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The heavy rain stopped and the dark clouds dissipated.

Instead, there were more than 10000 meteorites that burned with flames and fell from more than 9 days.

The meteorite covered the sky and looked far away, as if under a meteor shower.

However, Feng Yun Saint and the others.

It was cold hands and feet, an unprecedented sense of crisis, straight from the bottom of the top of the head.

“This… this is a meteorite? How could there be so many, and so abrupt.”

“Is this the movement made by Pill Emperor? But even if it is a martial skill, it is not so perverted!”

“What kind of power is it to summon so many meteorites? Is Pill Emperor a man or a god?”

100000 spectators outside of Hammer City.

At this point the eyes were almost staring out.

They retreated quickly, daring not to stay, fearing that they would be affected.

This is much stronger than the battle fluctuations of the Battle of Saint.

No one wants to use their flesh and blood to touch these meteorites.

For a time.

In Iron Hammer City, all around ten thousand meters, there is no spectator.

And in the city of Hammer.

Ouyang Family’s battle for Fleet Wu and Martial Spirit Hall’s powerhouses are too late to escape.

“Advanced Martial Skill of Terrain: Blast!”

Over 9 days, the first meteorite has approached Saint Cloud.

Even with the strength of Fengyun Saint, he dare not use his body to resist.

Spiritual Qi suddenly boils, and the wind screams.

The wind turned into a wind blade of 9 1000 meters, which looked like a divine sword that cut the sky from a distance.


The blast struck the meteorite.

Suddenly sparks 4 splashed, and the terrifying energy wave exploded, stirring the clouds.

Although the meteorite is strong, it is not indestructible.

Under the anger of Fengyun Saint, he was split into two and a half.


The meteorite, which was split in half, is still falling.

Although the volume became smaller and the power weakened, it became 2 pieces.

As a result, the threat to the people below has not decreased much.

Unless you can completely destroy the meteorite into gray.

But that kind of consumption is too great, even if it is Saint Yun.

Not daring to show it at this time.

even more how this meteorite is not 2 pieces.

But there are more than 10000!

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

Fengyun Saint continued to blast the wind, splitting the meteorite that hit one after another into two and a half.

As for other meteorites, he can’t control it either.

Because the medical saint is swiftly shooting him.


The sycamore tree branches clashed, and each branch was drawn like a vine whip.

Although these meteorites seem to be dense, they specifically avoided the medical saints.

So that the medical saint is not affected by half.

With this trade-off, the situation that had originally prevailed slightly reversed in an instant.

Fengyun Saint had to resist with all his strength.

On the other side, the undefeated Saint is not too good.

At the time of the Battle of Mount Mang Sect, she lost to the hand of Saint Ji.

Not only was the saber broken, but he was also seriously injured.

The most important thing is that her undefeated Dao heart is damaged.

Even after an interval of 2 to 3 years, it has not been restored to Peak.

Tie Sheng was slightly inferior to her at that time, but these two years were supported by medicine pill.

Its strength has improved and is closer to Heavenly Venerable Realm.

2 The war is incomparable.

The appearance of this meteorite broke this balance.

Each meteorite makes the undefeated Saint have to be treated seriously.

As a result, Tie Sheng was given many opportunities.

At this time, the undefeated Saint also fell into the disadvantage.

Even so, let alone the Saint showdown below.

Wuwei Saint and Yuyun Saint are okay. After all, they are strong and have plenty of treasure in their hands.

Barely able to persevere.

However, Lei Yun Saint and Tang Yueming were miserable.

They were entangled by 5 people.

This is already somewhat passive.

At this time the meteorite fell, making them have to deal with it.


Thundercloud Saint had just avoided a meteorite and suddenly suffered a punch in the back.

Instantly within the body Qi and blood swelled, his face pale, and there was blood at the corner of his mouth.

Pu chi!

Tang Yueming was also shot in the arm.

Suddenly draw a mouth, blood flow.

“10000 Thunder Field!”

Thundercloud Saint roared, opened the field, and displayed Power of Time.

Furious and furious, he shot with all his strength.

Tang Yueming had hidden weapon in his hand, and the poison was endless, and he began to resist it with all his strength.

This is even true of Saint, let alone others.

I saw one after another meteorite falling from the sky.

Smash into the crowd of Fleet Wu and Martial Spirit Hall.


The steel giant claw transformed by the black iron warship was directly smashed into waste iron by meteorite.

The upper Paragon realm opened the field, holding the holy weapon, and wanted to resist it.

But it was directly smashed by 3 meteorites, and the flesh was blurred.

Hong long long !

One after another meteorite hit, and a ship was destroyed.

The screams, the screams, the sudden sounds, kept ringing.

The meteorite smashed into Hammer City, smashing the entire Hammer City into a hole.

Even more flames ignited, and the terrible high temperature baked the ground that had just fallen from the heavy rain.

Even if they are far apart, the spectators outside the city of Iron Hammer can feel the violent earthquake and the terrible heat.

What Emperor Martial realm, what Paragon realm.

At this time, all turned into a dead body, fell here.

The black iron warships of Ouyang Family’s famous epicenter are also fragile under the meteorite.

Directly smashed into scrap iron, unusable.

The roaring sounds are not endless.

The powerhouses of Ouyang Family and Martial Spirit Hall suffered heavy casualties.

And the martial artist of the 2nd conference is standing aside dumbly, just thinking that this is too dreamy.

Those meteorites are under the control of Xiao Changfeng and Wu Changsheng.

None of them fell on them.

They stood there, only to see the terrible meteorite passing by themselves.

Then it hit the enemy who had forced this General into desperation.


Eventually, the entire Iron Hammer City collapsed and turned into a ruin.

This is also one of the shortcomings of Taiyitian 10000 star array.

But to be able to receive such an effect, it is no big deal to rebuild the Hammer City that’s all.

“All…the whole army is annihilated?”

After the last meteorite smashed into Hammer City, countless people stared blankly at the scene in front of them, and couldn’t believe their eyes.

I saw that the Iron Hammer City had turned into ruins.

Over 10000 meteorites burned with flames, smashing the earth out of each and everyone pit.

Just like Hexagonal Household Coal Briquette.

The Ouyang Family’s 100 black iron warships, 100 Paragon realm commanders and 1000 Emperor Martial realm warriors.

Everywhere is turned into puree, and no one survived.

As for Martial Spirit Hall’s more than 50 Paragon realm martial artists.

It is also body dies and Dao disappears at this moment, with no silhouette at all.

Only 2 people who survived the conference stood in a daze.

apart from this.

There is also a gradually dim blue spider web, as well as Xiao Changfeng and Wu Changsheng!

Taiyitianmei 10000 star array is a middle grade array, and its formidable power is extremely strong.

But the second drawback is also very serious.

It can only be performed once.

After one time, the energy of Fu Zhuan and the array was exhausted, and it collapsed directly.

But with such achievements, it has left a deep impression on everyone.

this moment.

The joint forces of Ouyang Family and Martial Spirit Hall.

Except for Saint Boundary’s powerhouse, all the others were killed!

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