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The silhouette of Xiao Changfeng is like a white Changhong.

Into the field of 5 colors and 6 colors.

The Sword Domain of seventy meters stretches out, with a scary sword intent that can tear the sky and cut off the sky.


The first to collide with Xiao Changfeng was Saint Ice.

At this time Sword Domain collided with the permafrost field, making the sound of Hong Zhong Da Lu.

However, although the field of frozen soil is large, it is not as powerful as Sword Domain.

It was cut directly into it by Sword Domain.

Although it is a bit difficult, it is like cutting ice with a knife, but after all, it is cut into it.

The Xiao Changfeng’s figure quickly approached Saint Ice.

“Advanced martial skill of the territories: The sky and earth fist!”

Jibing Saint’s eyes rose with anger, his hands crossed, and a fist was clenched.

Then carrying the power of destroying heaven extinguishing earth, he hit the Xiao Changfeng.

At this time, the extreme ice Saint turned into an ice giant of ten meters in size.

In addition, she is a Body Refinement, the formidable power of this fist is enough to collapse a mountain.

“You take me a punch too!”

Seeing Ji Bing Saint’s shot, Xiao Changfeng was not surprised.

His right hand clenched his fist, and the surging True Yuan poured into his fist.

I saw a faint light of five colors on his fist.

An appalling depression appeared.

After waiting for Ji Bing Saint to react, Xiao Changfeng punched it.


Vibration in the void, this fist lingers against the trend, just like the Flood Dragon, shattering the sky.

Soon the fist of Xiao Changfeng collided with the ice fist of Jibing Saint.

Xiao Changfeng’s fist is small and looks very unremarkable.

But this time Xiao Changfeng used True Yuan, its power has more than doubled.

Ka-cha !

I saw that the huge ice fist burst instantaneously and burst open.

Even the huge body of the ice giant can’t bear this fist.

The whole person flew out, hitting the edge of the battle stage and almost fell.

“How could his strength be so strong?”

Ji Bing Saint was horrified and could not believe that someone actually had such a powerful force in Paragon.

But her fist failed.

But it gave others time.

“The low-level martial skill of the celestial order: the setting sun goes down!”

Xi Jian Saint shot.

The sword in his hand seemed to blend in with him.

I saw a remnant of the setting sun appear all around him.

Not only that, but there is also a stale old, Power of Time with little life emerged.

Obviously, this sword Saint Xi was shot with all his strength.


Xi Jian Saint cut out with a sword.

Suddenly the remnant of the sunset was slashing towards Xiao Changfeng.

Passing along the way, the space was cut directly, revealing the black Space Crack.

Others did not dare to stand in front of the remnants of the sunset at this moment.

Fear of being injured by the spread.

“Perfection Realm!”

Xiao Changfeng eyes slightly narrowed, the fighting intent was surging like raging waves.

He didn’t expect to see a Sword Art Perfection person here.

But at this time, although he was unable to use Flying Sword, he was not afraid.

“Superior Taoism: Heaven Overturning Seal!”

With both hands, Five Elements True Yuan works.

Suddenly above the heads of everyone, condense a large seal illusory shadow.

This big seal is lifelike and more solid than ever.

And there seems to be Power of Five Elements blessing on it, formidable power is more terrifying.

Da Yin fell and collided with the afterimage of the setting sun.


The terrifying explosion appeared, the sunset shattered, and the big seal was unreal.

In the end, they disappeared and disappeared in between Heaven and Earth.

Xi Jian Saint is very strong, if it was Xiao Changfeng before, it would certainly not be able to easily stop it.

But now his True Yuan within the body is Five Elements True Yuan.

Coupled with his understanding of Taoism, it is far beyond Saint Sword.

Therefore, this move Heaven Overturning Seal, blocked the sword of Xi Jian Saint’s full strength.

“Hell Black Poison Flame!”

Xiao Changfeng also had time to turn around in the future.

Suddenly a black flame column whistled and immediately hit Xiao Changfeng’s back.

This is the attack of the winter rabies.

Three Headed Hound has poison and fire.

Its poison corrodes the fleshy body, and its fire burns the soul.

In an instant Xiao Changfeng was wrapped in hell black poison flame.

“It’s now, the advanced martial skill of the ground level: the wind splitting hammer method!”

Winter Dance Forest seized the opportunity and jumped up.

The spike hammer in her hand is ten meters in size and is blessed by 3x strength.

As if holding a mountain in his hand.


Spiritual Qi poured into the spike hammer, and then Dong Wulin’s slender arm grabbed the handle of the hammer and slammed it down.

The air was blown by a hammer, just like the collapse of Buzhou Mountain, and it was a loss of life.

This hammer is unmatched!

“Blue Heavenly Dragon Claw!”

A palm with five fingers bent, like a dragon claw, suddenly protruded from the black poisonous flames of hell.

Then he held the Mace.

Even though the Mace was so violent, he couldn’t press it down and was firmly grasped by that claw.

“Magical Powers: tiger’s roar dragon’s cry!”

In the dark flames of hell, the silhouette of Xiao Changfeng emerged.

He opened his mouth suddenly, and bright radiance in his throat lit up.

Then there was an angry roar!


The terrifying sound waves exploded, directly exploding the hell black poison flame into all split up and in pieces.

The Spike Hammer couldn’t resist it, and was blown out.

Not only that, the sound that shattered the soul penetrated both ears and pierced the ears of Winter Dance Forest and Winter Wild Dog.

The two people turned pale, their ears bleed, and their expression was sluggish.

“A knife!”

The Winter Dance Forest and Winter Wild Dog have just been resolved, and a dazzling blade glow straddling 100 meters, suddenly cut.

This blade glow is extremely condensed, as if the Milky Way fell straight down 9 days, Heaven and Earth seemed to be cut by this blade.

The surging air was directly split into two halves. Before the blade glow arrived, the sword intent had already hidden the sky and covered the earth.

Dong Xiaodao shot.

And Xiao Changfeng responded with only one punch!


A loud noise.

The dazzling blade glow was directly smashed, and Dong Xiaodao staggered and backed quickly, bleeding from his mouth.

“It’s too strong, with an opponent of 8, it still won’t let you down!”

Above the battle stage, the battle was fierce and violent.

Under the battle stage, everyone’s eyes widened and their faces were shocked.

They thought that the Eight Great Powerhouses would be able to defeat Xiao Changfeng easily.

However, Xiao Changfeng made a strong shot at this time, but instead gained the upper hand.

Is this still a martial artist in Paragon?

How do I feel that its strength is stronger than the powerhouse of Saint Boundary 5 6th-layer.

It’s incredible!

“Healing Light!”

At this moment, Dong Tingting, who had not taken a shot, finally shot.

She folded her hands, and 7 rays of light flew out of her hands and landed on the body of Xuetong Saint and the others.

The injuries of 7 people are recovering at a speed visible to naked eye.

Dong Tingting is not a fighting martial artist, she possesses a rare martial spirit of light, and he is also a healing type.

Soon, the injuries of 7 people gradually recovered.

“Don’t keep your hands, let’s go together, otherwise the face of our Winter clan will really be lost!”

After recovering from the injury, 7 people also showed grave expression.

Through the previous fight, they have already understood Xiao Changfeng’s strength.

At this time, he did not want to test any more, and must work together to defeat Xiao Changfeng.


The battle escalated in an instant, and Xiao Changfeng was in the center of the storm.

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