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Martial Emperor has left the category of martial artist!

He is already a thorough Immortal Cultivator.

The realm in the late Great Ascension, with the body True Yuan, is as strong as the sea.

Various spells are also hand in hand. Although they are not as good as Xiao Changfeng, they are also more skillful than those mastered by Lu Wenji and Dao 3000.

After all, although he doesn’t have enough innate talent, he has a worldly heart.

But it is far above Lu Wenji and Dao 3000.

In addition, he is the powerhouse of Paragon.

There is also a deeper understanding of the grasp of strength and martial skill.

After the chemical weapon cultivation, it is also more powerful.

At this moment.

Martial Emperor holds the jade seal in his left hand, and the sword in his right hand.

Actually killed 2 Paragon Powerhouse in just half a minute.

This record.

Shock everyone!

“How could he be so strong? Xia Ming and Xia Yuanji were killed in one meeting!”

“Even if it’s the strength of the 9th layer of Paragon, it’s impossible to kill Xia Ming and Xia Yuanji so quickly. His strength is far above our estimate!”

The Xia powerhouse each and everyone’s eyes widened, looking at Martial Emperor in disbelief.

In their intelligence, Martial Emperor is in Paragon.

But strength is just that’s all.

And standing in a high position, without a shot, I am afraid that the strength will be greatly reduced.

Previously, they thought that they had joined forces with 2 or 1 people, which was enough to easily capture.

But the reality is that fiercely gave them a slap.

The power of Martial Emperor makes them dare not to have the slightest heart.

“He holds the Heavenly Venerate device, and the jade seal can also arouse the feng shui in this place. Don’t be entangled with him anymore, use the summer explosive bomb, and he will be reinstated after being seriously injured!”

Headed by a Paragon Realm 8 heavy powerhouse quickly opened.

Previously they planned to capture Martial Emperor intact.

Now it seems that this idea is somewhat unrealistic.

In this case, only one tactic can be changed.

As long as Martial Emperor can be captured, both intact and seriously injured can be accepted.

“it is good!”

The remaining 9 people immediately promised.


I saw ten people quickly retreat and distanced from Martial Emperor.

No longer give him the opportunity to kill.

At the same time, the Paragon Realm 8-headed martial artist led the hand.

The so-called summer blast bomb was removed from the storage ring.

This is a fist sized red bead.

The beads are round and shiny, with a touch of brilliant lights and vibrant colors.

But as soon as the object was taken out, the temperature of all around suddenly rose suddenly.

This is the twelfth lunar winter.

But this moment seems to have entered the hot summer, the high temperature hit.


Ten summer explosive bombs were thrown and flew to Martial Emperor from different directions.

“Tianyuan is empty!”

Although I don’t know the formidable power of the summer blast, Martial Emperor is afraid to have the slightest care.

He directly runs the Yin and Yang Celestial Emperor method, and True Yuan is immersed in the field.

Suddenly in the realm of chessboard, black and white 2 players appear.

These chess pieces hold the space, making the chessboard field extremely hard.

This is a defensive means in the chessboard field, which can resist Saint’s blow.


shouted in a low voice came from the mouth of the Xia powerhouse.

Suddenly one of the summer bursts of fire burst into a gorgeous flame.

The flame erupted like a volcano.

The small summer flame burst into a flame of ten meters in size.

The flame was hot and violent, directly burning the air, distinguished space.

With incomparable high temperature and destructive power, fly directly to Martial Emperor.

Like a burning meteorite hit.

Along the way, the air was blown out of a long vacuum channel.

At this time, ten summer bombs flew together.

Hong long long !

In a blink of an eye, Martial Emperor’s location was surrounded by ten summer fire bombs.

The flames are connected and turned into a fire sea of ​​100 meters in size.

The space where Martial Emperor is located is burned and twisted.

There are even more sparks 4 splashing down and falling in Kyoto.

This flame is not an ordinary flame, but a unique summer fire within the Xia clan.

Not only does it scorch high temperature, but also has immortal characteristics.

If you want to extinguish it, you can’t do it with ordinary water.

So many 100 surnames were hit by Xia Huo in Kyoto.

Burned to death in screams and panic.

“Your Majesty !”

Seeing this scene, Hong Gonggong, who was fighting in the battlefield, suddenly had a complexion greatly changed.

Just for a moment, God Duke Hong was stabbed in the back.

Suddenly bleeding and injured.

But Grandpa Hong is still worried about the safety of Martial Emperor.

Not only Grandpa Hong, but everyone else was looking nervously at the 100 meters fire sea.

If Martial Emperor was seriously injured or even died.

Then the situation in this battle will change instantly.

“Open to me!”

Just as everyone waited nervously.

A sword glow suddenly appeared in the 100 meters fire sea.

This sword glow is as bright as the sun, and extremely dazzling.

Actually cut the 100 meters fire sea in half.

Then the silhouette of Martial Emperor reappeared in front of everyone.

Martial Emperor at this time was a little embarrassed.

The dragon robe in his body was burned out of several holes, and his long black hair was burned out a lot.

The whole person’s breath is slightly weak.

But there was no injury.

See this Hong Gong public are relaxed.

“His field is too condensed, but he can stop it once, but not a few times, and continue to use the summer bomb!”

The Xia powerhouse of Paragon 8 was again open.

The death of Xia Ming and Xia Yuanji made him stunned and dared not fight close.

But there are still a lot of summer bombs, and he will not be stingy.

On the contrary, as long as this battle is won, he will get many rewards.

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

Suddenly, ten more summer explosives appeared.

Although the previous 100 meters fire sea was split, it did not dissipate.

With ten more summer bombs, Martial Emperor is also difficult to resist.

“Cloud escape!”

Martial Emperor moved, and suddenly the whole person disappeared.

This is not teleportation, but an advanced escape technique.

Hong long long !

Suddenly ten summer explosive shells broke out, but Martial Emperor hid from the danger.

“You guys use summer bombs, I’ll hold him back!”

The Xia powerhouse in Paragon Realm 8 saw Martial Emperor escaped the second round of summer bursts and immediately made a decisive decision.


He reached out and grabbed a battle blade, which was a top grade holy weapon.

Immediately, Spirit Qi surged, and Time and Space Strength broke out, killing Martial Emperor.

But he did not plan to fight with Martial Emperor.

Instead, he dragged his footsteps so that he could not avoid the summer bomb.


The summer round of the third round came.

This time, Martial Emperor was unable to avoid completely because he was dragged down, and was hit by a summer bomb.


Martial Emperor had a pale complexion, and suddenly spits out mouthful of blood.

Although he is strong, but he can’t beat 4 hands, he is still injured.

“Go on, he can’t hold it anymore!”

Seeing this scene, the Xia Powerhouse in Paragon Realm 8 has a bright face.

Hong long long !

The continuous summer bombs flew.

Fireball roared in the sky like a meteor shower.

Although Martial Emperor is powerful, it can’t stand such a bombardment.

Gradually, the injury was getting worse.

Soon it was in danger!

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