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“To the heart of Buddha, the meaning of a villain!”

The conversation between Zhitong Holy Son and Cimei Fosheng was murmured.

But how can I escape Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness.

After hearing the words of Zhitong Holy Son and Cimei Buddha, Xiao Changfeng was killing intent in his heart.

Buddhism is big and spread all over the Western Region.

Among them are also fish and dragons mixed in together, and mud and sand.

Xiao Changfeng was praised by the no-face Buddha and the wise Buddha and the others.

But such people as Zhitong Holy Son and Cimei Buddha Sheng let Xiao Changfeng feel killing intent.

2 Buddhism borers, damn it!

But at this time Xiao Changfeng did not beat the grass to scare the snake.

Instead, he sat quietly in his seat, waiting for the start of auction.

Soon, the silhouette was sufficient, and all seats were occupied.

A silhouette walked onto the auction stand, and everyone quieted down.

“Thank you for your face appreciation to participate in this auction, old man stands for Yunshui Pavilion, many thanks for your support!”

The person smiled and said the opening remarks.

However, Xiao Changfeng is eyes slightly narrowed, staring at this silhouette.

This person is not Yunshui Saint, but also an acquaintance.

He Ran was the forest manager who gave Xiao Changfeng the golden Buddha card!

Lin Guanshi smiled, and the strength of the Paragon realm was enough to control the market.

But the killing intent in Xiao Changfeng’s mind has deepened a bit.

Lin Guanshi can be regarded as the confidant of Yunshui Saint.

Since this auction is hosted by him, the probability of Yunshui Saint’s betrayal is pretty close.

“All of you should come to the medicine pill. This time I prepared 1000 medicine pill for everyone. I will let you all return with satisfaction. Without further ado, take out our first lot!”

Lin Guanshi talked in a lively atmosphere.

The news of 1000 medicine pill also made everyone feel at ease.

Otherwise Da Lao came from afar and didn’t get anything, wouldn’t it go on an errand for nothing?

Soon the first lot was on stage.

It is a Replenishing-Yuan Pill familiar to Xiao Changfeng.

But this Replenishing-Yuan Pill was not cultivated by Xiao Changfeng, but by someone else.

Although the medical power is only 50%, it is also very good.

Soon there were more than a dozen people bidding, and was eventually photographed by an old man with a big belly.

“Here is the second lot…”

Lin Guanshi continued to take out the medicine pill.

There was a steady stream of bidding and bidding among the crowd.

Every medicine pill is sought after, and the atmosphere is getting hotter and hotter.

Xiao Changfeng discovered that these medicine pills were basically refined by others, and even several Treasure Pills.

“It seems that someone in the Medicine Refining Master Association has been able to refine Treasure Pill!”

Xiao Changfeng’s vision is to judge the uniqueness of each medicine pill at a glance.

And through these medicine pill, Xiao Changfeng also saw the growth of the Medicine Refining Master Association.

When I left Middle-earth myself.

Cao Xishan and the others can only refine the top grade Spirit Pill, which is not far behind Treasure Pill.

But now there is Treasure Pill, obviously someone broke through the bottleneck and can refine Treasure Pill.

Xiao Changfeng was not in a hurry, sitting on his seat and continuing to wait.

“This next lot is very special, but old man believes that you will be interested!”

Lin Guanshi suddenly laughed, and then patted his hands.

Just listen to the sound of a chain collision.

Immediately, a person embarked on auction.

That’s right, it’s people!

But not Yueyao Qin, but a middle-aged man.

The man has dishevelled hair, with thick shackles on his hands and feet.

His breath is weak, his face pale, and there are many new and old scars on his body, which looks quite infiltrating.


Seeing this man, Xiao Changfeng’s eyes suddenly burst into a terrifying fine mans.

This middle-aged man is not an ordinary person, but a rare Alchemist!

There is no medicine in this World.

It was Xiao Changfeng who spread Alchemy Technique before gradually having medicine pill and Alchemist.

“You, this person’s name is Chen Yuxian, a Grade 4 Alchemist from the Chamber of Commerce of 2 parties. You can refine Spirit Pill of low grade and middle grade. Medicine pill will be gone after eating, but with him, you can Continuously owns medicine pill, there is only one Alchemist, you will miss it if you miss it.”

Lin Guanshi grabbed Chen Yuxian’s hair and suddenly lifted him up, revealing that pale and empty face.

It’s like selling livestock.

But the others did not have any sympathy. At this moment, I heard Lin’s words, and it suddenly burst into anger.

“Alchemist, this person is actually a rare Alchemist, it is incredible, I must buy it!”

“Yunshui Pavilion is really great generosity this time, not only Yue Yaoqin but also Alchemist.”

“Buy, even if you go bankrupt, you have to buy it. With him, I have a hen that lays golden eggs. Why worry about medicine pill in the future.”

Everyone was in an uproar, bidding one after another.

Soon the price quickly climbed to 500 top grade Spirit Stone.

And this momentum continues, with no signs of decline.

In the end, Chen Yuxian was photographed by a Paragon Powerhouse with 1000 top grade Spirit Stone.

The crowd was boiling and the atmosphere was hot.

Lin Guanshi also laughed, and was obviously very satisfied with the result.

However, Xiao Changfeng in the crowd is killing intent in his heart.

Swallowed medicine pill, smashed shops, swallowed the fruits, imprisoned Yue Yaoqin.

Alchemist is now openly auctioned.

Money is moving!

The upper and lower Yunshui Pavilion is no longer what Xiao Changfeng had impressed.

Lin Guanshi and Huo Lingyun have been confused by money.

Yun Shui Saint is probably the same.

Thinking of this, Xiao Changfeng’s heart is as cold as cold, killing intent is cold!

The auction continues.

Next is still a variety of medicine pill.

In addition to medicine pill, there are some other treasures, most of which are taken from the 4-party Chamber of Commerce.

The auction lasted 4 hours.

More than 1000 medicine pills, Alchemist and many treasures were auctioned out.

The smile on Lin Guanshi’s face was never broken, and I was afraid his face would be cramped.

The brighter he smiles, the stronger the killing intent in Xiao Changfeng’s mind.

It was already evening.

The auction also lasted 4 hours.

But the enthusiasm of the people not only did not subside, but became more intense.

This is a carnival.

A carnival of 4 parties of Chamber of Commerce.

Everyone is very happy, only the 4 party Chamber of Commerce has been seriously injured,

A pair of cold eyes looked at it all in the dark.

Just wait for the outbreak, the sword cuts the rebellion!

Finally, the auction came to an end.

The end is not the end, but the biggest Peak.

Countless people are eagerly looking forward, with a pair of wolf-like eyes, exuding the terrifying cannibalism.

“The next lot is the last lot. The old man believes that many people come here for this. Without further ado, please appreciate the beauty of the lot!”

Lin Guanshi’s mouth is about to scratch his head.

He roared excitedly, immediately pats the palm.

Xiao Changfeng straightened his body, his eyes through the darkness, looking at auction.

Soon, in the expectation of everyone.

Yue Yaoqin boarded the auction table!

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