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Xiao Changfeng did not go straight to Hammer City.

But go all the way, kill all the way!

Blood debts require blood to pay.

You break my shop, I destroy your branch hall.

Golden Lake City is also a large city with Martial Spirit branch hall.

Palace Lord is a man named Ge Changkong, Paragon Realm 8 Realm.

On this day, Xiao Changfeng directly transformed into Changhong and flew into the city.

“Heaven Overturning Seal!”

True Yuan works, holding both hands to the sky, and soon the illusory shadow appears.

In the terrified eyes of many martial artists, the Heaven Overturning Seal fell and smashed into the Martial Spirit branch hall.

Hong long long !

The earth shook, the house collapsed, and the sky was dusty.

Half of the Martial Spirit branch hall was directly smashed into ruins, and there were 100 disciplinary violent deaths of the Martial Spirit branch hall.

“Bold fanatic, dare to provoke me Martial Spirit Hall, courting death!”

A scream rose into the sky, and inside was a tall, thin man.

It is Ge Changkong.

“Sword Domain, on!”

Xiao Changfeng, without any nonsense, directly opened Sword Domain and killed Ge Changkong.

Ge Changkong’s hair stands up in anger, at the moment it is also opening up the field, killing Xiao Changfeng.


2 Collisions in large areas erupted into loud noises.

Terrifying battle fluctuations are turned into violent winds, destroying countless houses all around again.

But how can Ge Changkong’s field be comparable to Xiao Changfeng.

Just striking a stone with an egg that’s all.

Soon the field was cracked and cut into it by Sword Domain.

“Sword wheel style!”

The sword light is vertical and horizontal, and the road is raised, turning into a sword wheel.

Xiao Changfeng’s surging True Yuan poured into it and suddenly rushed out.

Suddenly Ge Changkong’s realm, like a broken mirror, quickly cracked.

Ge Changkong was shocked, cast Martial Spirit, and took out the holy weapon.

But the holy object in his hand is just the low grade holy that that’s all.

Was blown out by Xiao Changfeng simple ordinary punch.

Then Sword Domain turns into a sword wheel, sharp and abnormal, and spins off.

Ge Changkong didn’t even let out a scream, he was beheaded on the spot.

Countless martial artists in Golden Lake City witnessed this scene with their own eyes, only to feel a chill rushing from the sole of their feet into the top of the head.

too strong!

Too fierce!

Too violent!

Even Ge Changkong couldn’t resist and was directly beheaded.

And destroying the Martial Spirit sub-temple is simply arrogant.

“Who is he? Does he and Martial Spirit Hall have hatred? Otherwise, why destroy the Martial Spirit Hall?”

Everyone was puzzled and didn’t understand why this sudden battle broke out.

However, Xiao Changfeng did not give them time to react.

After solving the Martial Spirit sub-temple, he flew into the air and left quickly.


In Changning City, a brilliant sword light descended from the sky, smashing through the Martial Spirit branch hall of this city.

Then a dazzling silhouette came and fought fiercely with the Palace Lord.

In the end, the Palace Lord was smashed with a punch, and the entire Palace Lord was burned with divine fire.

The martial artist in the city was horrified and aghast, but he didn’t know why.


Xiaguang City, the sub-Palace Lord of this Earth Martial Soul Sub-Hall is not in the city.

Xiao Changfeng sword light horizontally and horizontally, beheading the entire discipline of the Martial Spirit sub-temple, corpses spreading across the wild.

After Palace Lord came back, he was shocked to see this scene, but he did not dare to chase him down.

Instead, he hides it quickly, panic all day long.


Dayan City, Hollow City, Denglou City…

The cities with Martial Spirit sub-temples are all patronized by Xiao Changfeng.

In just five days, eleven Martial Spirit sub-temples were destroyed in the hands of Xiao Changfeng.

The western part of Middle-earth was a sensation.

The remaining Martial Spirit sub-temples were terrified, for fear that they would also be destroyed.

There are also many disciplines of the Martial Spirit sub-temple, leaving quickly and hiding, afraid to reveal their identity.

There are more and more speculations about the murderer.

