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April 4th, sunny, sun shone brightly!

Today’s Imperial Capital is particularly lively.

However, most residents have already received orders in advance.

Do not walk out of the house or move around at will!

But even so, they still can’t stop their fiery eyes.

A pair of eyes raised their heads to look into the sky. Although they had not started yet, they were still waiting excitedly.

Because today.

It was the day when His Highness the Crown Prince and Danzu battled each other.


A desolate horn sounded.

I saw that from outside the Imperial Capital, a series of Guard troops wearing heavy armor took off.

They flew at the height of the city walls and waited.

This kind of Guard army is located in the four walls of Imperial Capital, with a total of 4 people.

Within Imperial Capital, there are also a team of ten guards patrolling the streets.

Strictly waiting, everything is for today’s appointment!


There is a long rainbow thread shot from a distance.

But it was stopped outside the city walls.

Among Changhong, is a powerhouse in Paragon.

This came to watch the game, but at this time he could not enter Imperial Capital.

Today’s Imperial Capital is banned, and only a handful of people are eligible to fly in.

The stopped Paragon powerhouse had no choice but to wait outside Imperial Capital.

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

Soon more and more people are coming.

These all are powerhouses coming from the news and wanting to watch the battle.

However, in front of the Guard Army, they did not dare to impudent, they stopped at all and fell outside Imperial Capital.

Soon there were more than 1000 powerhouses gathered outside Imperial Capital.

And this time.

In the imperial palace, a palace slowly rose into the sky.

“It’s Feng Shui great hall, Your Majesty personally watched the battle!”

Seeing this special palace, everyone exclaimed.

This palace is very famous.

It was when Fengshui Heavenly Venerate was there, and it was personally created.

This palace is not a simple palace, but a Heavenly Venerate device.

It has both offensive and defensive functions, and it is endlessly useful.

It has also been the bedroom of the Emperor Xuan Dynasty.

At this time, the great hall of Feng Shui rose into the sky, indicating that Emperor Xuan would appear and watch the battle in person.


In the all around of the Great Hall of Feng Shui, there are a large number of silhouettes flying into the sky.

Most of these silhouettes are wearing various official uniforms.

However, there are some maid guards.

these all are the people who accompany the Emperor Xuan.

“Your Majesty appeared!”

Soon the people of Imperial Capital were excited.

All eyes looked at Feng Shui great hall.

I saw the temple door carved with landscape slowly opened.

A man dressed in 9 Dragon Emperor’s robe and exuding great majesty walked out.

The man’s age is not small, both temples are already pale.

But his eyes are still coercive, and people dare not look at them.

In addition to his strong prestige, he also has Saint prestige.

Because he is not only Xuan Emperor.

Still a powerhouse of Saint Boundary 9th layer!

“Your Majesty 10000 years old 10000 years old absolutely!”

Seeing Emperor Xuan stepping out, all 100 surnames in the 100 civil and military officials and Imperial Capital suddenly bowed down to salute, 10000 years old.

Sounds like waves, exploding above Imperial Capital.

That horrible pressure has made all Xiaoxiao people desperate.


Emperor Xuan runs Spiritual Qi and exhales, so that everyone can clearly hear it.

“Thank You Majesty!”

Everyone just got up again.

Emperor Xuan has already appeared, but today’s protagonist is not him.

At this time he stood in front of the Great Hall of Feng Shui, his eyes were sky-high, and he was also waiting.

And beside Xuan Emperor, there are 4 powerhouses that exude Saint prestige.

These 4 people, plus Xuan Emperor.

It is the five Saints that Xiao Changfeng sensed before.

As for the two Heavenly Venerates, they did not show up.

At this moment.

Emperor Xuan appeared and 100 civil and military officials arrived, and outside observers gathered around Imperial Capital.

Plus all the 100 surnames in Imperial Capital who are staring at each other.

this moment.

Everyone is waiting for the warring parties to emerge.

“Come here, His Highness the Crown Prince appears!”

The sharp-eyed people whispered in surprise when they saw something.

I saw that the familiar dragon boat warship flew out of the imperial palace.

This is the exclusive mount of His Highness the Crown Prince, so many people recognize it at a glance.

The dragon boat was stopped under the great hall of Feng Shui.

After all, as Crown Prince, he can’t be surpassed.

A red python robe, black hair flying, pedaling the aurora.

The red mole on the brow looks brighter under the sun.

Those eyes that seemed to contain Supreme Yin and cold had no mood swings.

Only when he saw Xuan Emperor, he eased it a little.

“Imperial Father !”

Crown Prince respectfully gave a salute to Emperor Xuan.

“This battle, Xu Sheng is not allowed to lose, go!”

Emperor Xuan’s eyes were magnificent and he threw a sound.

“Children will win!”

Crown Prince returned to complied.

Immediately turned around, stepping on the aurora and heading towards the sky.

“His Highness the Crown Prince has arrived, I don’t know when the Danzu from Middle-earth will appear?”

“Let Your Majesty and His Highness the Crown Prince wait for him, it’s such a big shelf, huh, what Danzu, in front of His Highness the Crown Prince, must be unable to withstand a single blow!”

“His Highness the Crown Prince, the first and second player of the Hidden Dragon List, has been cultivated for several decades. Even if the two innate talents are similar, Danzu will never be an opponent of His Highness the Crown Prince. I’m afraid the winner will be decided soon!”

Crown Prince has arrived, but Xiao Changfeng has not yet appeared.

Suddenly Imperial Capital’s 100 surnames were discussed spiritedly, and there were various speculations.

But neither Emperor Xuan Di nor Crown Prince were in a hurry.

They are not worried that Xiao Changfeng will not come.

If you don’t come, the reputation will be bad.

On the contrary, they have to just cause, and they went to Middle-earth to kill them, and no one dared to say anything.

So they are very patient.

The sun is very bright today.

In April, the temperature is suitable.

The golden sunlight shines on Imperial Capital, coating the entire Imperial Capital with a thin layer of golden brilliance.

Looking down from the sky, like a Golden City.

“Why don’t you come, Danzu might have escaped!”

The time passed slowly, and it was almost noon, but Xiao Changfeng never appeared.

This makes many people impatient.

“It shouldn’t be, anyway, it is the first of the Hidden Dragon List. It should not escape without fighting, maybe it was intentional, in order to cause psychological pressure on His Highness the Crown Prince.”

Someone put forward different opinions.

“Dignified Danzu, also playing this kind of trick, don’t you feel vulgar?”

Someone shook his head, face revealed disdain.

With the passage of time, more and more people have made their own guesses.

But this is just the ordinary Imperial Capital 100 surname that’s all.

Xuan Di and Crown Prince and the others, still unperturbed, waiting quietly.


Just at noon, when the sun is over the top.

A white silhouette suddenly rose from somewhere within Imperial Capital.

The golden sunlight fell on him.

He is like a Golden Spiritual God!

This abrupt scene attracted everyone’s attention.

In an instant, all doubts are not broken, focal point of ten thousands.

On the other side of the battle, Danzu finally showed up!

This is the first battle of the old and new Hidden Dragon List.

Finally I have to start!

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