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“Su Qingli, you first talk about the current situation of the 4-party Chamber of Commerce!”

Xiao Changfeng looked to Su Qinglian and signaled him to report first.

This is not the first time Su Qingli has participated in the year-end summary meeting.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng heard what he said and reported it.

“Master Xiao, this time 4 Chamber of Commerce has suffered heavy losses, but the overall structure is fairly complete. After the Battle of Iron Hammer City, the slaves have begun to recover.”

“Now the channel has been reconnected, and it should be within a month or two, but the shops that were damaged before will take more time to rebuild. It is conservatively estimated that it will take at least half a year.”

“But these are only minor things, and it will take a while to recover with Spirit Stone, mainly in the medicine pill business.”

Su Qingli spoke slowly and clearly, one after another came.

“My 4th Chamber of Commerce first entered China, and opened the market with medicine pill to open up channels. Most of the martial artists in China now have accepted medicine pill, but there are many people in China. Supply has always been less than demand.”

“As long as medicine pill can be put in place, it is easier to develop channels.”

“The other is some areas, such as the territory of Vajrapani Sect and Imperial Beast Sect. They are very resistant to our entry. Although they will not be destroyed, they will collect much more tax than other places.”

Su Qingli is no longer the business teenager.

Now, after passing through the baptism of Eastern Territory and Middle-earth, she has gradually got the potential of the business queen.

She reported one by one, telling the current achievements of the four parties of Chamber of Commerce and the problems they encountered one after another.

Let Xiao Changfeng and others quickly understand.

“Elder Zhang, medicine pill, how much can the Medicine Refining Master Association supply each month?”

After listening to Su Qingli’s report.

Xiao Changfeng turned around and asked Zhang Jiayang on the side.

Now that the medical saint is unconscious, Zhang Jiayang is responsible for all matters, and it is natural to ask him the most accurate.

“Elder Xiao, there are now 1300 51 people in my Medicine Refining Master Association.”

“However, most of them are Grade 2 Alchemists. There are not many High Rank Alchemists. If there are more than 9000 Spirit Pills per month, for Treasure Pill, we can only take out about ten at a time.”

“However, Alchemist’s cultivation plan has been implemented, the number of Alchemist will gradually increase, and the number of medicine pill will gradually increase.”

Zhang Jiayang quickly calculated the account in the heart and answered Xiao Changfeng.

More than 9000 medicine pill.

This amount is not small, but it is an utterly inadequate measure in the whole Middle-earth.

Even more how to support the Western Region is even more stretched.

“For the time being, this is the case, but the quantity of medicine pill is still insufficient. This matter needs the help of Elder Zhang and the entire Medicine Refining Master Association. Next, I will pass on some special Alchemy Techniques and some Pill Recipes from Treasure Pill.”

For the number of medicine pill, Xiao Changfeng has no good way for a while.

After all, even if he pill concocting himself, it is only a cure for the symptoms.

Still need a lot of Alchemist.

Of course, if you want to make the Medicine Refining Master Association contribute, you will naturally have to give benefits.

Alchemy Technique and Pill Recipe are undoubtedly the most precious.

Some special Alchemy Technique can improve the success rate or quality of pill concocting.

It is undoubtedly a great temptation for Alchemist.

And if this Alchemy Technique depends on the Alchemists themselves, they don’t know how to time that will never come.

As for Pill Recipe, it is very important.

Without Pill Recipe, how can you make a good medicine pill.

even more how this is Treasure Pill’s Pill Recipe.

“Many thanks Elder Xiao!”

Zhang Jiayang was very happy and immediately thanked him.

“Elder Zhang, please don’t hurry!”

As soon as Xiao Changfeng’s voice turned, he spoke again.

“This four-party Chamber of Commerce crisis, although not caused by the Medicine Refining Master Association, has a certain relationship, so this time I want to sign an agreement with the Medicine Refining Master Association.”

“This agreement is very simple, the two are mutually beneficial, if one prospers, all prospers, if one suffers, all suffers!”

This time 4 Party of Commerce suffered an unprecedented blow.

Although the Medicine Refining Master Association did not take action, it did not help.

But it is not good to stand idly by.

Therefore, Xiao Changfeng intends to say something ugly and sign an agreement.

In this way, there is a guarantee for the 4 parties Chamber of Commerce.

Even if you pass away in the future, this time phenomenon will not appear again.

Zhang Jiayang is a wise man, and he soon figured out Xiao Changfeng’s intention.

“Okay, the old man promised you, and after this signing, when Head President wakes up, the old man will persuade him to sign a supplementary agreement, Elder Xiao, do you think it is feasible?”

Zhang Jiayang was also a courageous person. At this time, he acted decisively and agreed to Xiao Changfeng’s proposal.

He knew that although this agreement was a bondage, it was also a driving force.

“Well, since that is the case, under your witness, Elder Zhang signed this agreement!”

Xiao Changfeng is already ready.

A wave of jade slip flew out at this moment.

In the jade slip, the rays of light are on, and an agreement is presented in midair.

“Just drop blood to enter, you can sign an agreement, the agreement is 1%, do not repent!”

This is the magic weapon that Xiao Changfeng deliberately refined, for this moment.

Now that Zhang Jiayang has made his decision, he naturally no longer hesitates.

Suddenly bit his finger, squeezed a drop of blood, and fell into the jade slip.

“Su Qingli!”

This agreement was not signed by Xiao Changfeng, but by Su Qinglian and the Medicine Refining Master Association.

Although Su Qingli saw him for the first time, he did not hesitate.

Suddenly squeezed a drop of blood into the jade slip.


The blood was dropped and the agreement was completed.

The jade slip was immediately divided into 2 pieces and flew to Zhang Jiayang and Su Qinglian.

But this is only 1st Step.

After the medical sage wakes up, he will sign a supplementary agreement.

Of course, if the medical sage can’t wake up, then Zhang Jiayang as the acting Head President also has enough effect.

“Elder Zhang, don’t drop the communication with Yin-Yang Academy!”

After the agreement was signed, Xiao Changfeng remembered something and suddenly said.

Yin-Yang Academy has Medicine Refinement Hall, which was agreed to cooperate with Medicine Refining Master Association.

But this time, the communication was interrupted because of this.

Now that the matter is over, it is natural to resume it.

“Elder Xiao, please rest assured that the old man has sent someone to do it now.”

Zhang Jiayang put away the agreement jade slip and answered with a smile.

Xiao Changfeng nodded.

The cooperation with the Medicine Refining Master Association has been finalized.

So he turned to look at Tie Rujun.

“Iron Elder, I want to sign an agreement with your association of forge masters!”

Tie Rujun is now mentally prepared.

Suddenly nodded to agree.

“But beyond the agreement, there is one more thing that needs the help of the Association of Forge Masters.”

Xiao Changfeng did not rush to sign the agreement, but continued.

Tie Rujun was puzzled.

And Xiao Changfeng’s next sentence.

Not only shocked him, but also shocked the others in the hall.

“I plan to build a Dan City on the site of North Tang Sect!”

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