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Wuling City, in Medicine Refining Master branch.

There is a special palace here, usually only a few people can enter the cleaning.

As for living there, even branch Changhuang 3 does not have this qualification.

Because this is the Elder Palace.

There is only one owner.

That is Elder Xiao in the epicenter of the Medicine Refining Master Association.

However, there is only one person in the Elder palace.

A shadow of beauty sat in front of the Elder Palace and looked far away, as if seeing through the blue sky and white clouds.

This is a Fox Race woman.

With a pair of fox ears, a long white fox tail was dragged behind him.

Two diametrically opposite temperaments, cold and charming, are perfectly presented to her.

It’s like Extreme Yin Yang, and it looks like Fire and Ice Two Layer Heaven!

It is the Xiangfei from Tianshan!

When Xiao Changfeng first came to Middle-earth, she led the way.

Later in this Wuling City.

For various reasons, Xiangfei chose to stay here.

And this stay is almost 3 years.

“Master Xiao, I don’t know when I will see you again!”

Xiang Fei swayed the fox tail slightly, and in the bright eyes like stars, there was a touch of nostalgia.

Not seen in 3 years, today’s Xiangfei has become more mature and moving.

It’s hard to stop people from looking at it.

However, the most missed by Xiangfei is Xiao Changfeng.

What she has for Xiao Changfeng is not the love of men and women.

It is a feeling of awe from the heart.

Just as devout believers face the Spiritual God they believe in.

For the past 3 years.

Xiangfei worked hard day and night to cultivate the humming Dafa passed to her by Xiao Changfeng.

Its strength is also advanced by leaps and bounds, and it has also broken through the shackles and reached the realm of Paragon.

Although it’s only Paragon’s realm, if it’s humiliating Dafa.

It is the enemy of Paragon Realm 2 3rd-layer, which can also be battled.

When Xiangfei chose to stay, the main purpose was because of Xu Mohe in North Tang Sect.

This is the life and death enemy of Grandma Fox.

Xiangfei stayed, intending to avenge her grandmother Hu.

It was just that she had insufficient strength before to avenge her.

After she finally broke through.

North Tang Sect was closed and alert again.

She alone, naturally dare not break into the North Tang Sect, it is tantamount to death.

So she can only continue to wait.

“Xiang Fei, Xiang Fei!”

Suddenly a sudden surprise came from a distance.

I saw the former Huang Master. Now President Huang quickly flew and landed in front of Xiangfei.

“President Huang?”

Xiang Fei withdrew her thoughts and looked at President Huang with surprise.

At this time, Huang will grow up panting, but the expression is very excited.

“Fragrant Concubine, good news, good news from Tianda, your enemy, this time I have the opportunity to report!”

President Huang adjusted his breath and quickly spoke.


Xiangfei black brows slightly wrinkle, puzzled.

His enemy is Xu Mohe.

Nowadays, North Tang Sect has closed its guard and it is not so easy to get revenge.

However, since Chairman Huang dared to say this, it is naturally not unfounded.

It’s just that Xiangfei couldn’t understand who dare to provoke Bei Tang Sect.

“I received news that Elder Xiao had taken everyone on the way, this time their goal was to destroy the North Tang Sect!”

President Huang said excitedly.

And his words made Xiang Fei’s pupils shrink suddenly, reaching for his mouth.

The exquisite pretty face is full of incredible disbelief and surprise.

Master Xiao is coming?

And to destroy the North Tang Sect?

This… this is incredible!

Xiang Fei squeezed herself fiercely.

It hurts, it’s true!

“Chairman Huang, I have heard that both the Medical Saint and the Iron Saint were seriously injured, so who will deal with Yueming Saint? Is the Heavenly Heavenly Venerable personally going out?”

Although Xiangfei knew that President Huang would not deceive himself with such things.

But she still felt a little unbelievable.

The news of the Battle of Iron Hammer City has long been heard.

Moreover, the news of the serious wounds of the medical holy and the iron holy people were also spread.

In the Battle of Hammer City, Martial Spirit Hall and Ouyang Family were completely annihilated.

But the side of the 2nd General Assembly is also badly damaged.

The Tang Tang Sect has Tang Yueming.

Apart from this there are also 7 powerhouses in the Paragon realm, and more than 10000 recipes.

If you want to destroy the North Tang Sect, the first thing to solve is Tang Yueming.

And Tang Yueming is Saint Boundary powerhouse.

It is not easy to kill him.

“Heavenly Heavenly Venerable It shouldn’t be shot this time, but there is Elder Xiao, Yueming Saint is naturally nothing difficult, you have to know that Elder Xiao killed Leiyun Saint!”

President Huang knew some secrets, but it was difficult to tell Xiangfei.

At this point, he spoke of Xiao Changfeng’s brilliant record.

In his view, Elder Xiao can kill even Thundercloud Saint of Martial Spirit Hall.

trifling Saint Moon, is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain?

And the powerhouse of this time 2 conference is out.

It is inevitable that nothing is difficult to destroy the Tang Sect.

“I want to go to war too!”

Hearing Chairman Huang’s words, Xiangfei also believed 90%.

At this time, both hands clenched fists, eyes fixed.

Xu Mohe is the enemy in her heart.

The northern Tang Sect behind Xu Mohe made Xiang Fei hate even more.

Now that she has a chance, she never wants to miss it.

Even if you can’t kill Xu Mohe yourself.

She will also participate in this battle personally, destroy the North Tang Sect and avenge her grandmother!


At this moment, a roar suddenly sounded.

Soon a huge dragon phantom emerged over Wuling City.

“It’s Xue Black Dragon!”

Seeing this dragon phantom, President Huang’s complexion changed.

He recognized it, this is the Martial Spirit of the Palace Lord Xue Black Dragon of the Earth Martial Soul Branch Hall.


But soon, Xue Black Dragon’s screams came over.

A pungent bloody smell, blown by the wind, pervaded.

“Xue Black Dragon is dead? Who killed him!”

President Huang’s eyes showed fear, and he didn’t expect Xue Black Dragon to die so soon.

This shows that the murderer’s strength is far above Xue Black Dragon.

But Xue Black Dragon is already the powerhouse of the 6th-layer of Paragon.

What powerhouse should be able to kill him so easily?

“Master Xiao is here!”

It was at this moment that the beautiful eyes of Xiang Fei’s beautiful eyes were full of surprises.

President Huang was stunned and looked up.

I saw that there were more than 100 black shadows roaring in the blue sky, and I arrived in a blink of an eye.

These people carry suffocating terrifying pressure.

Falling on Wuling City, it shocked all residents.

Among the two figures, President Huang is very familiar.

“Hong Elder, Iron Elder!”

President Huang saw Hong Daoyuan and Tie Rujun, and guessed the intention of these people in his heart.


A long rainbow thread flew from Wuling City and landed in front of the crowd.

It’s Xiao Changfeng!

“Well see Elder Xiao and you Elder!”

Seeing Xiao Changfeng, President Huang was very excited and immediately saluted him respectfully.

Just talking about Elder Xiao, Elder Xiao is here.

It seems that the destruction of North Tang Sect is in sight.

“Yellow Master, Xiang Fei, you follow me to North Tang Sect!”

Xiao Changfeng looked at President Huang and Xiang Fei, and spoke directly.

Before Divine Consciousness dispersed, he had heard the conversation between President Huang and Xiangfei.

“Yes, Master Xiao!”

Xiangfei took the lead in taking off, overwhelmed by emotions.

At this time, his own hatred is finally going to be reported!

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