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If it is a direct battle.

Martial Emperor may not be able to kill these ten people.

However, the deaths of Xia Ming and Xia Yuanji made these ten people vigilant.

They did not dare to fight close to the Martial Emperor again.

Instead, he chose to attack with the summer fire bombs.

This summer hot bomb is condensed from summer fire, and each one possesses great power.

Ten pellets at a time are transformed into 100 meters fire sea.

Its terrifying high temperature is enough to burn a large mountain to ashes.

Although Martial Emperor can stop one or two times.

But it can’t stop 8 times ten times!

As one of the Four Great Divine Clans, the Xia clan is too strong.

Treasures similar to summer bombs, if placed outside.

Any one is enough to make people beaten up.

However, among the Xia Clan, there are countless.

At least there are nearly 50 summer bombs at this time.

The sky above Kyoto was incinerated, with waves of heat.

Although the Martial Emperor has a black and white double-edged sword given to him by Xiao Changfeng.

But compared with the Xia, the background is still too weak.

“Not good, Your Majesty is injured!”

Seeing that Martial Emperor was oppressed, his injuries became more and more serious.

Baidi and the others are heart startled.

But at this time they are simply unable to rescue.

Facing the two Paragon powerhouses of the Xia clan, the Baidi was already stretched.

Although the Imperial Guard and Demon Court are more numerous.

However, the Xia people know how to fight together in battle.

With 1000 people joining hands, the battle strength is extremely powerful.

Instead, the Imperial Guard and Demon Court troops suffered heavy casualties.


The sound of fighting!


Endless like a thread, the war is urgent.

Among Kyoto.

The 100 surnames ran out of the city frantically.

Yunhuang and Zhao Sanqing and the others tried their best to maintain order.

But in the face of life and death, who can keep calm.

Ever since stampede incidents are endless.

Some were burned to death by the summer fire, and some were seriously injured and fell to the ground by the fluctuations of the fighting.

Others were trampled to death in the chaos.

This day.

It will be the darkest day in Kyoto history!

And over Kyoto.

The battle of Saint is also fierce.

The huge bodies of Nine Headed Snake and Nine Headed Snake cover the sky.

They are fierce Megatron, monster qi is rich.

But this time they faced 5 Great Saints.

Even if Nine Headed Snake and Negative Sea Turtle can one against two, they cannot stop the attack of 5 Great Saint.

Over time.

Their 2 demon also gradually fell into the disadvantage.

If it weren’t for Nine Headed Snake’s 5 heads desperately fighting.

I am afraid that someone Saint has left here and killed the Martial Emperor.

Nine Headed Snake and Nine Headed Snake are like this.

Not to mention the battle of Heavenly Venerate, which was cut on 9 days.

Above the sky, thunder and lightning flashed, squally gusts roared, and the weather changed.

Four Great Heavenly Venerables shot together, and the battle fluctuated like a tsunami, making the creatures within ten thousand meters shiver coldly.

Although Yu Heavenly Venerate holds gold wire, its battle strength is strong.

But Chi Heavenly Venerate and the others have already made a battle plan.

Chi Heavenly Venerate and Fang Heavenly Venerate joined forces to want to hold down Heavenly Venerate.

On the side of the lotus Heavenly Venerate is to find an opportunity to break through the defense line of Heavenly Venerate and kill down.

After all, the purpose of their coming is not to deal with Heavenly Venerate, but to capture Martial Emperor.

As long as Martial Emperor can be captured, the mission is complete.


However, every time Heavenly Venerate wants to break through the defense line.

Jin Si is accurately stopped in front of him.

That horrible gold wire could easily split the time and space, making Lian Heavenly Venerate have to step back and avoid.

But as the battle went on.

Although Heavenly Venerate is strong, it is impossible to guard against it all the time.

There are 2 times when Heavenly Venerate breakthrough breakthrough the defense.

Yu Yu Heavenly Venerate tried to force her back after being injured.

This war has entered an intense stage since at first.

Over 9 days, there was the battle of Heavenly Venerate.

At high altitude, there is the Battle of Saint.

in midair is the battle of the 2nd army.

And the other side.

It is Martial Emperor against dozens of Paragon powerhouses.

This is a war of great disparity.

Although Martial Emperor has Heavenly Venerate and Nine Headed Snake and the others.

But no matter the number or strength.

Are far inferior to the Xia army.

at first With their courage, they can fight for 300 rounds.

But as time went on, they gradually fell into the disadvantage!

Pu chi!

Chi Heavenly Venerate held a pair of iron hooks while fishing Heavenly Venerate to stop Lian Heavenly Venerate.

With a wave of the iron hook, he landed on the Heavenly Venerate, and immediately pulled out a wound with visible bone.

“Fish Heavenly Venerate, get away if you don’t want to die, or today next year will be your death day!”

The fierce voice of Heavenly Venerate sounded, and the scar on his face was even more terrible.

“hmph! ”

Fishing Heavenly Venerate coldly snorted, much lazily said, a wave of gold wire in his hand, forced Lian Heavenly Venerate back again.

But his injuries are getting heavier.


In the battle of Saint, a short and sturdy old man, holding a dagger, escaped from in the sky.

A knife cut off a head of Nine Headed Snake.

Suddenly blood like pillars, the snake head fell.


Two Saints joined forces to fly the negative sea turtle.

Suddenly the sea turtle uttered a wailing, spurt a large mouthful of blood.

It was hurt too!

As for the 2nd Army.

At this time, there are more than 1000 martial artists of the Xia nationality.

However, the Imperial Guard and Demon Court forces have only 2 people left.

People die every moment.

The battle situation is extremely tragic.

Hong long long !

Summer bombs are still exploding.

All the summer fires are connected together and turned into a huge fire sea.

Covering the sky and covering the sun, it covers half of Kyoto.

In the fire sea, Martial Emperor’s hair was scorched, and the dragon robe was broken.

His face was incredibly pale, and his breath faded to the extreme.


A new round of summer fire bombs hit.

Martial Emperor finally couldn’t hold on.

Suddenly the chessboard area shattered, and his whole person fell in midair.

Eventually smashed into the Imperial Palace, and directly collapsed a palace.

With the serious injury of Martial Emperor.

The 9 mountain range Earth Dragons controlled by Jade Seal are also formidable power.

Soon, the 23 Paragon powerhouses exploded.

“Live to capture Xiao Yuan, this battle will win!”

In an instant.

Thirty-three Xia powerhouses rushed out to the place where Martial Emperor fell in the Imperial Palace.

The 33 Xia people’s powerhouse imposing manner was shocking and nobody could stop it.

“Your Majesty !”

Gong Gonghong’s eye socket cracked, and he flew quickly with a long spear.

“Martial Emperor!”

Bai Di was also shocked and worried.

Zhou Zhenghao and Bai Xi and the others also came side by side, very nervous.

this moment.

Everyone’s heartstrings are tight for Martial Emperor.

Just at this time.


In the far sky, a sky-changing rainbow looks like a sword that cuts through Heaven and Earth.

Split everything in an instant and arrive in a blink.

At the same time, there is a terrifying killing intent, so that everyone can clearly feel it.

The intensity of the killing intent made people unable to bear shudder.

Both Saint and Heavenly Venerate also looked sideways.

At this time, this stunning Changhong went straight to the Imperial Palace.

A killing intent awe-inspiring voice is also echoed between Heaven and Earth:

“The one who hurt me Imperial Father, kill without mercy!”

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