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Xiao Changfeng also heard the news.

But he learned from Di Yuan’s mouth.

After Yingzuiya and Xunyin were separated.

Xiao Changfeng is the summon of Di Yuan.

He has understood Lin Ruoyu’s news and is going to the 9th domain.

Naturally it is not good to take Di Yuan again.

“Master, I heard that in the 5th domain, Lightning Divine Race and Golden wings Divine Race have teamed up and are waiting for you to come to your door. You can’t go 10000000!”

Di Yuan said anxiously to Xiao Changfeng.

These days he has gone south and north, and his knowledge and courage have also grown.

But he is very clear that all of his own is tied to Xiao Changfeng.

So when he heard the news, he reported it as soon as possible.

“Ziyueji, Yinhu!”

Xiao Changfeng brows slightly wrinkle, the first time I thought of Ziyueji and Yinhu.

After all, among those who fled at that time, two of them headed.

Of course, there are others.

But this matter did cause him some trouble.

But it’s just trouble that’s all!

“I have my own concerns about this matter. I have called you today to tell you something else!”

Xiao Changfeng put the matter down for a while and put it right.

“I want to leave here and go to the ninth domain, where there is a dangerous anomaly, you can’t follow me anymore.”


Di Yuan’s head buzzed a little, and this result made him unacceptable for a while.

But he also knew he couldn’t refuse.

It is impossible to change Xiao Changfeng’s thinking.

“But I have something you need to do!”

Xiao Changfeng spoke again and gave Di Yuan some hope.

“Master, please tell me, no matter if it is 1000 or 10000 dangers, the villain will go all out and will never let down the master’s high expectations.”

Di Yuan knelt down to the ground respectfully, his voice clanging and his tone sincere.

“A month ago, a white clothed woman appeared. The woman started from the third domain and went straight to the ninth domain. That is the person I was looking for.”

“Your task is very simple. Starting from the third field, look for the woman’s traces, and record any abnormalities.”

Xiao Changfeng waved his hand.

Suddenly a jade slip fell into Di Yuan’s hands.

Inside the jade slip is a simple map with the location of the 5-color altar.

Lin Ruoyu came to this world, and with the power of Sovereign Martial realm, he rushed to the ninth domain strangely.

There must be something unusual here.

He didn’t have time to find it slowly, he could only hand this task to Di Yuan.

“You do things for me, I will not treat you wrong, this is a low grade holy weapon, after the task is completed, I will have other rewards!”

“But if you don’t do it with all your heart, or playing the yú to make up the numbers, then I can give you anything and get it all back.”

It is the way to control one’s strength that is combined with envy.

For Di Yuan, who has ambitions, Xiao Changfeng will naturally put the ugly words first.


A long knife exuding light blue holy light fell in front of Di Yuan.

This is one of his harvests of spoils of war.

Although it is only a low grade holy weapon.

But for Di Yuan, it is Supreme Treasure.

Di Yuan’s eyes were straight now.

Although there are some broken weapons in this Myriad Realms mountain you can pick up.

But most of those weapons took too long, Spirit Qi was missing, and formidable power was insufficient.

For Di Yuan, a holy weapon is tantamount to priceless treasure.

“Please rest assured, the villain will smear the liver and brain and try his best to complete!”

Di Yuan took the Holy Sword and felt the surging power within it.

Suddenly fell to the ground and solemnly promised with the most respectful etiquette.

“Go, as for other things, you don’t have to worry!”

Xiao Changfeng waved his hand and let Di Yuan leave.

Although Di Yuan is worried about the safety of Xiao Changfeng.

But he did not dare to violate Xiao Changfeng’s order.

Suddenly took the saber and jade slip away.

Withdrawing his gaze, Xiao Changfeng turned and walked towards the fifth domain.

As for Di Yuan.

He did not put all his hopes on it.

It’s just a free move.

It is best to have gains, and if there is no gain, there is not much loss.

At this point he needs to face.

Is the upcoming chase in the 5th domain!

“Lightning Divine Race, Golden wings Divine Race, Silver Divine Race, Amethyst Divine Race, is currently the Four Great Divine Clans, as for the Golden Cicada Divine Race, or other Divine Race, but do not have to care too much.”

Xiao Changfeng rose into the air and flew towards the fifth domain.

And the news he said before passing Di Yuan also determined several goals.

“I didn’t want to kill people, but since you want to kill me, I won’t be softhearted.”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes were indifferent.

If he wants to find Lin Ruoyu, he must go to the ninth domain.

To go to the 9th domain, you have to go through the 5th domain.

Obviously, this battle cannot be avoided.

Xiao Changfeng believes in if others didn’t offend me i will not offend others.

Since this battle is unavoidable, Xiao Changfeng has only cold killing intent in his heart.

It’s just that he didn’t want to sit still and he didn’t want to get caught in the net.

So he decided to use another method.


Xiao Changfeng turned into a long rainbow thread, cut through the sky, and headed towards the fifth field.


Somewhere in the 4th domain.

Someone is also looking for Xiao Changfeng.

“Hey, my old arms and legs are really hard!”

Xun concealed the sweat on his forehead and complained to himself.

He is looking for Xiao Changfeng.

Because he also got the news in the fifth domain.

How many Deity Clan team up to deal with Xiao Changfeng?

This is too dangerous. Brother Xiao is a good person. I must discourage him.

Xun Yin had used Xiaode jade token to send a message to Xiao Changfeng, but he still felt insecure.

It is a pity that the jade token is used once every 3 months.

No way, he had to look in the direction of Xiao Changfeng’s departure.

“Brother Xiao is kind to me, and he is also generous. The most important thing is that we used to live and die together and feel sad. This time I must not watch him jump into Fire Pit!”

Xun Yin mumbled to himself.

He is only one person who knows that Xiao Changfeng is here for this purpose.

So he also knows that Xiao Changfeng must go to the 9th domain.

But now is not a good time, must avoid the wind.

After all, several Deity Clan teamed up this time.

The lineup is too strong, and it is not something that ordinary people can resist.

“Lightning Divine Race, Golden wings Divine Race, Silver Divine Race, Amethyst Divine Race, and Golden Cicada Divine Race, 5 Deity Clan teamed up, there are 6 7 in Saint Saint, there are more than a dozen in Paragon, Brother Xiao But 10000000 don’t do anything stupid!”

At the thought of hearing the news I heard, Xun Yin was unable to bear liver pain.

He speaks righteousness and friendship.

Even more how Xiao Changfeng is his patron.

He didn’t want to lose this patron with his eyes open.

So he hopes to persuade Xiao Changfeng in time.

However, the fourth domain is too large, he did not find it for several days.

And Xiao Changfeng at this time.

But it has entered the fifth domain.

In the Lightning City, a native is walking through the gate.

This person is Xiao Changfeng.

It’s just that he used Transformation Technique to make him look like other natives.

He came to Lightning City for one purpose:

Take the initiative!

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