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If the villain works, Xiao Changfeng is also relaxed.

This villain is not mature yet, but has immortal spirit soil and Azure Dragon mana.

Xiao Changfeng is confident that he can ripen it as soon as possible.

As for the plan of Chun Xiaohua, Xiao Changfeng had a feeling in the heart as early as at first.

Later, Chun Xiaohua suggested secretly picking fruits.

When Divine Consciousness spreads out, he senses the two cold lingering snakes in the cold lake.

So he beating somebody at their own game.

Chun Xiaohua mistakenly thought that the plan was successful.

At the last moment, he appeared, picking the fruits of victory.

As for the male Hanshabingling snake.

Xiao Changfeng has already got rid of it.

“you you……”

Seeing that Xiao Changfeng had taken the villain, Chun Xiaohua’s eyes widened, and he immediately pointed at Xiao Changfeng, very angry.

How did she didn’t expect, even Xiao Changfeng snatched the holy fruit.

This was only found by my own suffer untold hardships.

For this holy fruit, she did not hesitate to plot against others.

He was also seriously injured in a battle with Han Sha Bing Ling Snake.

Now all this has made a wedding dress for Xiao Changfeng.

She was unwilling and full of anger.

But she didn’t directly shoot Xiao Changfeng.

Because she knew the strength of Xiao Changfeng, it was Heaven’s Chosen, which was not even her big brother.

Even more how he was injured and could not beat him.

“Woo, I have worked hard to defeat the stinking snake, you even grab my fruit, I want to tell the big brother, say you bully me!”

The tears in Chun Xiaohua’s big eyes were torrential, and the sobbing cry was full of desolation.

It makes people unable to bear heartbreak.

If you change someone, maybe you are really soft-hearted and give the villain to her.

Unfortunately, this performance is still too clumsy in Xiao Changfeng’s view.

“Xiaohua younger sister, many thanks, you help me block the Hanshabingling snake.”

Xiao Changfeng chuckled, but remained unmoved in the slightest.

Not to mention that the villain is extremely important to him.

Even if it is just a general sacred medicine, he will take it out of the plot against himself.

If not looking at the face of Chunmanlou.

I’m afraid Xiao Changfeng will shoot her directly.

“Big Brother Xiao, you…you are shameless, you bully the kids!”

There is no pity for seeing Xiao Changfeng.

Chun Xiaohua froze, immediately accused of flustered and exasperated.

It is a pity that this is useless to Xiao Changfeng.


Then an angry hissing roared.

I saw that Xiao Changfeng’s male Han Sha Bing Ling snake rushed out in anger.

It obviously sensed his wife’s serious injury.

So he ran away.


The cold air of a large scream roared like a giant wave, slamming down towards Xiao Changfeng and Chun Xiaohua.

“Ahhh, I am dying, Big Brother Xiao save me quickly!”

Chun Xiaohua’s pupils shrank suddenly, his eyes were horrified, and he yelled wildly.

It’s a pity that this acting can’t deceive Xiao Changfeng at all.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng ignored the spring flowers, but went straight to the Hanshabingling snake.

Now that the villain has been obtained, it’s time to leave here.

As for the road that left, only the original road returned.

“Water control!”

Xiao Changfeng within the body mana turned into Black Tortoise mana.

And his body has also become Black Tortoise longevity.

Black Tortoise, the god of water, innate talent controls water!

Although Han Sha is a baleful qi, deep water is a source of water.

Oh la la !

Suddenly the deep water was ignited, surging up, turned into a giant wave, and greeted the cold air.

Soon the deep water was frozen into an ice sculpture and stood on the surface of the lake.


A dark golden sword rainbow roared out, it was the Flying God Sword.

Flying Sword cut through the giant wave ice sculpture, with sharp sword energy, fiercely standing on the body of Hanshabingling snake.


A golden iron symphony sounded, but the Flying God Sword was unusually sharp.

