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The four people who flew in were Xiao Changfeng and the three Buddhas.

Although Xiao Changfeng has calculated a best route.

But after all, he was 2 days later than others when he went out, plus the remote location of the retreat.

So it wasn’t until this time that he was able to get there.

Fortunately, it was too late.

However, as soon as Xiao Changfeng entered, he heard Zhang Gongyi’s urgent drink.

So his eyes couldn’t help but look away.

“Zhang Gongyi? Chi Lian Yao Sheng!”

Zhang Gongyi is naturally no stranger.

The appearance of Chi Lian Yao Sheng’s snake man, as well as Saint prestige, also allowed Xiao Changfeng to quickly determine his identity.

It’s just that he didn’t understand why these two people got together.

And all around everyone looked at their own eyes, it was a little weird.

“Didn’t expect this evil kind actually came in!”

Xia Wuxing sneered at the corner of his mouth, looking at Xiao Changfeng with a bad intention.

At first, he resisted Yuan Shang and could have safely broken into the Light Gate.

But because Xiao Changfeng suddenly activated Heavenly Venerate.

He was seriously injured, and it took a lot of time to recover after entering the Second Heavenly Layer.

In addition, the reason of Xiao Changfeng mother makes his hatred more intense.

But at this time he does not need to shoot.

Just quietly watching Chilian Yaosheng hands-on.

“hmph! ”

Qiu Jiankui saw Xiao Changfeng, and cold glow appeared in the eye.

At first, Xiao Changfeng dragged her so that she had to use precious maple leaves.

In addition to other reasons, the killing intent in her heart is extremely strong.

“He…he really came!”

Chun Xiaohua’s eyes widened at this time, both shocked and angry in her heart.

The existence of the water-fire bite spell made her fear and hatred.

But she also didn’t expect her own prayers to really work.

“It’s over, little brother, you shouldn’t be here at this time. If you die, what can I do!”

Mo asked that the sword’s face was ashes, revealing the color of despair.

When Chi Lian Yao Sheng was accountable, he kept praying that Xiao Changfeng would not come.

But obviously his prayer had no effect.

Xiao Changfeng is still here, and it is still now.

This is simply a netizen!

“This is trouble!”

Chunmanlou is also brows tightly knit, thinking quickly in my heart, trying to find a solution.

But here, in the face of Chi Lian Yao Sheng, let him have a lot of strategies, but to no avail.

At this time, everyone else’s eyes also fell on Xiao Changfeng.

No one didn’t expect, they were just discussing it, and it happened so coincidentally.

Some people are surprised, some are confused, some are sneering, and some are watching.

Of course more people are relaxed.

Anyway, the arrival of Xiao Changfeng made Chilian Yaosheng find his goal.

In this way, if he wants to take revenge, he doesn’t need to involve himself and the others.

As for Xiao Changfeng’s death, has anything to do with me?

Dead Fellow Daoist Undead Poor Daoist!

With this idea, everyone is backing away.

Expose Xiao Changfeng and the three Buddhas.

“Dr. Xiao, the situation seems a bit wrong.”

The wise Buddha reminded Xiao Changfeng in a low voice.

He was brilliant, and through the clues of all around, he also judged that the situation was wrong.


Xiao Changfeng un’ed, Divine Consciousness spread out, observing all around.

A guard was also made in my heart.

After all, this time it is faced, but it is Monster Saint, and there are also many snake trainers with red training.

Oh la la !

At this time, Chi Lian Yao Sheng also set his sights on Xiao Changfeng.

He slid slowly, approaching Xiao Changfeng.

“Did you kill Yuan Shang?”

Chi Lian Yao Sheng’s dull sound rang, he had a mouthful of poison qi overflowing, making the air dark.

“Senior demon Saint, he is Xiao Changfeng, he killed Yuan Shang, and everyone saw it at the time.”

Zhang Gongyi quickly opened his mouth, gazing at Xiao Changfeng with hate.

And through these 2 sentences.

Xiao Changfeng finally understood the situation.

Obviously Chilian Yaosheng came for the death of Yuan Shang.

And Zhang Gongyi sold himself.

And initiative to identify Chilian demon Saint.

Xiao Changfeng is too lazy to say anything about Zhang Gongyi’s villain.

But for Chilian Yaosheng, he had to pay attention.

At this time, he did not have the Heavenly Venerate orb, and wanted to kill or even seriously hurt the Chilian demon Saint impossible.

Perhaps the only thing you can do is escape.

With his current strength, plus the existence of the chessboard of the heaven and earth.

Maybe you can deal with it in this Second Heavenly Layer and escape.

But as a result, he completely lost the opportunity to enter the Third Heavenly Layer.

So he didn’t want to escape until as a last resort.

“People killed me.”

Facing the reproach of Chilian Yaosheng, Xiao Changfeng did not conceal or explain, and generously admitted.

He knew before he arrived.

Zhang Gongyi and the others must have said a lot.

Explaining it yourself is useless.

Moreover, with Xiao Changfeng’s character, naturally he would not explain it.

Kill and kill, explain for mercy?


“Master Demon Saint, did you hear that, he did kill people, he is the murderer!”

Zhang Gongyi was overjoyed at this time, and immediately spoke quickly.

He couldn’t wait for Chi Lian Yaosheng to quickly shoot and directly kill Xiao Changfeng.

In this way, his hatred can be regarded as retribution.

And see this scene.

Other people also have different looks.

“Idiot, I dare to admit that if you deny it or explain a few words, you may be able to delay it for a while. Since you admit it, I am afraid you will not live long, but for a wicked species like you, it will die early and save pollution. my hand.”

Xia Wuxing sneered in her heart and looked at Xiao Changfeng with cold eyes.

At this time, both of his hands circled his chest and sat and watched the show.

“Hmph, go to hell, you should die too!”

Qiu Jiankui also had a sharp killing intent in his heart, and at this time his injury had almost recovered.

She looked at Xiao Changfeng coldly, and wanted to see Xiao Changfeng die with her own eyes.

As for winter and snow.

At this moment, like a holy snow lotus, independent of the world, not say a word.

“Brother Manlou, you must think of a way, otherwise the little brother will really die!”

Mo Wenjian was eager in his heart and anxiously asked Chunmanlou for help.

Chun Man Lou was also anxious, thinking quickly.

Only Chun Xiaohua clenched her pink fist and prayed secretly in her heart.

I hope Xiao Changfeng can die quickly, so that he may not have to suffer the torment of the Water and Fire Body Devouring Curse.

this moment.

Xiao Changfeng stood alone in front of the Chi Lian Demon Saint.

All around all eyes gathered, as if to push him into the abyss.

Chunmanlou and the others rescued, but there was no way to start.

3 The great Buddha is worried and powerless.

Xia Wuxing, Zhang Gongyi and the others made no secret of their killing intent.

Saint prestige, the scary demon saint, came under pressure and made people breathe.

Xiao Changfeng brows slightly wrinkle, ready in his heart, and flee at any time.

“Since Yuan Shang was killed by you, then…”

The Red Demon Sage stood still at a distance of 100 meters from Xiao Changfeng, and immediately a dull voice sounded, causing everyone to hold their breath and wait for the final result.

However, the next sentence of the Demon Saint Chilian was to make everyone startled.

“You are eligible to go to Third Heavenly Layer!”

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