Some people guess this is a Saint Boundary powerhouse.

Otherwise, how could you kill so many Paragon powerhouses so easily and slaughter eleven Martial Spirit sub-temples?

However, some people speculate that this may not be a person, but a revenge organization dedicated to revenge against Martial Spirit Hall.

But no one can verify his guess.

Ever since more and more speculation emerged, people were alarmed.

Yin Tian City.

This is the city of Twelfth with Martial Spirit sub-temple visited by Xiao Changfeng.

Xiao Changfeng made no secret of it, and the Heaven Overturning Seal broke down.


The sky is roaring, violent wind erupted, countless houses are affected, on the verge of collapse.

However, Xiao Changfeng browses slightly wrinkle.

In his sense of Divine Consciousness, the breath of three Paragon realms rose to the sky, blocking the Heaven Overturning Seal.

“The arrogant junior, today is your death date!”

With a roar, three silhouettes rose to the sky, surrounding Xiao Changfeng.

Only two men and one woman and three Paragon powerhouses appeared.

These three people are all Palace Lords of the Martial Spirit branch, after they learned about Xiao Changfeng’s behavior.

Instead of shrinking, they gathered on the ground, waiting for the arrival of Xiao Changfeng.

“What nonsense with him, kill him directly!”

The frost-haired old woman murderous-looking directly cast Martial Spirit to melt her body and turned into a large green scale python.

“Okay, kill him!”

The other 2 people also quickly cast Martial Spirit Fusion.

Turned into a wolf and a leopard.


The three big areas are expanded, compressing Xiao Changfeng in the center.

They ambushed here this time in order to kill Xiao Changfeng.

“Sword Domain !”

Xiao Changfeng opened the Sword Domain with staring eyes.

Immediately, the silhouette flickered, and two dharmakayas emerged from within the body.

It is Magical Powers: One Qi Becomes Three Purities!

“Since you are together, it just saves me the pain of searching!”

Xiao Changfeng sneered, the body inspires the White Tiger Vajra body and kills the black wolf martial artist.

“Magical Powers: tiger’s roar dragon’s cry!”

Xiao Changfeng opened his mouth and roared, and the tiger’s roar dragon’s cry suddenly shook the earth.

This is a sonic attack, with the power to penetrate the fleshy body and hit the soul directly.

And Dragon-Tiger is the king of beasts.

The black wolf martial artist was hit by the sound wave, and suddenly looked pale, on the verge of collapse.

Ka-cha !

Sword Domain cuts in, like a knife cutting tofu, cutting the domain through.

“White Tiger Fist!”

The dazzling platinum aura lit up on the tiger claw, and immediately made a fist and punched out.

The terrible Qi of Slaughter burst open, suppressing the black wolf martial artist.

Although he is the Palace Lord of the Martial Spirit sub-temple, he is only stronger than the usual martial artist.

Facing the Heaven’s Chosen of Heaven Defying Level like Xiao Changfeng.

Whether it is Fleshy body, Cultivation Art and Martial Skill, or Saint tools, they are far invincible.

A bang.

The black wolf martial artist was hit by Xiao Changfeng in a volley, and the blood rain was pungent.

At this time, the other two dharma bodies were also pressing the leopard martial artist and the big python old woman.

Xiao Changfeng is now the realm of Great Ascension Middle-Stage, which is comparable to Paragon Realm 4.

It is Saint here, it is also possible to fight, even more how these are divided into Palace Lord.


The Vermilion Bird Dharma body opened its mouth and spit out, and the rich cold flame turned into a Vermilion Bird sword glow.

sword glow Hengkong, the terrifying high temperature made the air twisted.

After that, he cut through the domain and directly killed the leopard martial artist.

“Black Tortoise Claw!”

Finally, Black Tortoise killed the old woman with the boa constrictor.

The strong fleshy body and the surging True Yuan directly broke through the field of the boa constrictor old woman.

Then the claws came out and grabbed the old woman of the big python.

Just at this time.

The big python old woman looked at the three Xiao Changfeng, suddenly thought of something, and exclaimed before she died:

“You are Xiao Changfeng!”

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