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Only one hand blocks the Self-destruction of Sovereign Martial artist.

Xiao Changfeng’s face was calm, no joy and no sorrow.

But seeing this scene, the remaining armored warriors are relaxed.

Young Lady is all right!

The Beard and the others are shocked again.

It also confirms that Xiao Changfeng is the powerhouse of Emperor Martial.

“3rd Sword: Slash Spirit Sword!”

At the same time, Huang Lao’s anger was also shocking.

I saw the sword box flying, and the third sword flew out of it.

Bearded had said before.

Huang Lao has 3 swords with half holy artifacts.

Both the silk sword and the negative Yue sword have appeared, one light and one heavy, one thin and one wide.

But these two Swords alone cannot kill Jia Siwen.

So Huang Lao had to use the third sword.

It is also his strongest sword!

I saw a translucent sword flying out of the sword box.

This sword is not big, only 2 fingers long, more like a dagger.

The whole body is translucent and extremely unremarkable.

However, as soon as the sword came out, everyone felt a tingling in the brain.

Seems to be stuck by something.

“Invisible and phaseless iron?”

Xiao Changfeng was surprised, and his attention fell on the Spirit Sword.

Invisible and phaseless iron is an extremely rare iron essence.

This is a material that is not natural but grinded with rich Spiritual Power.

This handle cut Spirit Sword, is made of invisible and phaseless iron.

Although it is only the quality of the half sacrament.

But it specifically cuts the Spiritual Power, but the sword of Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness is somewhat similar.

It’s just the formidable power of Spirit Sword, only 1000 1/10000th that’s all of the sword of Divine Consciousness.

But it is also very rare.

“Open the gate, melt the sword!”

Huang Lao shout out loudly.

I saw an illusory beam of light rising from the sky above him and went straight to Spirit Sword.

“Huang Old Ghost, are you crazy, even watering this sword with Essence, Qi, and Spirit!”

Jia Siwen obviously knew the existence of Spirit Sword.

At this time, Huang Lao saw Spirit Sword in a desperate manner, and suddenly the complexion greatly changed and quickly retreated.

But Huang Lao ignored him at this time.

Essence, Qi, and Spirit’s condensed illusion light column is continuously poured into Spirit Sword.

Make the semi-transparent Spirit Sword gradually solidify.

A special breath emerged.

It made the tingling sensation in everyone’s brain more intense.

At this time, Huang Lao’s complexion became paler, and an old breath appeared.

As if in a short while, he lost ten years of vitality!

“Sword Cut Spirit Soul, kill!”

The moment when Spirit Sword was completely solidified.

Huang Lao made a roar.

Immediately cut Spirit Sword into a stream of light, almost incredible, and cut towards Jia Siwen.

“Inferior martial skill of the ground level: The serpent breathes!”

Jia Siwen didn’t dare to run away, so he had to mention his full strength.

I saw that his black air gathered in his mouth and suddenly spit out.

A bucket of black air blasted out.

The air column hit the tree trunk, and the trunk was black and dry, and it was rotting.

The column of black gas rises into the sky, while Spirit Sword dives down.

Soon the two collided.

I saw that the Spirit Sword directly cut through the black air column, splitting from the middle.

It looks like a sword splitting in the waves.

Then he cut Spirit Sword fiercely on Jia Siwen’s head.


With a mournful scream, Jia Siwen’s figure fell from in midair.

A dozen large trees were broken and the snow on the ground was splashed with ice slag 4 and a big pit was hit.

Everyone looked at it.

I saw that Jia Siwen has regained his adult form. At the moment, he is holding his head, suffering a lot.


But this sword did not kill Jia Siwen.

After struggling for a moment, he turned into a long rainbow thread and fled towards the distance.

At this time Huang Lao intentionally blocked.

However, the footsteps staggered, only to feel dizzy.

The massive loss of Essence, Qi, and Spirit made him weak to the extreme at this time.

“Never let him run away, otherwise the trouble will be endless!”

Huang Lao bit his tongue and stimulated his nerves with pain.

Killing intent was cold in his heart.

The road to Northern Plains is far away if Jia Siwen escapes.

Then you must be careful along the way. If you don’t pay attention, Young Lady will have mortal danger.

Therefore, Huang Lao wants to solve this hidden danger in one fell swoop.

Although Huang Lao is interested, Jia Siwen is not weak after all.

At this time, it has escaped beyond 1000 meters.

Even if he chases, he may not be able to catch up.


At this moment, Jia Siwen fled afar suddenly spurt a large mouthful of blood.

The whole person is like a bird with folded wings.

Huang Lao’s eyes lit up, holding a silk sword and a negative Yue sword, and urged the few remaining Spirit Qi to catch up.

Sea of ​​Consciousness’ collapsed Jia Siwen has no possibility of escaping.

Xiao Changfeng withdrew the thunderbolt Divine Consciousness, his face calm and composed.


Huang Lao was back, holding Jia Siwen’s body in his hands.

This is the end.

Jia Family’s hunt for this time ended in the annihilation of the whole army.

Of course, if there is no Xiao Changfeng.

Maybe they really succeeded.

After all, this attack was perfect.

At first’s arrow rain cover directly disrupted the formation.

Afterwards, the white clothed martial artist killed by Huang Laoyi’s sword, though dead, broke the iron wall and exposed Luo Lingxue.

After Jia Siwen appeared, his only purpose was to haunt Huang Lao.

However, ten or six Jia Family martial artists were shot and dragged the armored warriors.

The previous ones are just foreshadowing.

Finally, the white clothed martial artist killed with a dagger is the real killing move.

Without the powerful Huang Lao.

There is no impediment to the armored warriors.

The white clothed martial artist with Sovereign Martial realm strength can easily slash 2 armored warriors and kill Luo Lingxue.

They even considered the body protection pendant granted by the Old Ancestor in Beiling.

Break at the cost of the dagger of the half holy artifact.

In the end, the weak Luo Lingxue is not the opponent of the white clothed martial artist.

All this is perfect.

If there is no Xiao Changfeng!

It is a pity that no medicine for regret in the world.

Jia Siwen and Jia Family martial artists had bad luck and happened to meet Xiao Changfeng.

So their assassination plan can only end in failure.

In the end, the whole army was annihilated, and even Jia Siwen of Emperor Martial had not escaped.


Huang Lao reached out and waved Jia Siwen’s body on the snow.

His body staggered, almost fell, and was only able to support Yue Jian to support the ground, which barely supported.

“Lao Huang, are you okay!”

Bearded was worried, and asked.

But Huang Lao ignored the big beard.

Instead, taking the negative Yuejian as a cane, step by step walked towards Xiao Changfeng.

To be precise, it was walking towards Luo Lingxue.

Xiao Changfeng didn’t speak, turned away, and planned to walk aside.

To him, all this is just no effort at all that’s all.

“and many more!”

However, Xiao Changfeng had just planned to take a step, but Huang Lao’s voice sounded.

I saw Huang Lao lifts the head, staring straight at Xiao Changfeng.

After staring for a long time, the hoarse and firm voice slowly sounded:

“Many thanks you saved the Young Lady, but you are too dangerous, I hope you don’t get close to the Young Lady, or even if you die, I will shoot you!”

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