The snake scales of the Hanshabingling snake were cut off a lot, and even deeper into the flesh.

Instantly cold snake lingering snake pain, roar.

“Martial Spirit Melt!”

Xiao Changfeng loudly shouts, Black Tortoise Martial Spirit suddenly appeared, the two merged, and turned into a black Black Tortoise of 2 meters in size.


Outside the Hantan, he was in a fierce battle with the Red Army for 9 days.

Immediately, he turned to see the black Black Tortoise transformed by Xiao Changfeng. His pupils collapsed and he was shocked.

He is Heaven’s Chosen of Black Tortoise Clan, and Black Tortoise Clan is a descendant of Divine Beast Black Tortoise.

His Bloodline concentration is extremely high, otherwise it becomes impossible to become the god son of Black Tortoise Clan.

But at this time he felt that the black Black Tortoise transformed by Xiao Changfeng and Bloodline were more intense than him.

It may even be… pure blood!


It was too late to think about it for 9 days, because the combined battle front consisting of 9 snake men came to attack again.

But this matter was remembered for 9 days.

“Magical Powers: black liquid Battle Armor!”

At this time Xiao Changfeng exhibited Magical Powers, and suddenly Black Tortoise was covered with a layer of Battle Armor.

As a result, Xiao Changfeng’s defensive power is greatly increased.

Although Hansha Bingling snake possesses Hansha, she lives in Hantan.

But Xiao Changfeng’s Black Tortoise One comes out, and the control of deep water is in the hands of Xiao Changfeng.

After all, Black Tortoise is the true god of water!

Hong long long !

Xiao Changfeng and Hansha Bingling snake fought fiercely in Hantan.

And Chun Xiaohua is wearing a flower armor, cautiously hiding aside.

Although she was injured, it was not particularly serious.

But if you want her to deal with the male Hansha Bingling Snake again, don’t think about it.

“Hmph, stupid big fellow, you dare to grab my holy fruit, I hate you!”

The spring flowers are bulging like a toad.

Xiao Changfeng snatched the villain, which made her indignant.

At this time she was hiding in the corner, looking far away at the battle between Xiao Changfeng and Han Sha Bing Ling Snake.

The wandering eyes rolled.

Suddenly, he looked at the mother snake who was seriously injured not far away.

Suddenly a plan of revenge was formed in the small head.

“Hehe, stupid big fellow, since you robbed me of the holy fruit, then I won’t let you go for a walk!”

Chun Xiaohua laughed, and immediately went towards the mother snake.

At this time, the three Buddhas and the others are fighting with nine red-trained snakemen.

And above Hantan.

It was Xiao Changfeng who was furiously fighting the Han Sha Bing Ling snake.

“Profound Nether Fist!”

Xiao Changfeng manipulated the deep water, condensed into the fist, and immediately punched out.

Suddenly surrounded by deep water, the boxing was shaking.

Like Divine Beast Black Tortoise, who is covering the sky, the sharp claw is protruded, and the world is to be pierced.


The Han Sha Bing Ling snake was hit by the fist, suddenly flew out, and crashed into the deep water.

Although Han Sha Bing Ling Snake is strong, Xiao Changfeng is in the Han Tan, surrounded by deep water, and is not afraid at all.

But at this time he did not want to fight the Hanshabingling snake.

“time to go!”

Xiao Changfeng made a decision in his heart.

Suddenly the silhouette flickered, and moved towards the edge of Hantan.

The villain is already in hand, and the next thing is to pill concocting, which is the most important.

As for the cold snake, he did not have much interest.

Xiao Changfeng’s speed is very fast. With the help of this fist, Hansha Bingling Snake was repelled, and he quickly reached the edge of Hantan.

However, it is at this time.

A shadow came roaring.

The voice of Chun Xiaohua also sounded:

“Big Brother Xiao, I will help you kill the mother snake, and take the snake body away.”


In an instant, monster qi soared into the sky, the male snake ran away!

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