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The man named Wu Gang was taken aback, and he also saw the silhouette.

For a moment, I was a little puzzled.

After all, Xuan Qingyan’s insidious and vicious scheming is notorious.

This time, he also took the opportunity to seriously hurt him.

If there is really any helper, I am afraid it is myself.

Wu Gang slightly startedled, but soon it was bright, and he was worried about going away.

“Xuan Qingyan, your life-saving straw is not very good. You said it was your helper? That’s a human being. When did you collaborate with human beings?”

Wu Gang continued to pursue Xuan Qingyan without hesitation.

He has seen that the silhouette that appeared suddenly is not clansman.

But a human being!

He and Xuan Qingyan are both people of Black Tortoise Clan, with strict family rules.

If Xuan Qingyan really colludes with human beings, she doesn’t need to do it herself, she will definitely die!

“Damn, how could it be human!”

Xuan Qingyan also saw the silhouette at that moment, and couldn’t help being secretly angry.

But she didn’t stop her speed or change her direction.

“No matter, the old lady is dead, whether he is a human or not, as long as he can help me block Wu Gang, huh, Wu Gang, you dare to yell at this time, and wait for the old lady to get through this tribulation, you must kill you! “

Xuan Qingyan was calm and full of killing intent to Wu Gang.

She quickly flew towards the silhouette at this moment.

Want to use this person to resist Wu Gang for a moment.

2 people continued to chase and escape, but went straight to the silhouette.

And this time.

Xiao Changfeng also discovered Xuan Qingyan and Wu Gang.

“Black Tortoise Clan!”

At a glance, Xiao Changfeng saw the identity of Xuan Qingyan and Wu Gang.

He came from the depths and was going to the Western Region.

I didn’t expect just a day before I left, and I met two people from Black Tortoise Clan.

But it seems.

These 2 people seem to have a bad relationship.

“Want to borrow my hand?”

Although Xuan Qingyan is famous for his scheming, in front of Xiao Changfeng, he has nothing to hide.

At a glance, Xiao Changfeng saw Xuan Qingyan’s plan.

He did not intend to ignore these two people.

But didn’t expect Xuan Qingyan and Wu Gang came straight to themselves.

Soon, Xuan Qingyan who escaped was the first to come near Xiao Changfeng.

“This lord and the little girl are so fragile and hunted down by this wicked man. I beg the lord to save my life. I would like to be a slave!”

Xuan Qingyan’s exquisite pretty face appeared on weeping beauty, crying.

Although she is Black Tortoise Clan, she looks beautiful.

At this time, it is even more weak and helpless, I see still pity.

It is a pity that Xiao Changfeng’s state of mind is firm, and she is not shaken by her disguise at all.

And this time.

Wu Gang also came quickly.

He could see Xiao Changfeng clearly at a glance, but he could not see the realm of Xiao Changfeng’s strength.

However, Black Tortoise Clan is extremely xenophobic, and it has nothing to do with humans.

At this moment, when I saw Xiao Changfeng, I ignored it directly. With a wave of the steel fork in my hand, I killed Xiang Xuan Qingyan.

“My lord save me!”

Xuan Qingyan is like a frightened deer.

Suddenly hiding behind Xiao Changfeng, Wu Gang’s steel fork came straight to Xiao Changfeng.

“Human, if you don’t want to die, just get away!”

Wu Gang was furiously shouted, but the steel fork didn’t pause at all.

This steel fork is a low grade holy weapon, a treasure passed down from Wu Gang’s ancestors.

Although Wu Gang’s family declined, the steel fork remained.

This steel fork had drunk the blood of Saint, and its formidable power was powerful.

Although Wu Gang could not exert the true formidable power of the steel fork.

But holding a steel fork, he is also a powerful powerhouse in the same territory.

At this moment he is in the body of the majestic Spirit Qi.

A light water wave spread over the steel fork.

The prongs of the prongs were sharper, and even the air was twisted with thorns.

Under the steel fork, there is a mountain that can be pierced.

Even more how is the fragile body of human beings.

Therefore Wu Gang held the mentality of piercing Xiao Changfeng and then assassinating Xuan Qingyan.

“Take advantage of this opportunity and escape!”

Xuan Qingyan had no plans to stay.

She just wanted to use Xiao Changfeng to hold Wu Gang for a moment, to fight for her escape time.

So while she was walking behind Xiao Changfeng, she continued to escape away.

As for the life and death of Xiao Changfeng.

She has left behind.


A harsh sound of gold-iron symphony suddenly sounded.

The sound wave oscillated and was harsh.

Let Xuan Qingyan be slightly trembled.

“Does humans also have holy tools?”

Xuan Qingyan was surprised, so Unable to Bear glanced back.

At this glance, she almost jumped out of her heart.

I saw a finger, resting on the tip of the fork.

That finger is not gold or silver, nor is it a holy weapon.

It’s just that’s all.

However, the sharp and sharp fork tip was firmly blocked.

No matter how powerful the steel fork is, no one can go further.

Even Xuan Qingyan also saw that the sharp and sharp fork tip did not even puncture the skin of the finger.

This… this is incredible!

Isn’t he a human, but a humanoid holy?

Otherwise, with just one finger, how can the steel fork be blocked.

“This is impossible!”

Wu Gang also saw this scene at this time, his eyes widened suddenly, he couldn’t believe it.

I am the powerhouse of the 9th layer of Emperor Martial.

The steel fork in his hand is also a low grade sacrificial vessel stained with Saint blood.

How could it be blocked by one finger?

Is this young human being actually an old monster?

Its true strength is Saint? Or maybe…Heavenly Venerate!


In just an instant, Wu Gang made a decision.

He retracted the steel fork and turned to escape.

As for the pursuit of Xuan Qingyan, he no longer thinks about it.

A human monster who can resist oneself full strength attack with one finger.

Don’t you want to wait for death to escape?

“Since it’s here, you stay!”

Xiao Changfeng spoke indifferently, immediately lifted his right hand and took a slap shot.

It’s like shooting a fly.

Black Tortoise Eternal Life Scroll is running, Black Tortoise True Yuan urges.

Xiao Changfeng’s palm suddenly turned into a dark color, and it even looked like the claw of Black Tortoise.


Just like the Tianhe River, Mount Tai pressed the top. This small palm directly shot the air and burst the airflow.

“Not good !”

Feeling the heavy, mountainous, invincible horror in his palm, Wu Gang’s complexion greatly changed.

But at this time he found himself unable to escape.

Suddenly, the muscles of both arms were raised like rock.

Spiritual Qi is fully poured into the steel fork.

Make the steel fork bloom bright radiance, more Power of Time flows on it.

Obviously, he desperately tried to block this palm.

Next moment.

The palm fell and patted on the steel fork.

Ka-cha !

The steel fork that Wu Gang was proud of was actually broken into two pieces at the moment when he insisted.

After that, Wu Gang had not yet responded.

The palm fell in front of him.

Suddenly the bone Battle Armor shattered, and an unstoppable force penetrated through the body.

Suddenly Wu Gang’s dantian shattered, his heart was cut off, and his vitality disappeared.

Kill Emperor Martial with one palm!

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