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Under the night, the ice forest became extremely silent.

Everyone entered their tent early.

Because the night temperature of Hanbing Senling is extremely low.

Therefore, the bonfire is useless at all. Only this kind of fur tent made of Demonic beast in the ice forest can keep warm.

The messy battlefield in the day has been cleaned up.

The bodies of Jia Siwen and Jia Family martial artists were buried directly in the snow.

The same is true for those adventurers who died.

This is the fate of adventurers.

Either good luck, live a little longer, or just die here.

Luo Lingxue was frightened, and Huang Lao was also seriously injured.

So they entered the tent to rest early.

After the previous battle of the 20 armored warriors, only ten were left.

However, even if they were injured, they still insisted on taking turns to guard Luo Lingxue’s safety.

And this time.

Xiao Changfeng did not stand outside either.

Instead, he was invited by the beard into his fur tent.

“This lord, it’s freezing cold, drink a drink to warm up your body, this is a good wine I have treasured for many years, and I have never been willing to drink it. Thank you for saving our lives this time.”

The bearded man cautiously took out a head-sized wine jar from the storage ring.

And what he called Xiao Changfeng changed from Little Brother to an adult.

After all, the strength of the Emperor Martial realm is Alchemist again.

It must be the great character of the Medicine Refining Master Association or the 4-party Chamber of Commerce.

Such a character is definitely not something he can provoke.

“No effort at all that’s all, since we are walking along the way, naturally we have to contribute a little bit!”

Xiao Changfeng didn’t care about the change in the name of the beard, so he spoke lightly.

“For you, it’s just no effort at all, but for us, it’s life-saving grace.”

“We people have no identity background. We can only tie our heads to our waistbands. Who knows what tomorrow will be like. If it weren’t for you, I’m afraid we would all have to die here today. People from Jia Family would never stay. We are alive.”

The bearded man took out 2 wine bowls and opened the mud seal, the wine smelled tangy.

He poured a cup for Xiao Changfeng and held it with both hands.

“My lord, try it!”

Xiao Changfeng never despises the kindness of others.

Both of his hands took the wine bowl and took a sip.

The entrance is fierce, like a ball of flame burning in the mouth.

Going down the throat into the abdomen, the warmth immediately spreads over the 4 limbs and 100 skeletons.

It is indeed a good wine!

“The wine is good!”

Xiao Changfeng gave the comment, and the smile on the bearded face suddenly increased.

“My lord, don’t pay too much attention to what Huang Lao said during the day. He is just too worried about that’s all about Luo Family Young Lady.”

Big beard poured Xiao Changfeng a bowl again and said with a smile.

Of course he is not a good person.

But I don’t want Xiao Changfeng and Huang Lao to have any conflict.

One is the great character of the Medicine Refining Master Association or the 4-party Chamber of Commerce, and the other is the great character of the Luo Family.

2 He can’t afford to offend him.

He is just a nobody and does not want to be involved in this kind of storm.

“I didn’t take seriously!”

Xiao Changfeng was not angry, anyway, he just casually did that’s all.

He doesn’t care what Huang thinks, as long as he can reach Ice Fire Sect smoothly.

As for Luo Lingxue, he was even more uninterested.

“That’s good!”

See this bearded slightly relaxed.

“I want to go to Northern Plains. You walk in this ice forest all year round. How much do you know about Northern Plains?”

After a sip of wine, Xiao Changfeng entered the topic.

He promised Big Beard to drink tonight, not to listen to Big Beard’s words.

Northern Plains is a strange place to him.

Although I can find Ice Fire Sect with Luo Lingxue, I still don’t know other things.

Ask Huang Lao or Luo Lingxue, from now on, it is impossible.

So Xiao Changfeng stepped back and asked about the beard.

“My lord, frankly, I have limited knowledge of Northern Plains, but I can say everything I know. Whether it is useful or not is up to you to judge!”

The beard is not surprised by the whereabouts of Xiao Changfeng.

After all, in terms of Xiao Changfeng’s strength, if you want spiritual medicine or pill concocting materials.

You don’t have to collect it yourself. The Medicine Refining Master Association and the 4-party Chamber of Commerce have corresponding channels.

In fact, most of the spiritual medicine they picked here was sold to the Medicine Refining Master Association.

Except for spiritual medicine, then there is only one explanation for Northern Plains.

So Big Beard was mentally prepared.

At this time, I heard Xiao Changfeng’s question and started to introduce it.

“My lord, Northern Plains is different from our Middle-earth. The country is the largest, followed by sect. The entire Northern Plains is ruled by a country called the Beixuan Empire.”

When the beard spoke, he provided Xiao Changfeng with an important message.

Beixuan Empire!

It is absolutely not simple to be able to dominate a domain, so-called empire.

It is important to know that Northern Plains is among the 5 domains, but not at the bottom.

It was only after years of accumulation that Dawu barely unified the Eastern Region.

This Northern Xuan Empire seems to have been unified for more than a year or two.

Its background must be very deep.

“The most famous of the Northern Xuan Empire is his army. The 300,000 Northern Xuan Army, seen by Heavenly Venerate, also had scalp numbness.”

Northern Xuan Army?

Let Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse be afraid?

Xiao Changfeng eyes slightly narrowed, somewhat surprised.

“I heard that the Northern Xuan Army is composed of martial artists above Heaven Martial, and there is a special battle line. Once there was a Heavenly Venerate who wanted to destroy the 300,000 Northern Xuan Army, but in the end it was Heavenly Venerate. Run away.”

“Therefore, there is a saying in Northern Plains: The Northern Xuan Army can fight Heavenly Venerate!”

Northern Xuan Army Battle Heavenly Venerate?

You have to know that Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse is already at the top of the world.

This is no longer a mere accumulation of people.

After all, Heavenly Venerate is not a living target and will not stand there waiting for your waves of attacks.

He can move mountains and suppressing seas casually, no matter how many people are, it is just that’s all.

Not to mention 300,000, it is 3,000,000, 30,000,000, wanting to defeat a Heavenly Venerate, is a fool.

This shows that the Northern Xuan Army is absolutely extraordinary.

“Among the Northern Plains, there are also sects similar to our Nine Great Sects, but the knowledge allegiance is also under the Northern Xuan Empire, and the most famous of them is the Three Great Sects.”

“Although these Three Great Sects are not comparable to the Northern Xuan Empire, there are also Saints in town, Megatron 8.”

“These Three Great Sects are Zhenyuanjiao, Limitless Sect and Ice Fire Sect!”

The beard spoke again.

But this time he mentioned Ice Fire Sect.

“Among the Northern Plains, the most important ones are the Northern Xuan Empire and the Three Great Sects, but there is one sentence that I dare to mention.”

Suddenly, the facial expression grave of the beard suddenly began.

“Adult, if you meet the Imperial Family of the Northern Profound Empire in Northern Plains, don’t clash with them at 10000000, otherwise it will be Saint and cannot protect you.”

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