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Up and down Kyoto, this moment fell into deathly silence.

All battles were suspended at this moment.

Countless lines of sight, with shock and disbelief, fell on Tian Ge Saint.

A Saint of Boundary powerhouse of aloof and remote.

Actually died like this?

And still died in the hands of Xiao Changfeng with only the 5th layer of Paragon.

This… this is simply a fantasy story.

If it had been before, it was said that Xiao Changfeng could kill Saint with a sword.

It will sneer.

But now, everyone is in shock.

For a time, I only felt that my brain was blank, dumbstruck.

Tian Ge Saint’s strength is beyond doubt.

Saint Boundary is 2 heavy, with Innate Spirit Physique, powerful.

The area of ​​Tie Ma Jin Ge, which is 2000 meters in size, is enough to destroy a city by one person.

Coupled with Tie Ge, the ancient treasure, and the highest martial skill in the world.

Even the same Saint, can not easily take it.

However, Xiao Changfeng not only took over.

And also killed Tian Ge Saint.

The process is fast and the means are simple.

So that everyone has not recovered from the previous tension, it is directly over.

“This this……”

Martial Emperor’s figure stopped suddenly, looking at the celestial Saint Saint.

I just feel that the sky is rolling and it is difficult to recover.

Before Xiao Changfeng beheaded 34 Paragon realms, he knew the secret of Immortal Cultivator.

Barely acceptable.

But skipping grades to kill Saint?

Martial Emperor never even thought about it.

Moreover, he didn’t feel the breath of Holy Demons from Xiao Changfeng.

If Xiao Changfeng took Saint Magic Dan and had the power of Saint for a short time.

That’s better to say something.

But even Saint Demon was useless, so he killed Tian Ge so easily.

How terrifying his strength should be!

Yes, in everyone’s eyes.

Xiao Changfeng easily killed Tian Ge Saint.

However, they did not know the power of Sword Domain.

I don’t know the overbearing of thunderbolt Divine Consciousness and the invincibility of sword energy!

These three methods have already surpassed the Martial Dao category of this world.

And this is the power of the top Immortal Cultivator.

“9 Your Highness is invincible!”

“9 Your Highness is invincible!”

“9 Your Highness is invincible!”

I don’t know who was the first to react and cheered ‘9 Your Highness is invincible’.

So, all millions of surnames in the whole Kyoto cheered together.

They do not know what it means that Xiao Changfeng beheaded Tian Ge Saint.

But he knew that Xiao Changfeng’s shot, the enemy suddenly defeated.

This is enough.

At the moment, Xiao Changfeng, in their mind, is Savior, the hero, the invincible god!

“Thunderbolt Divine Consciousness, really tough!”

At this time Xiao Changfeng stopped his body and was very satisfied with thunderbolt Divine Consciousness.

With his current strength.

It’s not difficult to block the Tie Ma Jin Ge field and the violent Tie Ge.

But it is not easy to kill a Saint who masters Power of Time.

Before he killed Leiyun Saint and Tang Yueming.

It is all about bringing together all forces to break everything.

But this time.

He took the sword of thunderbolt Divine Consciousness condense Divine Consciousness.

Cleave the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Saint Ge directly.

His spirit and soul were severely damaged, and he was unable to resist martial skill and Power of Time.

Saint, who does not resist, is just a living target.

At most the fleshy body is a little harder that’s all.

But no matter how strong the Fleshy body is, how can it be able to withstand the Sword Energy?

So it was easy to beheaded Saint Ge.

This is also a manifestation of his increased strength after refining spiritual liquid.

“There are 4 more!”

But Xiao Changfeng was not immersed in joy.

His eyes were swept away, and he looked at the 4 Great Saint of the Xia people.

This 4 Great Saint 2 male 2 female.

The strongest among them is a short light old man with red light across the whole face, which is the strength of Saint Boundary 8.

It is precisely because of him that he can suppress the negative sea turtle and make the negative sea turtle suffer seriously.

And the remaining 3 people.

It is a Saint Boundary 6th-layer, a Saint Boundary 4 and a Saint Boundary 3rd-layer.

These 4 people are all from the Xia nationality. They are strong and powerful.

Nine Headed Snake and Negative Ink Turtle shot furiously though.

But this is also riddled with scars, flesh and blood.

I’m afraid it won’t last long.

Although Xiao Changfeng can fight across the border.

But it can only deal with Saint Boundary 3rd-layer and below.

Even if he takes Holy Magic Dan and wants to face these 4 Great Saints, he is still stretched.

“Sin, didn’t expect you really dare to show up, but since you are here, don’t think about leaving, obediently surrender, old man will let your father and the city’s 100 surnames.”

The short man old man clearly saw this too.

At this time the eyes were cruel, staring at Xiao Changfeng and said.

Nine Headed Snake and the negative sea turtle haven’t been able to hold on for long.

Waiting for the serious injury, trifling a Xiao Changfeng, even if he can kill Tian Ge Saint.

But how can I be the opponent of 4 people?

Short beard old man thought to himself, while 5 fingers spread out, grabbing on the back of the negative sea turtle.

Ka-cha !

The hard turtle shell of the female sea turtle suddenly cracked, and blood flowed like pillars.

A painful scream came from the mouth of the negative sea turtle.

Its injury was even worse.

And the other side.

The third head of Nine Headed Snake was also cut off, and the huge snake head fell, directly crashing many houses in Kyoto.

“Not good, the 9-headed demon saint and Mogui demon are almost unable to hold on!”

White Emperor and Martial Emperor and the others also saw the miserable situation of Nine Headed Snake and negative sea turtle.

If Nine Headed Snake and Negative Sea Turtle are seriously injured.

So who can resist these 4 Great Saints?

Tian Ge Saint is indeed dead, but he is only the weakest.

This is the 4 Great Saint of Xia!

But Xiao Changfeng alone can’t resist it.

The surprise that just sprang up for a while was instantly ruthlessly shot down.

“Master, you go!”

The remaining 2 heads of Nine Headed Snake vomit blood and scream, and at the same time madly spout Ghost Fire and evil wind.

The huge snake body is desperately blocked, trying to drag the enemy for Xiao Changfeng.

“Damn beast, get away!”

The stout old woman rushed again with a dagger in hand.

With a stab, oh la la cut the snake skin of Nine Headed Snake.

Suddenly blood spewed, and bones were deeply visible.

This blade completely injured Nine Headed Snake.

Its breath is utterly bleak, but still protect Xiao Changfeng.

Because this is its owner!

this moment.

Nine Headed Snake and Negative Ink Turtle are seriously injured and are about to persevere.

Without Nine Headed Snake and Negative Ink Turtle, with Xiao Changfeng alone, how can he withstand the siege of 4 Great Saint?

For a time.

Xiao Changfeng is in danger.

However, Xiao Changfeng is expressionless at this time, and the cold killing intent in his eyes is getting stronger and stronger.

“I said, you all have to die!”

Cold words came from Xiao Changfeng’s mouth, like the trial of Demon King in Hell.

“Come out, snake Heavenly Venerate!”


A pale-gold rainbow mandrel flew out of the Time and Space Sand leak.

Suddenly an unprecedented terrifying pressure came between Heaven and Earth.

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