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Eligible to go to Third Heavenly Layer?

How is this going?

Chi Lianyaosheng’s words fell, everyone was stunned and could not believe it.

this moment.

The entire Heaven and Earth is silent, without any sound.

Everyone was shocked by this result and their minds were blank.

This is Xiao Changfeng, which is also startled in my heart, and I am very surprised.

No one didn’t expect.

The final result will be like this.

When Chilian Yaosheng came up, he asked the murderer who killed Yuanshang.

And it looks like an accountability.

Therefore, Zhang Gongyi would appear to speak, and Qiu Jiankui and Xia Wuxing also acted as pushers.

Want to push Xiao Changfeng into the abyss of death.

I thought that the Chilian Demon Holy Society would avenge the Yuan merchants, and shot Xiao Changfeng.

But the result reversed, Chilian Yaosheng not only did not attack Xiao Changfeng.

Instead, he was allowed to enter the Third Heavenly Layer.

This… this is incredible!

Zhang Gongyi opened his mouth wide and his eyes were almost staring out.

A dog’s expression.

Xia Wuxing’s expression was stiff, and he didn’t expect this situation at all.

As for Mo Wenjian and Chunmanlou.

It was also a shock, a little unbelievable.

But Xiao Changfeng responded quickly.

“Just because I killed Yuanshang, can I enter the Third Heavenly Layer?”

Xiao Changfeng pupil light looked at Chilian Yaosheng.

Yuan Shang and Chi Lian Yao Sheng are both snake people.

It stands to reason that even if Chi Lianyao Shengsheng doesn’t find himself in trouble, he will never give himself such a benefit.

If Chilian Yaosheng said it true.

Then behind this, there must be a situation that I don’t know about.

“Well, I鈥檓 on the order of the queen. Here you are guarding the gate. You can enter the Third Heavenly Layer directly, while others need to pass my test.”

Chilian demon Saint said solemnly.

Although he is not the same team as Yuan Shang.

But after all, they belong to the same ethnic group. For Xiao Changfeng, there are naturally killing intents.

But the Queen had orders, but he did not dare.

Anyway, after these Outsiders entered the Third Heavenly Layer.

Life and death are under the queen’s control. If the queen wants to kill him, as easy as blowing off dust.

Queen’s life!


Xiao Changfeng eyes slightly narrowed, speculating on 2 keywords in this remark.

Xiao Changfeng has long learned from the mouth of the female snake person that the most powerful house of the snake person is the snake Heavenly Venerate.

Also known as the Queen!

And the game concept I guessed before was also correct.

Now that he killed Yuan Shang himself, he was not only not chased.

Instead, they can enter the Third Heavenly Layer.

This is evidence.

As for the test that Chilian Yaosheng said.

Although he does not know what it is, he also understands that this should be part of the game.

Within 1st Heavenly Layer, Yuan Shang appeared.

And the condition of wanting to enter the light door is to defeat Yuan Shang.

So at first Xia Wuxing and the others will choose to join forces.

And if you want to enter the Third Heavenly Layer, there are obviously certain tests and conditions.

Although this result is abrupt, it is good news for Xiao Changfeng.

“many thanks !”

Xiao Changfeng nodded, thanks.

Since you can directly enter the Third Heavenly Layer, you will naturally save a lot of trouble.

At this time, all talents reacted.

Suddenly there was an uproar.

“What’s going on, don’t you have to be in order to revenge Yuan Shang, how can you save him from the test?”

“This is not a common sense. I just thought Pill Emperor was dead. Didn’t expect came so unexpectedly. It was considered that he walked the lucky dog 鈥嬧€媏xcrement.”

“Unfortunately, if Chi Lian Yao Sheng takes the shot, we can also miss one opponent.”

Everyone discussed spiritedly, and they were all amazed by the result.

But the existence of Chilianjun and Chilian Demon Saint.

But they did not dare to question, they had to accept it.

And Mo Wenjian and Chun Manlou and the others are extremely excited.

“Haha, I knew that the younger brother would be fine. After all, with my wise big brother, how could the younger brother be in trouble!”

Mo Wenjian smiled and he was relaxed in his hand.

Bai Xi and Qingque Saintess looked at each other in blank dismay, they were equally surprised.

Chunmanlou held the Holy Fan of Chunjing in his hand, gently shook the fan, and smiled.

“Brother Xiao did not disappoint him, he went in, when the time comes to snatch the mysterious treasure, I have a little more hope!”

Xiao Changfeng got the entry qualification so easily.

Chunmanlou is naturally pleasantly surprised.

Xiao Changfeng’s strength is obvious to all, and he helps him.

The probability of robbing mysterious treasures is even greater.

But Chun Xiaohua on the side was disappointed.

Her prayer this time was unsuccessful.

At this time, his eyes flashed at Xiao Changfeng, gnashing teeth.

Everyone’s thoughts and speculations, Chilian Yaosheng did not care.

He just faithfully executed the Queen’s order that’s all.

At this point, after talking to Xiao Changfeng, he looked away and spoke again.

“The Queen has orders, receive my move and Undead, you can enter the Third Heavenly Layer!”

The sound of Chilian Yaosheng echoed between Heaven and Earth, clearly falling into everyone’s ears.

And this is what he called the test.

It’s simple, but it’s also dangerous.

Chilian Demon Saint is the powerhouse of Saint Boundary.

One of his tricks, formidable power is too strong, want to stop, easy said than done.

Even if someone has already reached the Paragon realm on the scene at this time.

But if you want to stop Chilian Demon Saint’s move, you can’t say absolute.

Therefore, the atmosphere of Chi Lian Yao Sheng’s words suddenly became heavy.

And as the only passer at present.

Xiao Changfeng’s good luck is also envied by many people.

But Xiao Changfeng didn’t say much at this time.

He also did not take the lead to the Light Gate and went to the Third Heavenly Layer.

Instead, he stood aside, waiting for the test to begin.

Because in the face of Chilian Demon Saint, everyone will inevitably draw the hole cards.

Xia Wuxing and Qiu Jiankui are no exception.

Since Xiao Changfeng wants to deal with them.

Then this is a good opportunity to see their cards.

know yourself and know your enemy, can then emerge victorious in every battle!

“If you can’t catch up, giving up is not a kind of cultivation!”

Xiao Changfeng suddenly whispered to the three Buddhas.

3 Xiao Changfeng’s strength is clear.

Although it is not weak, except for the unrelated Buddha, the Wisdom Buddha and the Galan Buddha can only be regarded as ordinary.

And their goal here is the Luohan Temple, which has been fulfilled.

Whether or not to go to the Third Heavenly Layer has no effect on them.

In this case, naturally no more risk.

“Amitabha, Lord Xiao don’t need to worry, the little monk knows his own way!”

The wise Buddha proclaimed the sound of the Buddha, responding to Xiao Changfeng.

“This poor monk wants to give it a try!”

Wu Xiang Buddha Zi fighting intent is like a tide, he is not going to the Third Heavenly Layer, only to fight with Chi Lian Yao Sheng Sheng.

As for the Buddha, he did not speak, but he obviously had his own plans.

Xiao Changfeng is just a reminder.

As for how to choose, it is natural to look at the three Buddhas’ own decisions.

So he said no more.

At this time, Chi Lian Yao Sheng’s hand held the snake spear, and his voice rose again:

“Who will be tested?”


Chi Lian Yao Sheng’s words fell, and a silhouette flew out.

It turned out to be winter snow!

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