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Xiao Changfeng not at all So boring others think.

Intentionally appearing later, causing psychological pressure on Crown Prince.

He has been waiting until now, in fact, to let his dharma body sneak into the imperial palace.

The imperial palace is heavily guarded, and it is usually difficult to sneak in.

But in the feng shui great hall, Xuandi and Wenwu 100 officials appeared together.

The guards of the imperial palace finally had a weak spot, and Xiao Changfeng could find an opportunity to sneak in.

At this time he was wearing a jade embroidered gold robe and flew across to Crown Prince.

And his dharma body has successfully infiltrated the imperial palace.

Focus on two uses, which may be difficult for others.

But Xiao Changfeng has a powerful Divine Consciousness and can easily do this.

“Xiao Yurong?”

Crown Prince gazed calmly at Xiao Changfeng, unemotional, without anger and without killing.

However, he is more concerned about Xiao Yurong with 3 Yang Spirit Physique.

“Defeat me, you naturally know!”

Xiao Changfeng spoke lightly, his eyes indifferent, like Eternally Blue Sky.

Crown Prince is indeed very strong, but he is fearless.

Instead, take advantage of this opportunity to behead it to avoid endless troubles.

“If that’s the case, then go to hell!”

Crown Prince eyes slightly narrowed, calmly speaking, as if just stating a fact.


Just as Crown Prince’s words fell, he shot.

A gorgeous aurora appeared out of thin air in front of him.

Almost at the moment when the aurora appeared, it was stabbed towards Xiao Changfeng.

I saw that the aurora stretched quickly and turned into a long rainbow thread.

Flying from the front of Crown Prince, traversing the sky dome and quickly heading towards Xiao Changfeng.

How fast is the speed of light?

Almost at the same time that the Aurora hit, it has already appeared in front of Xiao Changfeng.

Although the distance between the two sides is 1000 meters.

But this aurora came too fast, making it too late to respond.


Under the watch of many spectators.

The aurora is like a divine spear, directly piercing Xiao Changfeng’s head.

It came out from behind his head.

“Dan Zu is dead?”

Seeing this scene, everyone jumped in their hearts and couldn’t believe it.

Although they know that this battle will not procrastinate.

But didn’t expect ended so soon.

His Highness the Crown Prince just made a move and pierced Dan Zu’s head.

It’s so fast!

However, Crown Prince is brows slightly wrinkle at the moment.

Because he clearly felt that his aurora did not stab the entity.

It seemed to go straight through Xiao Changfeng’s body.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng, who stayed in place, was slightly distorted and immediately dissipated in place like smoke.

“The afterimage?”

Seeing this scene, the powerhouses onlookers were not calm.

The speed of the aurora is already terrifying.

Even Saint can’t escape.

However, Xiao Changfeng’s speed is even faster.

Before the arrival of the Aurora, it was avoided, leaving only a residual image.

“Sword Domain, on!”

At the same time, a silhouette of Xiao Changfeng came above his head.

I saw it in bright sunshine.

Xiao Changfeng propped up the Sword Domain of 60 meters.

“Sword chop!”

Sword Domain quickly elongated and turned into a giant sword.

From a distance, it looks like a golden sword.

Ka-cha !

Sword Domain chopped off, directly splitting the air, showing a white wave.

Then golden’s sword glow was dazzlingly dazzled with a heart-wrenching sword.

The wind and the clouds have been split, and Heaven and Earth have been cut.

This sword seems to be cut off by Celestial Court.

Any evil demon’s crooked way is inevitable, and it will be slain by this sword!

“Aurora field, open!”

Crown Prince’s rays of light skyrocketed.

The 1000 meters field is fully extended.

In the field, there is a gorgeous aurora.

Rays of light are like a starry sky and like the sea.


Sword Domain fell and stood on the aurora field, making a loud noise of Hong Zhong Da Lu.

But without the unfavorable Sword Domain, this time has never cut through the aurora field.

Not even a slight gap.

It can be seen that the degree of coagulation in this aurora field is also extremely terrifying.

But Xiao Changfeng was not discouraged at all.

“Broken sword!”

Xiao Changfeng was immersed in True Yuan and poured into Sword Domain.

Suddenly Sword Domain showed a third form.

Xiao Changfeng is currently the Great Ascension Middle-Stage and has mastered 2 rules.

These are the rule of fast and the rule of front.

And this third form.

This is the superposition of these two rules.


Everyone clearly saw the giant sword transformed by Sword Domain.

From the hilt to the sword body, it quickly dimmed.

The 600 sword lights in Sword Domain are all gathered at the tip of the sword.

In an instant, Sword Domain’s sword tip exploded like never before.

The brilliance of the bright mandala even suppressed the sunlight.

An extremely sharp, as if to break through all the horrible sword energy dissemination.

Even if they are far apart.

All spectators can feel a bone of sword energy.

As if hanging on top of his head, a sword that could fall at any time.


When sword energy reaches its extreme.

Xiao Changfeng immediately took Sword Domain and stabbed at Crown Prince.

Tear off!

I saw the tip of the sword, the space was broken.

A black Space Crack is exposed.

Like a blank sheet of paper was cut.

Not only is the tip of the sword sharp to the extreme, but the speed is also extremely fast.

Like a thunderbolt, like lightning.

It instantly fell on the aurora field.


A deafening rumbling sound exploded over Imperial Capital.

Everyone had to cover their ears to avoid the eardrum from being broken.

And those powerhouses in the Emperor Martial and Paragon realms.

It is to resist the sound waves while looking up with wide eyes.

I saw the point where the sword tip touched the aurora field.

A small crack appeared.

This crack is very small and unremarkable.

However, it is constantly expanding, as if it cannot support it.

Ka-cha !

Finally, the rift turned into a rift, winding and spreading in the aurora field.

The tip of the sword pierced the aurora field and penetrated the interior.

This brings together 600 sword light and blends two regular sword tips.

Its power is unprecedented horror.

Even Crown Prince’s aurora field is difficult to resist.

“A little bit resistant!”

Crown Prince brows slightly wrinkle, obviously didn’t expect Xiao Changfeng’s Sword Domain can break through his own aurora field.

But he was not in a panic. This little thing did not arouse his fear.

At this time he is working within the body Spiritual Qi and intends to make another shot.

However, it is at this time.

“Thunderbolt Divine Consciousness!”

The invisible Divine Consciousness suddenly exploded in his Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Let his mind buzz, blank for a second.

One second is enough to change many things.

Ka-cha !

After the tip of the sword penetrated the aurora realm, this second of Crown Prince’s mind was blank.

The instantaneous speed is accelerated, puncturing half of the aurora field directly.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng is not far away from Crown Prince.

So he raised his right hand.

“9 Boxing!”

A platinum fist connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, shot from the right hand of Xiao Changfeng.

Among these punches, there is the Qi of Slaughter which is rich and full.

Taking advantage of this short one second, directly hit Crown Prince.


I saw Crown Prince turned into a long rainbow thread, was shot down from high altitude, and smashed into Imperial Capital.

Seeing this scene, all the spectators were dumbfounded.

Crown Prince was defeated by a punch?

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