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North Tang Sect.

One of Nine Great Sects in Middle-earth.

Although it is at the bottom, but also not ordinary people can compete.

Its sect inheritance is 30,000 years, glorious and lonely.

Now in the land of Middle-earth, it is one side.

The entire sect is famous for hidden weapons and poisons.

Its ten hidden weapons are even the epicenter of the epicenter, making countless people change their color.

The recipe of North Tang Sect is also terrifying.

But recently.

North Tang Sect has opened the Great Sect Protection Array, and the martial law has been fully enforced.

a The recipe of North Tang Sect was called back.

Distributed throughout the sect, ready to take action to meet the enemy at any time.

And about who the enemy is.

As the news of the Battle of the Iron Hammer City spread, many northern Tang Sect disciple were heard.

“It’s done, it’s done. This time it’s really done. Even Martial Spirit Hall and Ouyang Family have lost. How can we stop it?”

“I heard that Pill Emperor appeared again, not only killing the Palace Lord of Martial Spirit Hall, but also beating the Thunder Cloud Saint alone. Can we really be able to withstand such terrifying existence?”

“I believe we will win. Sect Master and Elder are already discussing the countermeasures. What about Pill Emperor? My Tang Sect in North China is an Ancient Sect with an inheritance of 30,000 years. Dare to come home?”

In the North Tang Sect, countless recipes are discussed in private.

Some people were shocked and frightened by the results of the Battle of Iron Hammer City.

Others are full of self-confidence and think that it is not enough to be afraid.

Although this kind of thing is already expressly prohibited.

But it can’t stop you from talking.

For a time, North Tang Sect was in this restless atmosphere.

At this time, if you look down from the sky.

You can see the entire periphery of North Tang Sect.

Covered with a layer of 5 colors and 6 colors of translucent light.

This layer of colored light blocks the sunlight, causing the light in the North Tang Sect to be distorted.

This is the Great Sect Protection Array of North Tang Sect.

It is also the biggest support for the North Tang Sect to survive.

In the great hall.

At this time Tang Yueming and Feng Lingbei and the others are here.

North Tang Sect In addition to Tang Yueming, there are Seven Great Elders.

All are powerhouses in Paragon.

Among them, Feng Lingbei is Elder with the strongest strength.

And Xu Mohe and Huaiyin Old Ancestor are also not weak.

As for the remaining 4 Elders, they are all very out of the ordinary.

Because of the task and the collection of poison or materials for making hidden weapon.

Therefore, there are very few Seven Great Elders in the sect normally.

But now it is a special period.

“There is news that Xiao Changfeng has brought 2 people from the conference to come here!”

Tang Yueming looked very ugly.

Eyes are deep, bloodshot in the eye sockets, and haggard.

He hasn’t slept well in these 3 days.

Every time you close your eyes, a picture of Thundercloud Saint being killed will appear in your mind.

That picture is so miserable, so desolate.

And many times the Thundercloud Saint in that picture turned into himself?

This made Tang Yueming’s panic and anxiety worse.

He knew he had Heart Demon and wanted to overcome it.

But he thought about a dozen ways, but he still did not overcome them, but became more and more serious.

Now that I heard the news of the arrival of Xiao Changfeng, a heart has even fallen into the bottom.

As early as the moment when Thundercloud Saint fell, his fighting intent also fell with it.

He dared not face Xiao Changfeng again.

He is scared!

He is afraid!

He is afraid of death!

No one is not afraid of death, he is even more so.

Lu Family Old Ancestor was sent to chase Xiao Changfeng, but later he chased himself, but fled back in embarrassment.

Shot in cooperation with Ao Xuan at East Sea Dragon Palace.

To this battle of Hammer City.

In fact, it is because of the fear and fear in his heart.

Today, this evil seed is completely rooted and germinated, making it difficult for him to remove.

At this time, he was only thinking about life.

As for the others, I haven’t considered much.

“Sect Master is right, Pill Emperor is already on the way, maybe these two days will come, but we don’t have to be pessimistic. Although Pill Emperor is strong, as long as Venerable Heavenly Master does not personally take action, my North Tang Sect will But safe and sound!”

Feng Lingbei opened his mouth and spoke eloquently, solemnly vowed.

“Sect Master, although the battle of the Hammer City is too unimaginable, but my Tang Sect inheritance is 30,000 years, and it’s not without its heritage, let alone, just under the Great Sect Protection Array, under Heavenly Venerate, don’t want to break it. !”

Xu Mohe’s eye shows the ominous light, and there is no fear.

He was originally the main battle group, even more how this time passively waiting for others to come to the door.

“Yes, the Great Sect Protection Array connects me to the eleven peaks of Tang Sect in North China. It connects to the ground and connects to Tianyuan. Under Heavenly Venerate, it can’t be shaken at all. That is, the arrival of Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse. It may not be feasible.”

Huaiyin Old Ancestor is also nodded.

For Great Sect Protection Array, they all have great confidence.

Because this Great Sect Protection Array is not established now.

But from the beginning of the North Tang Sect, it has already existed.

During these 30,000 years, North Tang Sect has hired many Feng Shui Masters to strengthen and stabilize it.

The formidable power of this Great Sect Protection Array is getting stronger and stronger.

The Sect extermination crisis of the North Tang Sect has been blocked by the Great Sect Protection Array.

Therefore, this time Fengling North and the others are also full of confidence.

I think that with the Great Sect Protection Array, it is enough to withstand Xiao Changfeng’s attack.

As long as you can’t break the Great Sect Protection Array, it won’t hurt.

Big deal within the sect shrinks for 100 years.

After 100 years, it is another hero!

This is not the first time this kind of thing, what terrifying.

“Yes, as long as the Great Sect Protection Array is not broken, what terrifying do I have!”

Hearing Feng Lingbei and the others, the fear and uneasiness in Tang Yueming’s heart gradually settled down.

The defensive power of the Great Sect Protection Array is beyond doubt.

As long as the Great Sect Protection Array is present, the North Tang Sect is present, and he will not die.

“Has the disciplines been arranged yet?”

Having figured this out, Tang Yueming regained his mind and asked.

Disciple is the cornerstone of North Tang Sect in the future, and the power to maintain Great Sect Protection Array.

“Please be assured that Sect Master, the entire 10000 3915 disciplines have been arranged, as long as Pill Emperor dares to come, he will be returned in low spirits after failing!”

Feng Ling Bei bowed his hand to salute, and then answered.

This was arranged by him personally, and he was naturally confident of this matter.

“That’s good, this matter is related to the life and death of my Tang Sect, don’t care!”

Tang Yueming is nodded. He still believes in Fengling North.

“Sect Master, if you want me to say, why don’t you worry, as long as Venerable Heavenly Master does not take action, he can rely on a Pill Emperor, where can he go, when the time comes If he dares to come, I will cut off his head to cheer Junwei!”

Xu Mohe disdainfully said.

Although Tang Yueming said that Xiao Changfeng beheaded Leiyun Saint, he still did not believe it.

Can Paragon Realm kill Saint?


Tang Yueming brows slightly wrinkle, opened his mouth, ready to speak.

Just at this time.

A strange coercion came down like a cloud.

Immediately Xiao Changfeng’s indifferent voice also sounded over the North Tang Sect:

“After today, there will be no more Tang Sect!”

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