

Yinyang Divine Sect sent Tianma and Ji Ruge into the realm.

Ma’am is powerful and can protect Ji Ruge against many threats.

Ji Ruge has Yin and Yang Divine Physique, and is suspected of descending from 9 You Divine Emperor.

She came to the ancient ruins and was approved by Artifact Spirit. She had a higher chance of taking the Yin Yang mirror upside down.

But with the recovery of Spiritual Qi, the ancient ruins also began to change, becoming dangerous lurks on every side.

Tianma Ma’s External Body Incarnation is strong, but after all it is the power below the divine realm.

Facing the demon wind of this place, Ji Ruge could not be protected, making the two separated.

But as long as they are still here, there is still a chance.

Perhaps at this time they are still looking for the location of Artifact Spirit.

Others also came with a try one’s luck mentality.

After all, this is Supreme Divine Weapon of 9 Divine Emperor, who can’t be bothered.

Even if he knew that this place was dangerous and abnormal, he wanted to break into it.

The money is moving, even more how is this Supreme Treasure.

Jiang Rou is one of them.

Knowing all this, Xiao Changfeng is also clear about the current situation in the ancient ruins.

“Have you found Artifact Spirit?”

Xiao Changfeng eyes slightly narrowed, ask again.

The key to things today is Artifact Spirit.

I saw Xiao Changfeng in the pyramid once, but I haven’t seen it for many years.

Now what is the situation of Artifact Spirit, he can’t be sure.

Jiang Rou shook the head, his straight face was pale and weak due to excessive blood loss.

“After Artifact Spirit appeared on the same day, I never saw it again. It is said to be in the center of the ancient ruins, but the time and space of this place are chaotic, just like a Naturally Formed Maze. How difficult it is to find the center.”

“For the time being, I have never heard of anyone entering the center and finding Artifact Spirit.”

Xiao Changfeng was chasing Leiyun Saint, and once entered the center.

But now the ruins of the ancient world have changed greatly, and the energy is mixed, and he can no longer find it.

But his primary purpose here is not to find Artifact Spirit, to get a mirror of Yin and Yang.

Instead, he inquired about the news, looking for Third Sister and Heavenly Venerate and the others.

So he pressed these secrets into his heart and turned to Third Sister and the others for information.


Hearing Xiao Changfeng’s question, Jiang Roudai frowned slightly and fell into thought.

“Ah, I remember!”

Jiang Rou suddenly exclaimed, thinking of a place.

“After the news that the yin and yang mirrors were reversed, many indigenous people also entered the ancient ruins, but as you said, the few people did not.”

“However, I have heard a message before that there is a ghost town in this ancient ruin, where people and ghosts coexist, which is very strange. If outsiders step in, they will be directly attacked by the Sea of ​​Consciousness, cultivation deviation.”

“And the people in that ghost town are not the people of Ancient Era, but like the indigenous people now.”

“I don’t know if the natives in that ghost town are the people you want to find, but they have certain probability.”

Jiang Rou said what he knew.

Ghost town, this is a special place.

Many of them accidentally broke into the out-of-boundary powerhouse and died tragically.

Originally, this news was passed between powerhouses outside the realm to prevent someone from intruding and losing their lives.

At this time Xiao Changfeng’s inquiry reminded her of the news.

If it is one or two people, she can not be sure, but if it is a city.

The situation in the ghost town is more in line.

Of course, whether it was Xiao Yurong and the doctor Heavenly Venerate and the others, she did not dare to pack the ticket.

And when she talked about this news, she was naturally selfish.

Hope Xiao Changfeng can go to the ghost town, bring about one’s own destruction.

this can be considered little revenge!

For Jiang Rou’s careful thinking, Xiao Changfeng taking in the entire scene, but he not at all said more.

The ghost town described by Jiang Rou is indeed very likely.

However, the inside and the ghost coexist.

Is the ghost in it the Remnant Soul such as the Master of Sorrows and the God of God?

If this is the case, it’s a little troublesome.

Some of these gods, Remnant Soul, are as strong as the gods and need to be dealt with with all their strength.

In the ghost town, there must be a lot of Remnant Soul, if it is a careless one.

I’m afraid not only can’t save Third Sister and the others, but will also take myself into it.

“No matter what, this ghost town, I have to check it out. If it was Third Sister, no matter how difficult it was, I would rescue them.”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes were firm. After making a decision, he stopped thinking about it.

Just like stepping into the lost grassland to save Li Buyi.

“Where is the ghost town?”

Xiao Changfeng asked the last question.

Since Third Sister and Doctor Heavenly Venerate are likely to be in the ghost town, then he has to go in person.

true or false, will know when you see it.

“The ghost town’s whereabouts are mysterious, there is no place to live, and no one knows where.”

Jiang Rou hook the head.

The time and space in the ancient ruins are disordered. Unlike the outside, all mountains and rivers are hardly changed.

But here, time and space are disordered by themselves, and you step out in one step, which is a new place.

If you want to go back, you can never go to where you were before.

That many powerhouses outside the border cannot find the place to find the center.

Finding a ghost town is equally difficult.

No one knows where the ghost town is located, nor in what time and space is it.

The only thing that can be determined is that it operates in the ancient ruins.

Good luck, maybe you can meet it in one step.

Bad luck, even if you are looking for 100 years, you will never see it.

This is a special place here, which cannot be changed by Jiang Rou.

Moreover, Jiang Rou had only heard of that’s all from his population, and had never seen the ghost town with his own eyes.

Therefore, it is impossible to provide more information to Xiao Changfeng.

“you can go now!”

Xiao Changfeng stretched out his hand and immediately withdrew the Ganges Xingsha, lifting Jiang Rou.

“You let me go?”

Jiang Rou’s beautiful eyes were wide, and some could not believe it.

Although she told the truth, she did not have much hope.

After all, the outrage between the powerhouse and the native creatures is too deep. If she catches an indigenous person, she will never let it go alive.

Xiao Changfeng waved his hand without saying anything.

He kept his promise, and since Jiang Rou had answered many of his questions, he would naturally not spoil the flower.

Jiang Rou is also a decisive person. Seeing Xiao Changfeng really meant to let himself go.

Suddenly fluttering his wings without hesitation, turned into a long rainbow thread, quickly disappeared.

“Ghost Town!”

Xiao Changfeng stood on the spot, murmured, his eyes flashing.


At this moment, the flame hair is mutating!

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