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Built the city?

If everyone was hit hard in their hearts, there was some reaction for a while.

For everyone present, building the city itself is not difficult.

But Xiao Changfeng said to build a new site on the site of North Tang Sect.

And it has been named Dancheng.

This has to make people think more.

Does Xiao Changfeng want to establish the sect and replace Bei Tang Sect as the new sect?

Or does he want to build his own city?

The word “Dancheng” is also intriguing!

“Elder Xiao, are you going to establish the sect?”

Tie Rujun took the lead in breaking the silence and asked Xiao Changfeng.

Xiao Changfeng is just a realm in Paragon.

But it is able to kill Saint, which can be regarded as Saint powerhouse.

And no one will doubt that Xiao Changfeng will certainly be able to become and become a Saint in the future.

Even Heavenly Venerable Realm has great hope.

If he establishes the sect, it must be a major event that has caused a sensation in China and even the whole world.

However, Xiao Changfeng is shook the head.

“I don’t have the idea of ​​establishing the sect, this Dan City is also used by the 4 parties Chamber of Commerce and Alchemist.”

Establishing the sect, if Xiao Changfeng had this idea.

It has been implemented as early as the Eastern Region.

He just wanted to pursue his immortal dao alone.

“The 4-party Chamber of Commerce impossible has been staying in the medical Holy City or Iron Hammer City. This Dan City is a foundation for me to give the 4-party Chamber of Commerce.”

“And the site of North Tang Sect is located in the easternmost part of Middle-earth, close to the eastern region, which can provide great convenience.”

“Apart from this, this Dan City is not a sect situation, and it will become the Holy Land of Alchemist in the future!”

Xiao Changfeng spoke up.

He had already thought about this idea when he stepped out of Tang Sect North.

Coming from Eastern Region, except for Inner Ring Overseas.

The first contact was with the site of North Tang Sect.

The establishment of Dancheng on the site of North Tang Sect can influence one side.

In the future, whether it is from the Eastern Region to Middle-earth or from Middle-earth to the Eastern Region, there will be no problems.

And the circulation of medicine pill will be smoother.

After all, shipping is also a channel.

Of course, as the foundation of the 4-party Chamber of Commerce, it is only half the role of Dancheng.

Dancheng will not become a closed city.

It is an open city, or a city of commerce.

In Xiao Changfeng’s vision.

In the future, Dancheng will connect all regions, and countless goods will converge here, and then lead to other regions.

To achieve the purpose of cargo communication world!

The 4-party Chamber of Commerce and medicine pill are bundled together.

Therefore, Dancheng must not only become a city of commerce, but also become the Holy Land of Alchemist.


A large medicine pill auction and Pill Refining Convention will be held in Dan City.

Use medicine pill auction to enhance the reputation of medicine pill.

Use Pill Refining Convention to bring Alchemist from all over the world together for a pill concocting test.

As long as these 2 things are done.

Dan City is bound to be the Holy Land of countless Alchemist in mind.

I heard Xiao Changfeng’s description.

Everyone was shocked.

They didn’t expect that Xiao Changfeng had such a big ambition.

Zhang Jiayang, in particular, felt a little vigilance in his heart.

After all, the Pill Refining Convention is bound to affect the prestige of the Medicine Refining Master Association.

But he also knows that in pill concocting, even if he has been cultivation for 1000 years, he can’t keep up with Xiao Changfeng.

Therefore, although he was vigilant, he could only helplessly accept it.

But he soon thought about how to fight for the interests of the Medicine Refining Master Association in this matter.

Minimize the impact, and even benefit from it!

“Elder Xiao, the refining technique of my association of forging masters, naturally I can’t say that the construction of Dancheng can also be undertaken, but the construction of the city is not overnight, and the resources required are also massive.”

“My Association of Forge Masters can sell it for free or provide some resources, but the old man has a condition!”

Tie Rujun thought for a moment, and then solemnly opened his mouth.

“Iron Elder but it’s okay!”

Xiao Changfeng slightly nodded.

“Dam City’s walls, to leave the mark of my association of forge masters, indicating that this city was built by our association of forge masters!”

Tie Rujun stated his conditions.

Although it seems to be just a fake name.

But he had to admit that Tie Rujun’s eyes were hot.

According to Xiao Changfeng, the future Dancheng is bound to be the bright pearl of the entire world in China.

Leaving a mark will let the world know the capabilities of the Forge Masters Association.

It is bound to be great for enhancing the prestige of the Association of Forgesmiths.

And this is not a one-off deal.

As long as Dancheng is still alive, this ad will always be there.

1000 years, 10000 years, forever.

“Okay, I promised this!”

What Xiao Changfeng wants is a city of Dan. As for this kind of advertisement, he naturally will not care.

After 2 people negotiated, they signed the jade slip agreement.

Of course, in addition to building Dancheng.

The cooperation between the 4th Chamber of Commerce and the Association of Forgesmiths is also a top priority.

However, this is much easier than the Medicine Refining Master Association, so it went smoothly.

“Elder Xiao can rest assured that when he goes back to the old man, he will arrange people to go to the North Tang Sect site for field investigation. After consulting with your drawings, the old man will also discuss with Su Young Lady!”

Xiao Changfeng gave a drawing, and Tie Rujun accepted it after nodded.

The matter of medicine pill and the matter of Dancheng have been negotiated.

But there is one more thing.

“Hua Kui Saint!”

Xiao Changfeng turned his head to look at Saint Hua, the white veil covered by white yarn.

“Pill Emperor, this seat has been considered clearly and agreed to join the 4 party Chamber of Commerce!”

Huakui Saint’s melodious voice sounded.

But others didn’t know about it and couldn’t help but stunned.

“I have negotiated with you before the conditions. As long as you don’t break your faith, Xiao will naturally not go back on his words.”

Xiao Changfeng nodded with a smile, satisfied.

Then he turned to look at Su Qingli and told her the good news.

“From today on, Huakui Saint will become the first offering of the 4-party Chamber of Commerce. If there is any trouble in the future, you can contact her.”

4 The Chamber of Commerce has insufficient strength.

It is not realistic to cultivate top powerhouse in a short time.

So Xiao Changfeng thought of the offering system.

Huakui Saint’s assistance to him several times is enough to prove his sincerity.

Therefore, Xiao Changfeng also invited her to become the first offering.

“Many thanks Xiao Master, many thanks Huakui Saint!”

Su Qing was very pleased with the news and thanked him quickly.

The 4 party Chamber of Commerce just eats the loss without top powerhouse.

So it will be subject to various exclusions.

Today, with the addition of Huakui Saint, this situation is gone forever.

The demon joins.

Cooperation between Medicine Refining Master Association and Forge Masters Association.

In addition, Huakui Saint became enshrined.

And confirmation of the new construction in Dancheng.

In this way, the foundation of the 4-party Chamber of Commerce is completely laid.

As for the future, it depends on Su Qingli and the others’ ability.

Then Xiao Changfeng talked about the cooperation with Jade Girl Sect and 100 surnamed Zong.

And briefly described the situation of Yue Yaoqin in Western Region.

Finally let everyone leave.

In Elder Palace, there are only 2 people left: Xiao Changfeng and Venerable Tianji!

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