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Crown Prince is very strong, very strong!

He ascend and become a Saint, already a powerhouse of Saint Boundary.

Master Power of Time: Reverse!

Owns Aurora Divine Physique, aurora field.

Its field strength is only weaker than that of Xiao Changfeng’s Sword Domain.

You know that Xiao Changfeng is Immortal Cultivator, and his Sword Domain is not to borrow space.

This shows the strength of the aurora field.

And apart from this, he also has associated weapons.

Tianmang glare gun with extreme penetrating power.

It is more powerful than the top grade holy weapon and can pierce 10000 objects.

It can be repaired indefinitely.

Such Crown Prince, even before several decades ago.

It is undoubtedly a powerful existence.

But Xiao Changfeng is stronger than him.

Because Xiao Changfeng is not a martial artist, but an Immortal Cultivator.

It is the reincarnation of Immortal Emperor, with countless advantages.

Even if realm is not enough, True Yuan’s majesty is enough to make up for the realm gap.

Although Void Flying Sword is temporarily unable to perform Immortal Sword Technique.

But Xiao Changfeng and Divine Physique!

Crown Prince is simply the Aurora Divine Physique that’s all with Great Accomplishment.

Xiao Changfeng has Divine Physique with 4 Great Accomplishment.

White Tiger kills, fighting intent is the strongest.

Under continuous attack.

Even Crown Prince couldn’t resist it.

In the end, the strongest punch interrupted the Tianmang glare gun and hit the ground.

“This this……”

Including Emperor Xuan, all eyes widened, and I couldn’t believe what I saw.

His Highness the Crown Prince, was defeated?

If you say that before.

It can also be said that it was caused by a sneak attack of thunderbolt Divine Consciousness.

But this time, it was indeed defeated by Xiao Changfeng’s fist.

This is enough to prove the strength of Xiao Changfeng.

“It seems that I still underestimated this Danzu!”

Emperor Xuan took a deep look at Xiao Changfeng.

Originally, like everyone else, he thought the battle could end soon.

But didn’t expect the result will be like this.

Xiao Changfeng’s strength exceeded his expectations.

But although he was surprised at this time, he was not worried.

“Danzu is really strong. Isn’t his body made of immortal divine gold? He can even interrupt the Tianmang glare gun!”

“It’s too strong. Although it is only in Paragon, he can beat Crown Prince so badly. It seems that he really has the ability to cross the border to kill the Holy!”

“Crown Prince is defeated. Is this the end of this battle?”

The audience was shocked by this result.

All kinds of arguments are coming and going.

Some people looked at Xiao Changfeng, others looked at His Highness the Crown Prince with concern.

I saw the location of His Highness the Crown Prince.

The houses within 1000 meters have collapsed, and the earth was smashed into a huge pit.

The crack spreads towards all directions like a spider web.

Many of the 100 surnames suffered directly, with heavy casualties.

And in the middle of the big pit.

Crown Prince 4 lies there with 8 forks.

There was a sunken fist mark on his chest.

The blood dyed spewed out of the mouth above the robe, very dazzling.

At this moment his breath was weak, look pale like paper.

His eyes stared blankly at the sky, and he seemed to have difficulty accepting his defeat.

“I won’t lose!”

After a moment, his eyes rolled up.

He struggled to get up from the big pit.

Then the legs were bent, and a sudden kick, the whole person turned into a gorgeous Aurora Changhong.

Re-fly into the sky.

But he did not kill Xiao Changfeng.

Instead, he continued to fly upward, the speed became faster and faster.

In a blink of an eye, it surpassed Xiao Changfeng and continued to move upward.

This move attracted everyone’s attention.

But they did not understand why His Highness the Crown Prince should do this.

Only Emperor Xuan Emperor complexion slightly changed, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“The ultimate winner is still Crown Prince. As for Danzu, he will always sink into the darkness of fear!”

Emperor Xuan murmured to himself.

And this remark can’t be understood by outsiders.

Only the four Saints on his side understood.

At this time, the four Saints looked up at His Highness the Crown Prince, who continued to fly upward, and there was also a look of fear in his eyes.

As if what happened next is terrifying.


Xiao Changfeng is also brows slightly wrinkle, and some cannot understand Crown Prince’s ideas.

But he didn’t care.

At this moment, he rose into the sky and killed Crown Prince.

However, the speed of Crown Prince is so amazing that in the blink of an eye, it flew to ten thousand thousand meters.

At this distance, many people looked up from the ground, only to see a fuzzy little black spot.

“Xiao Changfeng, you are very lucky and unfortunate. My Martial Spirit has rarely been exposed to outsiders since it has evolved. Today, I will display Martial Spirit for you. You should be honored!”

Crown Prince grinned, showing a strange smile.

His words surprised Xiao Changfeng slightly.


As early as the Eastern Territory, Xiao Changfeng learned from Baidi’s mouth.

Martial Spirit is divided into 3 states.

first is awakening.

Most soul martial artists are in this state.

And second is evolution!

Martial Spirit will become stronger and possess special abilities.

However, Martial Spirit is very difficult to evolve. Most soul martial artists are in the state of awakening throughout their lives.

And the third state is called the ultimate!

This state is extremely rare.

Because it takes Martial Spirit to evolve 3 times before it can be called the ultimate.

From the Eastern Region to Middle-earth to Southern Xinjiang and Western Region.

Xiao Changfeng has met many powerhouses and Heaven’s Chosen.

However, Martial Spirit has never met evolution.

This is also true of Martial Spirit Hall, which is dominated by soul martial artists.

So Xiao Changfeng is about to forget this matter.

However, the Crown Prince of the Northern Xuan Empire.

Martial Spirit actually has an evolved state.

This is far beyond Xiao Changfeng’s expectations.

There is no Martial Spirit in cultivation, so the memory of Immortal Emperor in Xiao Changfeng’s mind.

Nor can he provide much help.

“My Martial Spirit, at first is Grade 9’s Snow Python Martial Spirit, but now he has evolved!”

Crown Prince grinned his teeth and made his voice icy and chilling.

At the moment he was above ten thousand thousand meters, overlooking the entire world.

There is an aloof and remote, just like Spiritual God.

Next moment.

A huge shadow rose from behind him.

The shadow is so huge that it seems to occupy the entire sky.

People looked up like ghosts.

The shadow first appeared.

Xiao Changfeng felt cold all over, and even his soul was frozen.

It’s not just Xiao Changfeng.

Even if ten thousand meters apart.

Many of the spectators in Imperial Capital were all trembling.

You know they are Northern Plains people, and they are already used to the cold.

But this coldness seemed to flow out of the soul, making everyone feel terrified.

“what is this?”

Countless people were puzzled in their hearts and looked up at the sky.

At this time, the shadow gradually showed its true colors.

That’s a monster with a dragon body in its head.

Crown Prince looked down at Xiao Changfeng, the smile on his face was a bit cruel:

“Xiao Changfeng, see my Martial Spirit of the candle dragon!”

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