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Yunshuige will host a large auction!

The news came out as early as ten days ago, and for a time the entire Western Region was shaking.

Today’s Yunshui Pavilion is no longer the original scale.

Although the former Yunshui Pavilion is not weak, it can only be regarded as a first-class Chamber of Commerce, which is still far away from the overlord.

But an auction of the 3 Buddhist temples was a great success.

Let Yunshuige explode quickly.

After that, Yunshuige teamed up with the four parties of Chamber of Commerce to start the medicine pill business.

After a few activities, it was also fully spread out.

Today, the Yunshui Pavilion is unique in the entire Western Region business community.

Plus the killing move of medicine pill in your hand.

So for this large auction, countless powerhouses are looking forward to it.

of course.

Part of the reason why the auction did not start is also related to Yue Yaoqin.

The news of Yunshuige and the 4th Chamber of Commerce tearing their faces has long been reported.

And Yue Yaoqin is the 4th Chamber of Commerce Chief-In-Charge in Western Region.

It is said that beautiful and alluring is moving, still a soul martial artist.

And he has several points of unclear relationship with Pill Emperor.

So, this auction is even more popular.

“If Pill Emperor is here, Yunshuige will dare not do this!”

Someone sighed.

“Pill Emperor? It has long fallen to White Python Secret Realm. Even if he is still alive, he can’t walk out of White Python Secret Realm. Even more how Yunshui Saint. But Saint Boundary powerhouse, trifling a Pill Emperor, how can he be an opponent.”

Some people sneered, and it seems that they have complained about Xiao Changfeng.

A conversation like this is not uncommon among the crowd.

After all, Xiao Changfeng impressed everyone in the Western Region.

Defeat the Buddha of Wisdom and hold auction, defeating the unrelated Buddha of Heaven’s Chosen, the first in Western Region.

The name of Pill Emperor, like thunder piercing the ear, was awesome.

But others are jealous.

Now that the news of the fall of Pill Emperor came out, these people jumped out and sneered.

These words were all heard in the ear by Xiao Changfeng.

But he did not care about these ants.

At this time he walked in the crowd and walked towards the Yunshui Pavilion.

The small Nanda City is now very bustling.

Walking on the street, you can feel a lot of powerful martial artist.

Obviously all came to auction.

However, these are mostly idle martial artists with low status.


Xiao Changfeng went to the auction field established by Yunshui Pavilion.

This auction field was newly built and covers an extremely large area, shaped like a huge lotus leaf.

Therefore, it is also called lotus leaf auction.

At this time someone has entered the auction field.

The specification of this auction is extremely high.

In addition to having all influence with invitations, the rest of the people want to enter, at least the strength of the Emperor Martial realm.

And show enough financial resources, otherwise they are directly rejected at the door.

“It’s Zhitong Holy Son and Cimei Buddha Saint, didn’t expect this time they also came!”

Someone exclaimed.

I saw 2 familiar silhouettes entering the auction field.

It is Zhitong Holy Son and Cimei Buddha.

At the beginning of the news that Xiao Changfeng defeated the unrelated Buddha, Zhitong Holy Son could not close the door.

Now it jumps out again.

As for the buddha of Cimei, this time I don’t know what purpose he came from.

But this time Xiao Changfeng’s goal is not them.

So I just glanced at it, and then I got my gaze back.

“Qingxin Temple’s Mingxin Buddha is also here!”

Suddenly a group of people came, and the person headed was a sacred Buddha.

When I asked the city of Buddhism, the Qingxin Temple had participated in an auction.

didn’t expect will reappear this time.

Mingxin Buddha is wearing a white monk’s clothing and is carrying a divine light sword.

The temperament ice Leng Ruxue lotus, people do not dare to approach.

In addition to Nandara Temple and Qingxin Temple.

Many other powerful people have also arrived.

For a time, powerhouses gathered and forces gathered.

However, Saint Boundary powerhouse is rare after all, except for the Blessed Sacred Buddha and the Heartful Sacred Buddha, there is no other Saint coming.

But it is enough to prove the hot situation of this auction.

Soon all influence entered the market, and the idle martial artist began to enter.

Xiao Changfeng cast a small spell to blur his face, and immediately walked towards the entrance.

“Emperor Martial Realm Strength, 1000 top grade Spirit Stone, 2 are indispensable!”

Martial artist expressionless, who is responsible for verifying strength, told Xiao Changfeng.

This is the standard for idle martial artists, and only those who meet these two criteria are eligible to enter the auction field.

However, Xiao Changfeng did not show his strength, nor did he take out the top grade Spirit Stone.

Instead, he reached out and grabbed a token in his palm.

“Golden Buddha”!

Responsible for martial artist heart startled, took a deep look at Xiao Changfeng.

But he couldn’t see through, and eventually had to give up.

“Since you have the Golden Buddha brand, you are naturally the most distinguished guest of Yunshui Pavilion, no need to check up, please!”

Responsible for the martial artist to return the golden Buddha card, respectfully invited Xiao Changfeng to enter.

Xiao Changfeng didn’t say a word and put away the golden Buddha card to step into the venue.

This golden Buddha card was also given by Lin Guanshi when Xiao Changfeng sold medicine pill.

Until now Xiao Changfeng has not been used, didn’t expect is used in this case for the first time.

Really Heavenly Dao, good reincarnation!

However, the specifications of this time auction are extremely high, and the people who come here are also very noble.

Therefore, Xiao Changfeng’s Golden Buddha did not give him special treatment.

It’s just that’s all a little bit ahead.

But the best position is naturally for powerhouses such as Cimei Buddha and Mingxin Buddha.

Xiao Changfeng did not care about this. The purpose of his coming here was to save Yue Yaoqin.

2 is to question Yunshui Saint!

So it doesn’t matter where you sit.

“Yi! ”

Zhitong Holy Son glanced at Xiao Changfeng and could not help but lightly exclaimed.

“what happened?”

Cimei Buddha holy doubt.

“Master, the disciple saw a person just now and felt a little familiar, but he couldn’t remember who it was!”

Zhitong Holy Son did not conceal, obediently and honestly said.

Cimei Buddha Sheng followed the eyes of Zhitong Holy Son and saw Xiao Changfeng.

But although he is the powerhouse of Saint Boundary, he cannot see through Xiao Changfeng’s spell.

“Don’t worry about him, just remember our goal!”

Cimei Buddha Saint thought about it, and also did not figure out who this person was, but he didn’t have too much entanglement.

There are too many familiar people. If every suspected acquaintance has to ask in the end, then he will not need to do anything else.

“Master, we photographed Yue Yaoqin this must. This person has a close relationship with Pill Emperor. At that time Pill Emperor seriously injured the discipline and killed many senior and junior brothers in our temple. This hatred must be reported!”

When the wise Buddha came to Nanda City, Xiao Changfeng made a pledge with Cimei.

But the Nandara Temple made things difficult for Xiao Changfeng and Mo Wenjian to kneel up the mountain.

So Xiao Changfeng opened a killing ring, beheaded a lot of monks, and even seriously hurt the Master.

This hatred and hatred, Nandara Temple did not forget.

Now that Pill Emperor has fallen, they cannot revenge, so they plan to start with Yue Yaoqin.

This time.

The purpose of their coming is to take a photo of Yue Yaoqin and bring it back to the temple for revenge!

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