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Xue Tong Saint’s eyes opened, and his pupils turned into blood.

Suddenly Xiao Changfeng was dragged into a illusion of blood falling.

The decadent Saint is hidden again, holding the farewell Saint Silk and slashing towards the heart of Xiao Changfeng.

Xi Jian Saint Sword cut out, the remnants of the setting sun reappear, the remnant sun is like blood!

Ji Bing Saint’s figure soared, turning into a size of 20 meters, his fists were like a mountain, and he shot out.

The Winter Rabid Dog opened his mouth and spit, the wolf tooth hammer blessed by the Winter Dance Forest 5 times fell, and the blade of the Winter knife reappeared…

in an instant.

7 big powerhouses all shot together.

The weakest among them is the Paragon 9th layer.

Four Saints joined forces.

The power of the 7 powerhouses is like the black clouds and thunders hiding the sky and covering the earth, and like the banks of the Milky Way being broken in 9 days, Heaven and Earth are tilted, the sun and the moon are dark, and the entire battle stage seems to be trembling slightly .

Illusion, Saint Silk, Setting Sun, Ice Fist, Black Flame, Spike Hammer, Blade…

The 7 powers are all different, but their tricks are fatal.

With unrivaled strength, they all attacked Xiao Changfeng.

This scene.

Let all around the people watching the battle turn pale with fright, and it is absolutely shocking.

“This is too strong, I’m afraid Dan Zu can’t stop it!”

Cold Heavenly Venerate brows tightly knit, some worry about Xiao Changfeng.

In any case, Xiao Changfeng is still Paragon that’s all.

In the face of such a terrifying combined blow, it is very difficult to resist.

And once the weak spot is exposed, you will definitely be caught. When the time comes, you can only lose.

Even if it is a miss, Dan Zu is in danger of falling.

Cold Heavenly Venerate is not afraid of Xiao Changfeng’s fall.

Because he knows that there is a snake Heavenly Venerate in Time and Space Sand.

If Xiao Changfeng has a mortal danger, the snake Heavenly Venerate will definitely take action.

But once the snake Heavenly Venerate is shot, Xuetong Saint and others may not be able to resist and will be killed instantly.

Therefore, Cold Heavenly Venerate is in a state of anxiety and concentration.

Winter Heavenly Venerate on the side also stared closely at Xiao Changfeng.

She is not worried about Xiao Changfeng’s life safety.

She only cares about whether she can force the Five Elements fairy wheel.

Only that is what she values ​​most.

At this moment.

Xiao Changfeng, who was attacked jointly by the 7 powerhouses, flashed a dignified look in his eyes.

But soon it was replaced by a strong fighting intent.

The fighting intent is like a boiling sea, surging, as if it is this world, it can be a battle.

“Let you see my new Innate Divine Ability!”

Xiao Changfeng grinned, and the Five Elements True Yuan within the body started to operate.


The blood that is like the Yangtze River rushes in him within the body, the internal organs makes a thunderous sound, one after another rays of light blooms out of the jade bone, the huge True Yuan is turned into 5 colors of light. Condensed on Xiao Changfeng’s hands.

At this moment, Xiao Changfeng’s hands are bursting with 5 colors of light, as if holding 2 rounds of colored sun.

“Magical Powers: Great earthquake!”

Xiao Changfeng loudly shouts.

Suddenly clenched his fists with both hands and slammed it to the 2 side.

This fist did not hit everyone.

Instead, it hit in midair.

Ka-cha !

The space is shattered like a mirror, and the crack is centered on 2 fists.

Quickly spread to all around.

at the same time.

An unprecedented shock rushed towards all directions.

Like an earthquake struck.

It’s just that the earthquake did not appear on the ground under your feet, but in the air.

The nearest to Xiao Changfeng is Saint, who is preparing for a sneak attack.

The parting sacred silk in his hand hadn’t fallen yet, but was hit by this shock.

Farewell Saint Silk suddenly twisted, and his whole person was as if was struck by lightning.

His eyes widened and raised, and he flew backwards suddenly, blood spurting out of his mouth continuously.

Blood sprinkles the sky.

He wants to use teleport or Power of Time to avoid it.

However, it was too late, and the internal organs were all disturbed by this shocking force.

The flesh and blood and skeleton all over his body seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer continuously, crackling.

With one blow, the shadow Saint was seriously injured.

And after Decaying Saint, it was the ice fist of Jibing Saint.

The ice fist fell like two huge icebergs.

As if to smash Xiao Changfeng into meatloaf.

However, when the force of the shock hit, the ice fist was quickly covered with cracks.

Then it exploded and the ice slag 4 splashed.

Not only that, the thick ice wrapped on the body of Saint Ice was shattered.

Extreme Ice Saint also flew out with serious injuries.

The power of vibration continues.

Hell’s black poison flame was instantly extinguished, and the mace was directly shattered into a piece of land.

The field of Dong Xiaodao’s blade is directly broken.

The saber in the hand is also broken into two pieces by ka-cha.

3 people are simply hit by the aftermath of the shaking force.

Suddenly spit blood flying upside down, fell directly outside the battle stage.

Not only that.

The evening sun of Xijian Saint fell like blood.

The collision with the force of vibration is also abruptly twisted and then gradually fragmented.

Xijian Saint retreats 100 meters back, and his eyes are horrified.

One blow to defeat everyone!

When the power of vibration gradually dissipated, the crowd stopped.

Looking at the battle stage above with horror.

“Fuck, what did I see just now? Dan Zu turned out to be a victory. Not only did he block 7 people, but he also flew 3 people from the winter mad dog directly except the battle stage, which is incredible!”

“Is that the magical powers technique just now? But what kind of magical powers is this? Formidable power is so strong, it seems to be more powerful than the mid-level martial skill.”

“Terrifying, too terrifying. Although this Danzu is only a realm in Paragon, his real battle strength is stronger than the powerhouse of Saint Boundary 5 6th-layer.”

Battle stage all around, after a short silence, there was a tumult.

The 7 major powerhouse shots with all their strength, they thought Xiao Changfeng was going to lose.

didn’t expect turned out to be this way.

Qilin Profound Heaven Scroll’s awakened Innate Divine Ability, plus the surging

Five Elements True Yuan, the strength of its formable power, is desperate.

“The big earthquake belongs to the group of Magical Powers, so in this way, it can be considered as the last short board!”

Xiao Changfeng is also very satisfied with the formidable power of the major earthquake.

In addition to One Qi Becomes Three Purities, he now has 5 Innate Divine Ability.

Attack, defense, injury, recovery, mass injuries are all available.

And different from before.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng was cast into Five Elements immortal physique, and the use of Magical Powers and cultivation techniques was no longer restricted.

That is!

As long as he wants, it can be exhibited together with 5 major Innate Divine Ability, even Life Source Divine Ability.

As a result, Xiao Changfeng’s battle strength will have a qualitative leap.

Just now he just tried the big earthquake, and there was such a surprise.

This made him feel very itchy and want to try the formidable power of Five Elements fairy wheel.

This is the true face of Great Five Elements Immortal Art, and its formable power is definitely stronger than Innate Divine Ability.

However, he also worried that once he cast the Five Elements fairy wheel, he would be unable to control it, causing death and injury.

After all, he and the Dong tribe are not deadly enemies, and this battle is also based on learning challenges.

Think about it.

He was looking at the remaining 5 people on the battle stage and solemnly said:

“You come up with the strongest life-saving means. Next this move, I’m afraid I will kill you!”

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