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Above the West Sea.

The illusory shadow of White Python Secret Realm has long been disappeared.

White Python Secret Realm is opened every 100 years and will only show up when it is opened.

For the rest of the time, he escaped into the void and was difficult to find.

This is one of the reasons why other Heavenly Venerate has been unable to break into White Python Secret Realm.

But coming out of White Python Secret Realm, it is above the West Sea.

I saw ten thousand meters above the West Sea.

appear out of thin air of two figures one after the other.

“Since the king was born, he has never left Secret Realm, but the outside world is prosperous, but the king is still in peace, and if he is not a god, he is gray!”

The snake’s Heavenly Venerate’s lazy and strange voice sounded.

She turned her beautiful eyes and looked at the outside world.

If she was young, she might have the urge to travel.

But she is over 1000 years old, and her state of mind is already rock-solid.

Now the only thing she thinks about is becoming a god!

So although this outside world is magical, it does not attract her the slightest interest.

“Xiao Changfeng, the king wants secluded cultivation. If there are no important things, don’t disturb the king.”

The snake Heavenly Venerate said back to Xiao Changfeng.

The silhouette flickered into a pale-gold rays of light and flew directly into the Time and Space Sand leak.

Seeing the snake Heavenly Venerate is so urgent, Xiao Changfeng is also somewhat helpless.

But these all are said in advance, he naturally will not say much.

“Time and Space Sand can’t be put into the storage ring. I don’t worry about putting it into dantian, so I can make it a pendant!”

Xiao Changfeng glanced at the Time and Space Sand leak.

This Time and Space Sand leak is the Divine Item of the space-time class, and the trifling storage ring cannot be carried at all.

And there is the snake Heavenly Venerate in it.

Xiao Changfeng dared not put his income within the body on Dantian.

Otherwise, if the snake Heavenly Venerate has killing intent, it may cause great harm to his Nascent Soul.

So after some consideration, Xiao Changfeng decided to wear it close to his body.

The Time and Space Sand leak is Divine Item, which can become larger and smaller.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng took action to shrink Time and Space Sand’s Small Accomplishment fingernail size.

Immediately remove the Ruyi Ling lock wire.

Ruyi Lingsi was previously consecrated by Xiao Changfeng as a holy weapon.

But it is only a low grade holy weapon, and it has little effect in facing Heaven’s Chosen and other top Heaven’s Chosen.

Therefore, it has become a little tasteless and has never been used.

Now it is just the rope that is used as a pendant.

Soon Xiao Changfeng tied up the Time and Space Sand with Ruyi Ling wire, and immediately put it on his neck.


The void crack behind him has been disappeared, and the sea breeze is blowing, with a sea smell.

The dazzling sunlight fell through the clouds and fell on Xiao Changfeng.

At this moment, Xiao Changfeng had a feeling of being indifferent.

White Python Secret Realm, Heaven’s Chosen battle, death fight game.

Like a, everything seems so unreal.

But this feeling quickly disappeared.

The trip to White Python Secret Realm has ended.

Next Xiao Changfeng has more important things to do.

“Small 9’s breath is not there, it should be brought back to the East by Yu Heavenly Venerate!”

Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness spread out without feeling the breath of Nine Headed Snake.

His Divine Consciousness has a range of 3000 meters, and is more spiritually connected to Nine Headed Snake.

At this time there is not even a faint induction, it should not be here.

Before entering White Python Secret Realm, Xiao Changfeng gave Nine Headed Snake to Yu Yu Heavenly Venerate.

With the strength of Heavenly Venerate, Nine Headed Snake should be fine.

Since it is not there now, it is very likely that it was taken back by Yu Heavenly Venerate.

“But now with my strength, as long as it is not Saint with too high realm, I can easily avoid it!”

Nine Headed Snake is not there, and Xiao Changfeng is not too worried.

He believes in his strength!

“Xihai is the site of Black Tortoise Clan. In order to avoid trouble, I still exhibit Black Tortoise longevity. I can also borrow this rich Water Spiritual Qi to cultivate.”

Looked at the sparkling West Sea below.

Xiao Changfeng thought about it, and suddenly True Yuan changed, running Black Tortoise Eternal Life Scroll.

In addition to Qilin Profound Heaven Scroll, this Black Tortoise Eternal Life Scroll is also a major headache for Xiao Changfeng.

Black Tortoise Eternal Life Scroll is the second cultivation of Xiao Changfeng.

But because Xiao Changfeng has been on land, the environment is insufficient, and the quality of the Water Attribute treasure encountered is not enough.

So Black Tortoise Eternal Life Scroll has always been the realm of Small Accomplishment.

Instead, the White Tiger Battle Scroll and Vermillion Bird Undying Scroll later came on top, and both reached Great Success Realm.

This time, we will cross the West Sea.

So Xiao Changfeng also intends to take the opportunity to cultivate Black Tortoise Eternal Life Scroll.

“It’s time to go back!”

Everything is ready, Xiao Changfeng looks in the direction of the Western Region, and immediately the silhouette flickers towards the Western Region.


Above the green sea, blue sky, the scenery is pleasant.

The golden sunlight shone on the sea, shimmering like broken gold.

The sea breeze blew slightly, setting off a small wave, swaying in the distance.

But it soon merged with the seawater all around.

East China Sea, South China Sea, North China Sea, West China Sea!

The West Sea is the quietest.

You can’t see the seagulls and seabirds, and you can’t see the sea fish breaking out of the water.

Only the buzz of wind and waves, like a tourist attraction.

But at this time.

On the calm West Sea, there are two figures whistled past.

The speed of these two figures is very fast, but it seems not to be frolic, but to pursue life and death.

These two people are not human, but also not Demonic beast.

I saw it was a man and a woman, but they didn’t have hair and ears.

Their feet are like fins, and their hands are covered with flesh.

The skin is smooth and smooth, and it looks very bright under the scouring of seawater.

The body is wearing Battle Armor, but it is not made of metal, but it seems to be bone.

The first person to escape is a woman with a slightly swollen chest and a more slender form.

The wounds on her body were very serious, and red’s blood ran out of the wound, and the sea water was stained red as she passed.

Her strength is not weak, it is the powerhouse of Emperor Martial’s 8th level.

But the person who chased her is stronger.

This is a tall and burly man, his muscles swelled up like giant boulders.

Holding a steel fork in his hand, he chased after the waves.

The breath of the 9th layer of Emperor Martial is revealed.

He also had injuries on his body, but only minor injuries that’s all, far less heavy than a woman.

“Xuan Qingyan, you can’t escape, just die. If you die, I will lose one opponent!”

The man laughed wildly, showing a sharp tooth.

The woman named Xuan Qingyan did not talk, but escaped with all her might.

She stepped out a long surf on the sea surface, and the speed reached the speed of sound.

But the man behind her is also extremely fast, not weaker than her at all.

In addition, she was seriously injured, making the distance between the two closer.

In this way, she will be caught up sooner or later.

when the time comes


At this moment, Xuan Qingyan’s eyes lit up.

I saw a silhouette in the distance between the sea and the sky.

Xuan Qingyan had never seen the silhouette, but it was her life-saving straw at this time.

Thinking of this, she suddenly lifted her breath, deflected her direction, and went straight to the silhouette.

At the same time, she even screamed.

“Wu Gang, my helper has arrived, you are dead!”

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