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The person that Xiao Changfeng killed at this time.

Named Tian Ge Saint, Saint Boundary 2 heavy realm.

He is not a member of the Xia tribe, but from the Han family.

Although Heavenly Venerate Han fell, Saint still exists in the Han family.

Tian Ge Saint is one of them.

This time the Xia clan called the Fang and Han clan.

Fang Heavenly Venerate represents the Fang family.

The Tiange Saint represents the Han family.

Heavenly Venerate Han died in the hands of Martial Goddess.

But the Han family remembered this hatred on Xiao Changfeng’s head.

So this time Tian Ge Saint came with revenge.

It’s just that he is weak and has never broken through Nine Headed Snake and Negative Sea Turtle.

So, he hasn’t been able to avenge Xuefen.

But travel far and wide looking for something, only to return and find it easily!

He didn’t expect Xiao Changfeng to voluntarily run over to die.

That’s right, it was death.

Xiao Changfeng is indeed very strong.

One person killed 34 Paragon Powerhouse in a row.

But Paragon Realm is only Paragon Realm after all.

Whether it is Spiritual Qi or power, it is far from comparable to Saint.

Ascend and become a Saint this step, it is a skyrocketing.

It is difficult to make up with ordinary things.

Tian Ge Saint has never heard of someone who can use the realm of Paragon to shake Saint Boundary.

Even the genius powerhouse in Divine Race will not be so outrageous.

So he saw Xiao Changfeng take the initiative to rush to himself.

I am not surprised but happy.

“Xiao Changfeng, my family Heavenly Venerate died because of you, and the Son of God fell into the White Python Secret Realm again. This time, the old man wants to avenge Heavenly Venerate and the Son of God!”

The fierce killing intent splashed out in the eyes of Tian Ge Saint.

But he didn’t care.

Despise opponents strategically, but tactically, it still needs attention.

He decided one strike certain kill!

In this way, the Nine Headed Snake and the negative sea turtle will have no chance to rescue.

As for the battle of Heavenly Venerate over 9 days, it is too late.

For Heavenly Venerate Han and Han Junsheng’s heinous feud.

For the clansman in the Han family who are suffering.

Tian Ge Saint abandoned his thoughts, and only pure killing thoughts in his heart.

“Tie Ma Jingo field, open!”

Tian Ge Saint is the first time to open up his own field.

Suddenly the field spread to the range of 2000 meters, within which there are iron rides and gold horses.

Like a battlefield of fighting.

A breathtaking murderous power emerged, which could affect the mind and make people dread.


The area of ​​the Tie Ma Jin Ge, which is 2000 metres in size, stretches out and rolls directly towards Xiao Changfeng.

In front of it, the small Sword Domain appeared small and fragile.

But Tian Ge Saint decided to one strike certain kill, naturally impossible stopped.

He held a simple Tie Ge in his hand.

This is an ancient treasure, but the quality of a middle grade holy artifact.

At this time, he rolled Spirit Qi into Tie Ge.

Suddenly the mottled rust on Tie Ge was scattered, and bright and unusual rays of light bloomed.

A fierce breath emerged.

like a headless peerless ominous beast woke up, to choose someone to eat!

There are mottled blood stains on Tie Ge, which seems to have been contaminated with powerhouse blood.

At this moment the blood stains also quickly illuminate, making Tie Ge’s fierce power even stronger.

“Tianjie low-level martial skill: Massacre!”

Tian Ge Saint roared, his body full of aura, bright as the sun.


An invisible beast roar suddenly sounded between Heaven and Earth.

The people looked up.

I saw a huge ominous beast illusory shadow emerged behind Tian Ge Saint.

This illusory shadow is very vague and can’t be seen.

But the fierce power that penetrated into the bone marrow caused many people to tremble with their legs trembling and fall to the ground.

“Xiao Changfeng, I want you to die!”

Tian Ge Saint held Tie Ge, at this time his eyes were wide open and he shot suddenly.


Suddenly Tie Ge turned into a long rainbow thread, just like the sharp claw of the ominous beast.

Across the sky, directly pulled out a long wave of white marks.

Terror, like the fierceness of a storm, surprised several Saints on the side.

violent wind erupted.

This blow is enough to penetrate mountains and rivers and destroy the city.

The crushing of the Tie Ma Jin Ge field.

In addition to the martial skill on Tige.

At this moment, Xiao Changfeng’s situation was dangerous and abnormal.

“Long wind, avoid it!”

Martial Emperor silhouette quickly rushed out and wanted to rescue Xiao Changfeng.

But the distance is too far, and it is too late.

“Daze surging!”

Bai Di’s heart tightened and he immediately rescued him.

I saw that his field was spreading, and the heaven overflowing giant wave surged inside.

The wave of one after another came out like the hand of Spiritual God.

However, as soon as I touched the field of Tiemajingo, it was directly crushed by.

Just like mantis trying to stop a chariot!

“the host!”

Nine Headed Snake roar, want to rush over.

But he was dragged down by Saint of Xia.

The same is true for negative sea turtles.

Although they are closer.

But he was unable to rescue him.

As for Heavenly Venerate and Heavenly Venerable, it is above 9 days.

And was dragged down by the blazing Heavenly Venerate 3 people, also unable to rescue each other.

At this moment.

Countless people are looking at the Tie Ma Jin Ge field and the terrifying and powerful Tie Ge, and are afraid of Xiao Changfeng!

However, Xiao Changfeng at this time.

But the expression is the same, there is no fear, but the cold glow in the eyes is more intense.


Sword Domain was the first to collide with the Tiemajingo field.

The Sword Domain with a size of 50 meters is compared with the 2000-meter domain of the Iron Horse.

It’s like a needle that’s all.

However, this needle is sharp and abnormal.

It even penetrated directly into the field of Tiemajingo.

The killing power and the torrent of Tieqi can’t shake Sword Domain at all.

Instead, Sword Domain continued to go deeper and be slashed.

And with the entry of Sword Domain.

Xiao Changfeng and the violent Tie Ge are getting closer and closer.

“Sword energy condensate!”

Xiao Changfeng threw up his mouth, and Flying Sword flew out again.

at the same time.

The strong cold flame fire and the majestic cold spirit were shot into the sword by him.

A burst of sword energy suddenly burst out of the Flying Sword.

Immediately the Flying Sword is as thin as a hair, blooming a dazzling sword light.

Ka-cha !

Under the sword energy condensate, the iron horse gold field is like a knife tofu, easily cut through.

Then under the focal point of ten thousands.

Touched with Tie Ge.

There was no huge roar that everyone guessed.

There are no gorgeous sparks and horrible fluctuations.

There is only one crisp ka-cha sound!

That ancient treasure, Tie Ge stained with powerhouse blood.

Under the sword energy, like a wooden stick, it is directly cut into 2 segments.

“Sword of Divine Consciousness, cut!”

Xiao Changfeng did not give Tian Ge Saint any chance to respond.

Suddenly thunderbolt Divine Consciousness lightning fast.

Fly quickly to Tian Ge Saint.

And in midair condensed into a sword full of Divine Consciousness.

The Divine Consciousness sword instantly cut into the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Saint of Saints.

One sword is to sever the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Tian Ge Saint, and the spirit and soul of Tian Ge Saint are severely damaged.

Immediately the sword energy condensate flew.

Turn around Tian Ge Saint’s neck.

Tian Ge Saint, who was too late to resist because of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, was cut off the head directly.

A sword flew and cut Saint!

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