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“Enlightenment! He is enlightened!”

The exclamation sound was like a thunder, which suddenly exploded and spread in 8 directions.

Such a peculiar change can only be explained by the 2 words of Tao.

This martial artist is just a native aboriginal, innate talent is not strong.

And before it was only Heavenly Venerable Realm 7 heavy strength that’s all.

These strengths are not outstanding here.

Even compared with many out-of-world powerhouses and ancient Demonic beasts, it is relatively low.

However, he was favored by the lucky Goddess.

As soon as I stepped into the core place, I was directly influenced by the enlightenment of enlightenment, and suddenly stood enlightenment.

Plus the majestic Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi here.

Make him break through 2 situations.

But this is not the most shocking to everyone.

The most shocking thing is the last breakthrough Demi-God.

As everyone knows, after reaching the Venerable Realm 9th Layer, you can further explore to absorb the mysterious yellow gas.

Only by successfully refining a mysterious yellow spirit can it be called Demi-God.

And after turning all Spirit Qi into mysterious yellow gas, it will attract Heavenly Dao Divine Punishment and Transcending Tribulation.

However, this martial artist does not have the process of absorption of Xuanhuang Qi.

Actually, this is a direct breakthrough.

This… this is incredible!

The only explanation is the golden light of Taoism.

“Chong ah, I can understand the Tao, and I want to become stronger.”

“No one can stop me, maybe this time I will become a god, when the time comes who can fight me.”

“For those who are destined, I must be the one who realizes the golden lantern of Taoism. I will laugh and stand proud in the whole world after getting the golden lantern.

Stimulated by this martial artist’s enlightenment, people are even more crazy.

each and everyone scramble, the former servants rushed to the core.

For a time, the fighting in Nulongjiang became more intense.

“Fuck off!”

An angry cry came from a distance.

I saw a scarlet lightning across the sky, speed to the pinnacle.

With a devastating breath, he rushed into the Loose Practitioner group.


A white jelly covered monster qi into the sky, inspiring ten thousand zhang.

Open the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl at this moment, bite towards the scarlet lightning, and want to swallow it whole.

Although this white jiao is not 1000 meters in size, it also has 800 meters, which is the strength of Demi-God.

There were dozens of people who died in his mouth before.

However, this scarlet lightning did not flicker, so it broke forcibly.


An angry scream, sounded from scarlet lightning.

Soon everyone saw a blade glow carrying an endless scarlet thunderbolt and suddenly cut it off.

This blade is like Star River falling down for 9 days.

No one can stop it, no one can fight.

Just listen to pu chi.

The huge jellyfish flew out.

There was blood splatter on the neck.

With a puff, this white Jiao’s body fell on the Nulong River.

The blood dyed reddish the river, and a lot of lightning remained on the body.

At that time, the scarlet lightning was press forward and continued to fly over.

After slicing several people, he directly crossed the Nulong River, and then rode the dust, went straight to the depths of the core land.

“It was Chixiao Divine Thunder just now, is it Myriad Realms ranked 1th thunder breaking Demi-God?”

After Scarlet Lightning went away, some people recognized his identity.

Suddenly whispered.

Lei Po Demi-God, extraordinary natural talent, strong.

In the Myriad Realms Fengyun list, it is ranked second to Zitian Demi-God, ranking eleventh.

Master Divine Thunder, with a hot personality and extremely strong battle strength.


A piano sounded, hiding the sky and covering the earth, covering the sky.

Let all those who heard it tremble, as if the puppets were generally controlled.

I saw a jade green Changhong whistling.

This jade green Changhong cut through the sky, the speed is extremely fast, and the goal is also the core.

Ding dong dong!

The melody of the piano sounded constantly, sometimes low, sometimes high, sometimes brisk, sometimes deep.

Everyone was addicted to it, unable to extricate themselves.

Even those ancient Demonic beasts in the angry Longjiang were affected by the sound of the piano at this moment, and the killing was slowed down.

“A song “Ning Shen Jing”, why kill it!”

A gentle and gentle female voice sounded from jade green Changhong.

I saw in the jade green Changhong, it was a lithe and graceful beauty.

As picturesque as poetry, as immortals as holy.

The melodious piano sounded through Heaven and Earth, and no one shot her.

jade green Changhong crossed the Nulong River and went straight to the core.

And wait a long time after this jade green Changhong left.

All the people reacted slowly.

“”Ning Shen Jing”, was that just Biyin Goddess? I heard that Biyin Goddess was born with 7 know-how, knowing 10000 1000 temperament, and even worshipping 10000 Qu Shenjun as a teacher, the piano sound can save people, and Can kill.”

Goddess of Biyin is also extremely famous, plus the iconic piano sound just now.

Soon it was recognized.

“Biyin Goddess is ranked 8th on the Myriad Realms list, and she didn’t expect her to enter the core until now.”

The strength and ranking of Biyin Goddess is above Lei Po Demi-God.

And it’s the top ten peerless Heaven’s Chosen in Myriad Realms.

It is even better than Demi-God, which is out of the ordinary.


A pure Buddha horn sounded, just like Hong Zhong Da Lu, just and honourable.

I saw a silhouette of Buddha’s radiance, which flew from the other side.

This is a monk, but Buddhism disciple.

He was wearing a grey monk’s clothes and only had a rosary on his hand.

But he is burly, like a fierce appearance, and has the power to capture the dragon.

“The monk who is not angry has also come. It is rumored that he cultivates Buddhism, a special cultivation technique. He usually accumulates anger and greets people with a smile, but if he is angry, it is very terrifying.”

The fame of the monk who is not angry is also not small, and there is no hidden silhouette.

So soon it was recognized.


An ancient snapping turtle stretched his neck and suddenly opened his mouth, biting towards the unyielding monk.

Ancient snapping turtles are not only amazingly defensive power, but also surprisingly powerful, they can compete with dragon elephants.

Many people died in its hands before.

At the moment it was stained with blood, killing a monk who was not angry.

However, the monk who was not angry was not angry.

“Buddha says: Put down the butcher’s knives and become a Buddha!”

The unyielding monk announced the sound of the Buddha and raised the string of rosary in his hand.

Immediately clapped, as if stroking an ancient snapping turtle.

Strange to say.

This fierce and ancient ancient snapping turtle turned out to be as if it had been changed.

Instantly recall the murderous aura, but instead became very docile.

I saw no monk sit cross-legged on the back of the ancient snapping turtle, the ancient snapping turtle carried him across the Nulong River.

This scene shocked everyone.


The non-angering monk successfully entered the core, and then waved away the ancient snapping turtle, and he himself went deeper under the attention of everyone.

Not angry monk, Myriad Realms Ranked 7th, amazing strength!

Lei Po Demi-God, Bi Yin Goddess, not angry monk.

apart from this, there are other powerhouses.

Like 8 cents across the sea, each showing Magical Powers has attracted the attention of countless people.

Soon Xiao Changfeng and Li Buyi also came, also broke through the Nulong River and entered the core place.

This time.

The gathering of heroes in the core area will surely lead to a fierce battle!

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