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Not to mention the battle of Saint.

Ouyang Family’s 100 black iron warships, and Martial Spirit Hall’s more than 50 Paragon realm powerhouse.

In an instant, the powerhouse of the 2nd Congress was crushed.

After all, there are really too few people at the conference.

Ten people including Zhang Jiayang also took Holy Magic Dan, which made Paragon Powerhouse less.

Face 7-8 times the enemy.

They are no match.

Soon there was a scream, and someone died tragically.

Continue like this.

I am afraid that the Saint Martial artist in the Paragon realm and the Emperor Martial realm will be slaughtered without waiting for the victory of Saint.

Even more how 3 of the silver warships, there is one unblocked.

It has been turned into steel giant wolf and killed.

“Taiyitian Meteorite 10000 Star Path Formation!”

Xiao Changfeng strode forward.

Each step stepped out, and several pieces of seals and disks flew out.

In Yuangang, Dao 3000 and Lu Wenji were paralyzed.

2 The person’s face is tired, look pale and haggard.

At this time, the two people didn’t even want to move a finger.

It’s too tiring to draw a high-intensity icon for three consecutive days.

Fortunately, the task was finally completed.

“what is that?”

The spectators outside the city also have a lot of eyes on Xiao Changfeng at this time.

Seeing this scene, they were all puzzled.

Take Xiao Changfeng’s previous record of killing Martial Spirit and Palace Lord.

Its strength is definitely not weak.

But at this time, instead of looking for the enemy to fight as everyone guessed, instead stepped forward and waved.

How is this going?

But at this time it is not just Xiao Changfeng alone.

Wu Changsheng and Xiao Changfeng went in the opposite direction, but did the same thing.

Zhang Fuzhuan flew out of their hands.

Block after block fell everywhere in Hammer City.

It looks disordered and in a mess, but it is arranged according to a certain rule.

“Pill Emperor, your head is mine!”

A powerhouse in Martial Spirit Hall suddenly killed Xiao Changfeng.

He had already melted the Martial Spirit and turned it into a goshawk, speed to the pinnacle.

The field was opened by him, and the sharp eagle claws were glowing with metal cold glow.

This is a 6th-layer powerhouse in Paragon.

Coupled with the fusion of Martial Spirit, the strength is not weak.

“Get lost!”

Xiao Changfeng propped up Sword Domain and spoke coldly.

Immediately, Sword Domain was transformed into a sword wheel type, directly splitting this person’s domain.

Take this person with an eagle and cut it directly into two and a half.

“His, really strong!”

Seeing this scene, people around the audience sucked in a breath of cold air.

This is the first time they have seen Xiao Changfeng’s current strength.

The casually beheaded enough to prove its strength.

However, after Xiao Changfeng killed this person, he did not stop, but continued to move forward.

Fu Zhuan and the constellation flew out as if they were little by little.

“Destroy these things!”

Someone reacted, not attacking Xiao Changfeng, but Offensive Talisman seal and market.

However, Xiao Changfeng ignored it and continued to move forward.


A powerhouse in the Paragon realm made a strong shot and wanted to destroy a seal.

However, his attack fell on Fu Zhuan, but he was relieved by a strange force.

If you look closely, you will find out.

There is an intangible connection between these characters and seals.

It is this connection that connects countless characters and seals together.

Ka-cha !

A black iron warship turned into a steel giant claw.

Grabbed an array and wanted to crush it.

However, no matter how hard it is, it can’t crush this seemingly vulnerable market.

These positions are just ordinary spirit jade refining.

It is used alone, and it can only arrange a spiritual array, with limited formable power.

But under the control of Xiao Changfeng.

But they are connected to each other and turned into a whole.

A chopstick is easy to break, but a chopstick is hard to break.

This is the reason.

the other side.

The same is true for Wu Changsheng, after all, he is also the Great Ascension Stage cultivator.

And although he does not have Xiao Changfeng that many advanced arrays and spells.

But surviving for 10000 years also made him diligent.

This time, Xiao Changfeng taught him the method of arranging the formation, and it is not difficult for him to draw the scoop by the gourd.

In this way, everyone could only watch Xiao Changfeng and Wu Changsheng form an array.

2 people run counter to each other and walk out 1500 metres each.

Finally, 2 people stopped.

All the characters of Zhuan and Zhen have also been arranged.

“Pill Emperor what are you doing?”

Seeing Xiao Changfeng and Wu Changsheng stop, they turned around at the same time.

Everyone was unsure and puzzled.

“Array start!”

Under the gaze of everyone.

Xiao Changfeng suddenly flicked his tongue and stomped his feet.


Suddenly, all the seals and arrays spread all over the place, emitting blue rays of light.

These rays of light condensed like silk thread, suddenly blasted out.

Fu Zhuan and Fu Zhuan are connected, and the array is aligned with the array.

Fu Zhuan was interlaced in series with the array.

In the end, there is a blue light connection between all the seals and the array.

From afar, like a huge blue spider web!


An awe-inspiring Heaven and Earth, a terrifying terrifying aura, suddenly appeared at the moment of formation.

In an instant, everyone was shaking.

“what is this?”

Over 9 days, Fengyun Saint and the undefeated Saint also throbbed their hearts and quickly looked down.

This is the first time that everyone has seen the Taiyitian meteorite 10000 star array.

But it is deeply imprinted in everyone’s heart.

That aura is like a sky of anger, mortals are unmatched!

“Stop him!”

Although I don’t know what this is, the feeling of palpitations and horror actually makes Fengyun Saint’s heart jump.

He shouted and hoped that someone could stop Xiao Changfeng.

However, at this time Xiao Changfeng has been deployed.


The idiot says dream that’s all!

“Although it is only a simplified version of Taiyi Fairy Array, it is more than enough to deal with these people.”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes flashed, and he glanced at Wu Changsheng on the opposite side.


Suddenly the 2 people put True Yuan within the body into the formation.

To activate this formation, used to kill the enemy.

This is a Dao array, and only True Yuan can be activated.

True Yuan with Xiao Changfeng alone is still inadequate.

But adding Wu Changsheng is enough.

Suddenly Tai Yitian meteoric 10000 star array was activated, an unprecedented pressure.

Falling from the sky, covering a radius of 3000 meters!

“Look, what is that?”

Suddenly, when someone found something, he looked up at the sky with horror.

I saw above the sky dome.

A dark hole suddenly appeared in the dark sky!

No, it’s a hole, like broken glass.

In this hole, a bright crimson rays of light emerged.

The crimson rays of light fell quickly, at an extremely fast speed, and with a terrifying heat.

The rainwater that has not landed is directly evaporated into mist.

“That is… 陨石?”

Fengyun Saint looked at the crimson rays of light, his pupils shrank.

I saw a huge meteorite in the crimson rays of light.

The meteorite landed from outside, burning with a blazing flame.

Hong long long !

next moment, rumbling sound is up again.

Above the sky dome, the thick black clouds suffered the disaster of extinction.

On the first 10000 crimson rays of light appeared, directly evaporating the dark clouds.

And in the crimson rays of light, each one has a meteorite.

Taiyitian meteoric 10000 star array.

This moment is fully revealed!

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