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Taichu Gold Mine is a blessed place, vast and endless, such as the Star River and the sea.

Its interior is divided into the outer, inner and core areas.

The core territory is the smallest, but the most dangerous.

Now the gold mine in Taichu was suppressed by Heavenly Dao, and the ban was not completely lifted.

But for Xiao Changfeng and the others who are not even gods.

The core is still too dangerous.

But now the Taoist Golden Lantern was born, attracting the spirits of the entire early gold mine.

Even if it is dangerous and dangerous, even if the road ahead is difficult.

But still can’t stop that one after another greedy and crazy heart.

Everyone wants to be that 1/10000th, to compete for creativity and become stronger.

And during this period.

Many hidden dangerous lands are also manifested one after another.

Accidentally will fall into it and die inexplicably.

But this still cannot stop the crazy people.

They succumbed to the core, like moth flies into the flame.

Because the closer to the core, the more enlightened Dao lights, the stronger the enlightened Dao effect.

The so-called outer periphery and inner core are differentiated by future generations.

not at all special geographic boundaries.

People divide the outer and inner circumferences by dividing the mountain range.

A big winding river divides the inner periphery and the core.

This big river is 9 to 8 bends, shaped like an angry dragon, winding and flowing between mountains and rivers.

It flows through grasslands, through swamps, bends over mountains, and across flat ground.

This big river was named Nulong River by people!

It is rumored that Ancient Era, a powerful Divine Dragon fell here.

Its body is immortal, but under the erosion of years, it turned into a river.

Nowadays, countless ancient demonic beasts live in the river.

They absorb the power of the Nulong River and are more terrifying than other ancient Demonic beasts.

And extremely belligerent, brutal killing.

Any creature passing the Nulong River will be attacked by them crazy.

Therefore, if you want to go to the core, you must fight them.

If it is usual.

No one dares to set foot easily.

Not only because the ancient Demonic beast in the Nulong River is powerful.

It is because they are so large that they attack each other in groups.

Although Heavenly Dao is suppressing it now, many powerhouses of Shenjing have fallen asleep, unable to wake up.

But there are still a lot of Heavenly Venerable Realm strength, and even the ancient Demonic Beast strength of Demi-God.

But today.

The tranquility of Nu Longjiang is destined to be broken.

“Cushing, rushing into the core, looking for the golden lamp of Taoism, this Innate Supreme Treasure, it’s none other than me!”

“Nu Longjiang can’t stop our pace. The opportunity of 10000 years is here, and it must not be missed.”

“To fish in troubled water, maybe I can get an unexpected creation.”

Hong long long !

Dark shadows like waves, rumbling, like a locust crossing, rushing towards the core.

Someone has his own strength and wants to break into the core.

Someone wants to fish in troubled water, to be mixed in the crowd.

There are a lot of people at this time, and they all want to fight hard.

Oh la la !

Water splash 4 splashed, a huge silhouette suddenly rushed out of the Nulong River.

I saw this is a huge white Jiao.

Flood Dragon is 1000 meters in size, with a sturdy body and scales.

There is a single horn above the top of the head, and there are two claws on the abdomen.

The whole body of monster qi soared into the sky, even with a killer madness.

“Flood Dragon!”

Someone exclaimed, but it was too late to resist, and the white Jiao opened the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, directly biting the Battle Armor and swallowing it into the abdomen.

Oh la la ! Oh la la !

Splashes continued, and Nu Longjiang seemed to boil.

I saw a series of white Jiao rushed out, some 800 meters in size, some 500 meters in size, varying in strength.

But the number is a dozen.

Each one is like a cold killing machine, struggling to massacre.

“Ahhh !”

The mournful scream sounded on the Nulong River.

I saw that each and everyone was killed by the white Jiao, some were swallowed and alive, and some were torn into pieces.

Stumps, broken arms, blood, screams.

This turned into a scene of Asura hell.

However, these dangers did not deter everyone.

Still some people rushed in.

Some people rely on strength, while others rely on luck.

They all crossed the Nulong River and reached the core.

But such people are a minority after all.

Because the ancient Demonic beast in Nulongjiang is too much.


With a roar, I saw an ancient snapping turtle that was the size of a small hill crawling out, spit out his mouth, and suddenly black liquid was like a tide.

Directly corrodes the realm, bombards several ancient Demonic beasts inside and turns into pus.

“pa ta !”

A strange fish covered with steel scales jumped up.

The bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl is full of teeth, even the Divine Item can bite through.

An outside powerhouse was directly killed and dragged into Jiangzhong.

The ancient Demonic beast not recognizing one’s family in Nulongjiang, even if it is also the ancient Demonic beast in the Taichu gold mine.

They are also crazy to attack, irreconcilable.

In addition, Nu Longjiang has 9 bends, 8 bends, and every river area has a family of ancient Demonic beasts.

It is almost impossible to want to find the weak spot to cross the river.

But in order to enlighten the light of the Dao, everyone is also a successor, regardless of whether or not, desperately broke into.

For a while, it became Asura Hell.

Death continues.

And everyone is bathed in golden lights of enlightenment, making this scene look sacred and evil, very weird.


A local martial artist greatly showing divine might, with a sword in his hand, he chopped towards a strange fish.

Although the spark 4 splashed, it failed to kill this strange fish.

But in the tussle of the crowd, he also passed by desperately.

Successfully broke out of the Nulong River and reached the opposite side of the river.

This is the core place, Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi is more intense.

But for him, it has little effect.

Because he is already a Heavenly Venerable Realm 7 heavy realm, wanting to break through, Spirit Qi alone is not enough.


The golden light of enlightenment hiding the sky and covering the earth covers everything.

However, the enlightenment lights in the core place are more intense.

Suddenly, the martial artist froze and stood still.

All around is crazy fighting, there are battlefields everywhere.

However, he seemed to stay out of the ordinary, unaffected by anything.

Rolling Spirit Qi comes from 8 sides, quickly immersed in his within the body.

This change at first did not attract the attention of others.

However, the speed of Spiritual Qi’s circulation is getting faster and faster, and the movement is getting bigger and bigger, gradually attracting everyone’s attention.


I saw a strong breath burst out of the martial artist.


Seeing this scene, all around stunned and shocked.

At this point the martial artist has successfully broken through to Heavenly Venerable Realm 8.

However, this is not the end.

Spiritual Qi is circulating more and more.

A stronger atmosphere burst from the martial artist’s within the body.

Heaven Venerable Realm 9th Layer!

In just a short moment, this martial artist even broke through 2 realms and reached the Venerable Realm 9th Layer.

This… this is incredible!


At this moment, a more powerful breath rose from the top of the head into the sky.

“Demi-God !”

Feeling this powerful breath, everyone is discolored.

No one didn’t expect, this martial artist, not only broke through 2 realms.

And in the absence of Xuanhuang Qi.

Actually, the direct breakthrough reached Demi-God.

In an instant, everyone’s eyes were red!

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