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A spear glow is a splendid aurora blasted from the Tianmang glare gun.

Obviously only light, but torn the space.

After the spear glow passed, a black space crack with naked eyes appeared quickly.

This spear glow surpassed the lightning and pointed directly to Xiao Changfeng.

And its terrifying penetrating power makes everyone’s heart tighten.

Most people think empathically.

I felt like I tried my best, and I couldn’t resist a shot.

So they all looked at Xiao Changfeng together.

Want to see how he can resist this terrifying shot.

“Sword is coming!”

When the man’s dazzle gun appeared that day, Xiao Changfeng’s eyes showed a dignity.

At the moment he opened his mouth.

Suddenly the Flying Sword flew out of the dantian and turned into a brilliant bronze sword light.

This sword light is sharp and unmatched, turned into a long rainbow thread, and cut towards spear glow.


The sound of Jin Tie symphony sounded.

Although spear glow dissipated, Flying Sword was also blown out.

You know, this is just a spear glow.

The Flying Sword is the body!

This shows how terrible Crown Prince’s strength is after holding the Tianmang glare gun.


Almost at the same time that Flying Sword was flying out of the void.

Crown Prince was shot with a glare in his hand.

Both of his hands holding a gun, Spear Art has already reached Great Accomplishment.

“Advanced Martial Skill: Firework Spear Art!”

The majestic Spirit Qi gathers around Crown Prince.

At this time he quickly fired a gun, although its speed is not only the speed of light, but also reached the speed of sound.

I saw one after another gorgeous gun shadow emerged.

Like a firework blooming in the sky.

ding ding dong dong!

Xiao Changfeng controls the Flying Sword and Sword Domain.

Faced with this firework Spear Art, it could only keep going back.

And the penetrating power of the mans glare gun is very terrifying this day.

Sword Domain has been pierced with multiple holes.

The Flying Sword of the Void can only barely resist, precarious.

“Sword energy condensate!”

Xiao Changfeng faced the stormy attack of Crown Prince.

But still very calm.

At this time, he mentioned True Yuan, and the cold flame fire and cold ming gas poured into the Flying Sword.

It makes the Flying Sword buzz and vibrate, turning into a brilliant sword wire.


Xiao Changfeng thoughts move.

Immediately the sword wire was slashed to Crown Prince.

The sword flies, Heaven and Earth kills!

The entire Heaven and Earth seems to be just a piece of tofu.

The sword silk is the sharp blade!

After the sword was cut, Space Crack appeared silently.


The sword wire was cut off, and Crown Prince resisted with a Tianman glare gun.

Suddenly sparks 4 splashed, the two terrifying forces collided, intertwined.

Like a fire and water collision.

That terrifying battle wave was surging towards all around like a volcanic eruption.

The feng shui great hall is slightly trembled, exuding a light curtain to block out the battle fluctuations.

However, the many 100 people in Imperial Capital are not so lucky.

I saw the naked eye’s visible waves fall.

The houses hit by the waves collapsed one by one.

Many 100 surnames were killed and buried, while more people screamed and fled.

The earth roared, and pits and cracks appeared together.

This fluctuation continues to spread, and at least 10000 people have been affected.

But the volatility eventually dissipated.

Because above the sky, the collision between the Flying Sword and the Tianmang flare gun has already divided the victory.

Ka-cha !

Crown Prince looked at the hand and cut it into 2 pieces of Tianmang glare gun, brows tightly knit.

Flying Sword in the void and after cutting off the Tianmang dazzling gun, it was also exhausted and was recovered by Xiao Changfeng.

“The Tianmang glare gun was cut off? How is this possible?”

Looking at the Crown Prince’s hand, it broke into two pieces of Tianmang glare gun.

Everyone felt the brain roar and couldn’t believe it.

However, the Flying Sword of the Void once again used the Immortal Sword Technique, and it was somewhat unbearable.

Xiao Changfeng swallowed his mouth, and received it in the dantian sacrifice.

This battle is more difficult than he expected.

This Crown Prince is worthy of being the first Hidden Dragon List.

More difficult to kill than Xia Wuxing, Qiu Jiankui and the others.

And it is also the powerhouse of Saint Boundary.

If you try your best, you can only barely occupy a little advantage.

However, at this time the Tianmang glare gun was cut off, except for the exclamation of the 100 surnames.

Xuan Emperor and Wenwu 100 officials, but not too much shock.

“Svery difficult to deal with Sword Art, but my Tianmang dazzle gun is unceasing!”

At this moment, Crown Prince coldly smiled.

Then in the eyes of everyone shocked.

The Tianmang glare gun is blooming with gorgeous aurora.

Then it reunited, exactly the same as before.

As if not harmed at all.

Associated weapons are invisible and quality.

It will not be destroyed, even if it is cut off 10000000 times, it can be restored again.

At this time, the Tianmang glare gun is at most comparable to the top grade holy weapon.

But because of the infinite recovery, it is far stronger than the Heavenly Venerate device.

“Xiao Changfeng, you have made this palace more and more looking forward to, but just now Sword Art, you should not be able to exhibit it in a short time, now this palace looks at how you can resist it!”

Crown Prince sneered in the corner of his mouth.

Then the rich Spirit Qi poured into the gun.

The Tianmang glare gun regained its luster, and the familiar penetration force appeared again.


Crown Prince held a Tianmang glare gun and killed Xiao Changfeng again.

And this time, because the Flying Sword is damaged.

Xiao Changfeng can no longer perform sword energy.

But on this basis, want to defeat Xiao Changfeng, it is a fool’s dream!

“White Tiger Vajra body!”

Xiao Changfeng’s breath changed, and he played the White Tiger campaign.

In an instant his long hair flying upwards rose up, the fighting intent in his eyes was like a raging wave, and the whole person was like the fall of War God.

“With you, how do you know my strength, today, let you know, truly invincible!”

Xiao Changfeng grinned, exposing his fair teeth.

At this moment, he is like a ferocious White Tiger eager to fight.

The fanatical fighting spirit filled his heart.

“White Tiger Fist!”

right hand Make a fist and hit it directly.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng was punched from the sky like Fierce Tiger Descends the Mountain.


Xiao Changfeng’s fist collided with the tip of the Tianmang glare gun.

One side is a companion weapon with penetrating power.

The other side is the Great Accomplishment Divine Physique with the power of Vajra.

The two collided, even without distinction.

“How is this possible? His Fleshy body is comparable to a holy weapon!”

Seeing Xiao Changfeng’s fists unscathed under the Tianmang dazzle gun.

Everyone was shocked. Even the Emperor Xuan also had a sudden pupil contraction, and his eyes were shocked.

“Martial Spirit Melt!”

Xiao Changfeng has no nonsense. Suddenly summon Martial Spirit turned into a White Tiger of ten meters in size.

The incarnation is for the White Tiger, and he fights more intensely.

Hong long long !

I saw Xiao Changfeng clenching his fists with both claws and constantly waving.

Qiong Changhong’s fist collided with the Tianman glare gun.

The formidable power of the fist is getting stronger and stronger, and the fighting intent of Xiao Changfeng is becoming more and more terrifying.

To the end.

The Tianmang flare gun broke again.

This time Xiao Changfeng did not give Crown Prince time to repair.

It was Nascent Soul’s fit, bursting out 3x strength and performing 9 punches in one.

A bang.

Crown Prince was shot down by volley and smashed into Imperial Capital.

that moment.

Heaven and Earth is dead, and all the spectators are ashamed, can’t believe it!

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