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Yunding City, this is a large city.

The population is 5,000,000, there are many martial artists, fish and dragons mixed in together.

In Yunding City, there is a Martial Spirit sub-temple.

This is the most famous place in Yunding City.

The area around ten thousand li is the Holy Land that all martial artists aspire to.

Everyone who joins the Martial Spirit sub-temple enjoys great glory.

Because they are not only martial artists, but also members of Martial Spirit Hall.

Today’s Martial Spirit branch hall is particularly lively.

Therefore, it is necessary to recruit a group of new members. The soul martial artist of all around had received the news early and gathered in front of the gate of the branch hall.

“Martial Spirit Hall is my First Great Influence in Middle-earth, and there are also 3 Great Saints. If I can successfully join it, I will definitely get great help, maybe Saint is hopeful!”

“Is it hopeful that you will return to Saint? Stop daydreaming. Although our soul martial artist is better than ordinary martial artist, but Realm of Saint is so difficult, without great perseverance, how can we ascend and become a Saint? Zhang Bu came to Palace Lord, but was stuck on the 9th layer of Paragon, and failed to ascend and become a Saint.”

Before the Martial Spirit branch hall, many martial artists waited excitedly.

All kinds of arguments are coming and going.

Martial Spirit Hall only recruits soul martial artists, but not every soul martial artist is eligible to join Martial Spirit Hall.

Martial Spirit Hall can fancy and absorb it, all of which are well-known figures.

However, although the soul martial artist is better than the ordinary martial artist, it is not all smooth sailing.

Martial Dao 9 realms, every realm is a hurdle.

Want to climb is harder than heavenly ascension.

It is the Palace Lord of the Martial Spirit sub-temple in Yunding City, who has also been stuck in Paragon for many years.

ascend and become a Saint indefinitely.

But this is too far away for these martial artists.

Their main purpose now is to join Martial Spirit Hall first.

“Give way!”

Suddenly a voice was inserted, and immediately one silhouette walked in.

This is a young man in his 20s.

He was dressed in a white robe, with clean eyes, but no strong breath.

Suddenly a burly man with a fierce face was full of disdain, and he deliberately stood in front of the youth.

“Boy, come first, come first, don’t understand if you line up, dare to jump in the line and think about your legs!”

The man is triumphant, and his vicious expression is terrifying.

However, this young man was unheard of and kept walking.

“Boy, you dare to ignore the uncle. It seems that you don’t want to show you something. You don’t know the terrifying of labor and capital.”

The big man was furious, and suddenly Spiritual Qi was released, and suddenly he took a palm.

There was no hand in this palm, and the air was roared.

Obviously Dahan wants to slap the youth seriously.

However, the young man’s footsteps were still on, and he continued to walk towards the gate of the branch hall.


Just when the palm of the big man was about to fall on the young man.

A sword glow appear out of thin air.

Immediately pu chi sounded, the body of the big man was separated from the middle and was cut in half.


The death of the Great Han caused panic in an instant, and cry out in surprise pierced the sky.

Although the martial artists were present, it was not without blood.

But the one who dared to kill in front of the Martial Spirit branch hall in Yunding City was still the first one.

In an instant the crowd separated like a tide.

This young man is none other than Xiao Changfeng.

After flying out of Heavenly Chance Sect, he was the first to find the Martial Spirit branch hall here.

“Bold fanatics, so wild in front of my Martial Spirit Hall!”

Two Sovereign Martial powerhouses in the Martial Spirit branch hall were furious.

I saw 2 people go all out, Martial Spirit melted, imposing manner shocking.

However, these two people are not yet close to Xiao Changfeng.

It was directly killed by 2 sharp sword glows.


The bloody corpse fell on the gate of the Martial Spirit branch hall and shocked everyone around.

For a while, everyone quickly retreated, as if they saw ghost-like looking at Xiao Changfeng.

They know that a major event may happen today.

“Who dares to kill in my Martial Spirit branch?”

A roar rang from the Martial Spirit branch hall.

Immediately a violent and terrifying pressure came from hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Let all around the audience complexion changed and retreat quickly.


A silhouette flicked out and quickly appeared at the gate.

This is a middle-aged man, dressed in the black service of Martial Spirit Hall.

His burly figure and amazing imposing manner are the Paragon powerhouse.

“Chapter Palace Lord appears!”

All around The people quickly recognized the middle-aged man.

It is here that the Chapter Lord of the Martial Spirit Branch Palace, Paragon Realm 9th layer comes.

Zhang Bulai is more than 300 years old and has been in this area for more than 100 years.

This is the first time in 100 years that someone has come to the door, which makes Zhang Bu angry and killing intent full.

“Who are you? Why kill me Martial Spirit Hall disciple?”

Zhang Bulai’s gaze quickly locked on Xiao Changfeng, and he burst into anger and swelled.

“Sword Domain, on!”

Xiao Changfeng did not answer Zhang Bulai, but directly opened Sword Domain and took the initiative to kill it.

At this time Sword Domain has been upgraded to the 4 ten meters range.

The sword light has also grown to 400.

And each golden light is not only faster than lightning, but also sharp and abnormal.

As soon as the Sword Domain came out, the air roared, and the sword energy was in full swing.

“Not good !”

Zhang Bulai was heart startled, but the response was also extremely fast and quickly opened the field to resist.


Although Zhang Bulai’s domain is 900 meters in size, it is crispy like tofu in front of Sword Domain.

Sword energy is vertical and horizontal, cutting through the realm, and directly cutting out the cracks.

“How can it be!”

The power of Sword Domain was far beyond the expectations of Zhang Bu, he had no time to think about it, and immediately exhibited his Martial Spirit.

I saw that his Martial Spirit was a brown bear. After the Martial Spirit melted, his body was strong.

There is a heavy hammer clenched in his hand.

“Heaven Overturning Seal!”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes flashed coldly, and immediately within the body True Yuan worked.

Holding both hands to the sky, the big seal illusory shadow reappears.

With the strength of Xiao Changfeng Great Ascension Middle-Stage, the formable power of this Heaven Overturning Seal is even stronger.

Although Zhang Bulai is the strength of the 9th layer of Paragon.

But his background is superficial, and his innate talents are average, and even Xuan Chunyin’s old servant is inferior, let alone Xiao Changfeng.


Suddenly the Heaven Overturning Seal smashed, the field trembles, and Zhang Bulai was smashed and spitting blood.

The entire Martial Spirit branch hall also shuddered, and almost collapsed.

“Sword chop!”

Xiao Changfeng stepped out and Sword Domain changed suddenly.

The circular Sword Domain quickly elongated and turned into a huge sword glow.

Just like Spiritual God, holding a sword, he cut off from under 9 days.


Zhang Bulai was frightened and resisted with all his strength.

But no matter how he used his methods, he couldn’t stop the Sword Domain.


In the end, Zhang Bu and the entire Martial Spirit branch hall were all cut off in this Sword Domain and directly cut into two and a half.

The house collapsed, the ground shook, and the cracks were deep.

Countless people in the Martial Spirit branch are wailing and screaming, with heavy casualties.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng put away Sword Domain and didn’t look at it again.

Turn directly, turn into a long rainbow thread, and leave in the sky.

Looking at the corpse of Zhang Bulai, and the destroyed Martial Spirit branch hall, all around everyone was horrified and their hands and feet were cold.

“This is the major event!”

An old man trembled all over, he said!

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