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Xiao Changfeng is self-confident, but not conceited.

Through various sources, he has learned that 5 Deity Clan has joined forces.

Faced with 6 Saint Boundary powerhouses and a dozen Paragon powerhouses.

Xiao Changfeng did not dare to be careless.

After all, he didn’t know whether there was a powerhouse that mastered the 1000-word verse.

And these extraterrestrial beings, whether it is strength or means.

They are not comparable to the martial artists in Xuanhuang Great World.

Therefore, Xiao Changfeng does not plan to directly meet force with force.

But he also has his own way.

That is to take the initiative!

He has already learned that at this time, the powerhouse of 5 Deity Clan is searching for himself outside.

In this case, their own city is somewhat empty.

Xiao Changfeng’s plan is to take this opportunity to break the city.

I’m afraid no one would have thought that Xiao Changfeng would be so bold!

After all, most people encounter this situation.

The first thing I thought about was how to escape.

There are a lot of Native Persons in Lightning City.

There are 130,000, which is more than Golden Cicada.

130,000 natives, appearing a come, naturally they will not be noticeable.

even more how Xiao Changfeng’s Transformation Technique is vivid.

Not to mention these natives, even ordinary trialist can’t see through.

So Xiao Changfeng is not worried at all.

At this time he was walking on the streets of Lightning City.

“At present, there is only City Lord and Saint Boundary in the city, and it’s only a weak Saint. It’s not a concern!”

Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness dispersed, exploring the situation in the city.

Chidian Saint and other trialists of the Lightning Divine Race have already left.

At this time, only a group of indigenous people remained in Lightning City.

The strongest among them is the Lightning City Lord.

But this kind of Saint Boundary powerhouse is the same as the Golden Cicada City Lord, not even the Saint of the Xuanhuang Great World.

Therefore Xiao Changfeng calls it weak Saint.

Except Lightning City Lord.

The rest of the indigenous people don’t have to worry about it.

Xiao Changfeng would not enter the city if it hadn’t taken into account the feng shui grand formation.

Soon, Xiao Changfeng came to City Lord Mansion.

“Stop, whoever allows you to come here, quickly get away, otherwise execute without any mercy!”

At the door of City Lord Mansion, there are 2 Sovereign Martial natives guarding the door.

When they saw Xiao Changfeng approaching, they immediately held lance in their hands.

City Lord Mansion is the most important place in Lightning City.

It is by no means accessible to ordinary people.

However, Xiao Changfeng turned a deaf ear and continued to move forward.

“courting death !”

Seeing this scene, the native gatekeeper suddenly became furious.

Spiritual Qi is poured into lance, making lance emit strong cold light.

Lance pierced, pierced the air, and made a humming sky-splitting sound.

2 Handle lance comes from 2 left and right sides.

It seems that he intends to pierce Xiao Changfeng through the heart.

But how powerful Xiao Changfeng is.

This is the Paragon realm, and it is killing like a chicken.

At this time he did not resist, let lance stabbed.

Ka-cha !

The sound of cracking quickly sounded.

However, it is not Xiao Changfeng, but the 2 handle lance.

I saw 2 handle lance inch cracked.

Xiao Changfeng was unharmed.

“How can this be?”

The two natives almost glared at their eyes, looking at the half-lance held in their hands in disbelief.


Before they could react from the shock, an invisible force was surging.

Suddenly two people were hit hard, as if hit by a heavy hammer fiercely.

Blood squirted continuously from the mouth, and the two flew into the air.

With a bang, the door of City Lord Mansion was broken.

Xiao Changfeng stepped forward and walked towards Inside the City Lord Mansion.


Almost at the moment when the gate of the City Lord Mansion was broken, the natives inside reacted.

In an instant one after another silhouette came from all directions.

All kinds of breath came one after another.

Soon, more than 20 indigenous people appeared in front of Xiao Changfeng.


These natives did not question, just killed.

They are both realm in Sovereign Martial or Emperor Martial.

However, the cultivation technique and martial skill of cultivation are relatively inferior, and most of the weapons in hand are just Emperor Treasure that’s all.

Xiao Changfeng looks as usual, but does not mean as a sword.


Five Elements Sword blazed from the fingertips.

Xiao Changfeng struck the sky, and suddenly Five Elements Sword drew a beautiful arc in midair.

Pu chi!

How sharp is Five Elements Sword, and what can these indigenous people resist.

Suddenly, these 20 indigenous people were all killed by Five Elements Sword.

The wound was neat and smooth, and everyone fell down.

The screams were endless, and the pungent bloody smell filled the air.

“Bold thief, dare to come to City Lord Mansion to commit murder!”

A roar came from the depths of City Lord Mansion.

Soon 4 silhouettes teleported.

The pressure of hiding the sky and covering the earth is even stronger.

Heran is a native of 4 Paragon.

“Intermediate level martial skill: Start tomorrow and slap hands!”

One of them quickly approached Xiao Changfeng and shot directly.

The field expands and Spirit Qi gathers.

With a palm shot, baleful qi is strong and full-bodied.

Passing along the way, the roofs of several houses were directly corroded to gray.

This palm is aggressive and formidable power is powerful.

Even a small hill can be easily broken.

However, Xiao Changfeng just extended a finger.


Five Elements True Yuan condensed at the fingertips and immediately blasted out.

pu’ sound.

Qiming tomorrow’s shame is to be directly destroyed by 5 colors of light.

Then continue to fly out.

“Not good !”

The shooter complexion greatly changed, quickly took out the treasure of defense, and operated Spiritual Qi, using the strongest means.

But all this under the 5-color rays of light, but to no avail.

I saw that the treasure of defense was broken like paper.

And his strongest means, in front of these five-color rays of light, also collapsed instantly.

The last 5 colors of light penetrated his eyebrows and directly killed him.

“Old 3!”

A shrill cry rang out.

The remaining three Paragon powerhouses are now sad.

“Revenge for Old 3!”

One of them has a hot personality, and the roar is to kill Xiao Changfeng.

He propped up the field, took out the half holy artifact, and exhibited the strongest killing move.

However, Xiao Changfeng just punched.

The formidable power of Five Elements Shenquan directly blows the field.

At the same time, the native of Paragon was also hit in the sky.

Although these indigenous people take spiritual medicine Spirit Fruit, realm is higher.

But the fighting method is too weak.

In front of Xiao Changfeng, the weak are like chicken cubs.

Pu chi!

Five Elements Sword roared out in anger, pierced the sky, and cut the third Paragon native into two halves.


With a punch, the power of terror burst the head of the fourth native of Paragon.

So far, all 4 Paragon natives have fallen.

At this time, a Saint prestige, like a volcanic eruption, surged from the depths of City Lord Mansion.

“Thief, how dare you come to my City Lord Mansion to kill people, and I want to unload you 8 pieces!”

There was a roar of anger.

Immediately a silhouette of flashing electric light came towards Xiao Changfeng.

This is not the person of Lightning Divine Race, but the City Lord of Lightning City.

Seeing the main leader appear, Xiao Changfeng eyes light flashed.

Suddenly rose into the sky, killing the Lightning City Lord.

“Today, I will destroy this city!”

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