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one mountain can’t be shared by two tigers, unless one male and one mother!

The same is true in White Python Secret Realm.

Although there are some social snake nests, there will only be one snake king.

Such as the former Viper King, Blue Scale Viper, Golden Python, etc.

Basically, there is only one powerful Snake Monster Beast in one place.

But Hantan apparently broke this rule.

There is not a single cold snake lurking in the cold lake.

Instead, there are 2 males and one female.

Before, they saw only one spring flower, so they thought there was only one in the cold lake.

At this time, Chun Xiaohua was approaching the villain, and another Hanshabingling snake finally appeared.

And the first move is a trick.

bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl biting directly towards the spring flower.

Seems to swallow Chun Xiaohua in one bite.


Deep water is splashing, the water is like rain, and the purple demon flower is broken directly.

A little bit of petals mixed with deep water, falling from the sky.

But Chun Xiaohua not at all died.

Although she looks dull and weak, is it an ordinary person who can come to White Python Secret Realm?

I saw that Chun Xiaohua was shining brightly, standing on the air.

But she was injured after all.

I saw her right arm, which was bitten at this time, and a blood hole appeared.

But the blood did not flow out, but was frozen by the cold.

Not only was the blood, her entire right arm was frozen by the cold and turned into an ice sculpture.

Even if Chun Xiaohua’s strength is not weak, it will be difficult to eliminate after a while.


Han Sha Bing Ling snake stared at Chun Xiaohua.

This one should be female. The snake’s head is not a complete trigonal shape, but a little ellipse.

It is also smaller than the previous one, only 4 ten meters long above the water.

The strength is only one of Paragon.

But for Chun Xiaohua, there are enough threats.

“Smelly snake, you angered me!”

Chun Xiaohua’s big eyes burned with anger, and he was obviously angry.

She finally arranged the plan, and even found Xiao Changfeng the stupid big fellow.

I thought I could easily get the figurines.

didn’t expect halfway out another cold-scarred snake.

At this time, she was stared at by the Hanshabingling snake. If she wanted to pick the villain, she must first get rid of or solve this big snake.


Han Sha Bing Ling Snake can’t speak, but the golden-yellow snake pupil is full of cold killing intent.

A spit in the mouth, and suddenly the pale blue gust of cold gas erupted, hitting the spring flower.

“10000 flower tube!”

Chun Xiaohua is not really weak.

At this moment she reached out and grabbed her weapon.

I saw a cyan-green cylinder appear in her hands.

The cylinder is shaped like a bamboo tube, but it has a metallic luster and the surface is unpretentious.

But it is a top grade holy item of genuine value.

“Petals are raining!”

Chun Xiaohua held a 10000 flower tube, Spirit Qi was poured into it, and pieces of petals burst out from it.

This is not a real petal, but a petal-like shape, but each piece contains sharp prestige.

Just like sword energy blade glow.

Hong long long !

The petals of the sky burst out and collided with the air of the cold, suddenly roaring and shaking.

The deep water all around was instantly turbulent, and the huge waves torrented.

Oh la la !

A huge snake tail suddenly emerged from the deep water, like a magic wand, fiercely pulled towards the spring flower.

The Hansha Bingling Snake directly exhibited the Strength of Domain.

Its field is full of cold, and the surface of the lake instantly freezes into ice.

Even the air is gradually frozen.


Chun Xiaohua was directly drawn into the cold lake by this tail, splashing the sky.

However, Chun Xiaohua had a lot of treasure on her body and didn’t die seriously.

With a swish, Chun Xiaohua flew out of the deep water and stood in the air.

At this time, she was wearing a flower armor made of numerous petals.

This is her defensive holy weapon.

But at this time, the flower armor was covered with frost, and almost the entire spring flower was frozen into ice sculpture.

“Smelly snake, I’m going to kill you to eat snake soup!”

Chun Xiaohua’s eyes were full of hatred and anger.

She was in the body, the full-bodied Spirit Qi fell into the 10000 flower tube.

I saw a bright radiance suddenly blooming in the 10000 flower tube.

Immediately burst out of the sky and rain.

Light and rain cover the sky, and there are enough Wan Daoguang points to converge.

And each light spot is shaped like a flower, which contains horrible Destruction Strength.

“Tianjie low-level martial skill: 10000 flower serial burst!”

Chun Xiaohua drank from the bottom, and suddenly the rain spread out, enveloping the Hanshabingling snake.


One order.

Suddenly went to Wan Daoguang and burst open.

Hong long long !

Like a firecracker exploding, between Heaven and Earth sparks splendidly.

The huge body of Han Sha Bing Ling Snake was directly submerged by the explosion of light spots.

The frozen pool surface was directly broken, and then the deep water boiled.

In 1000 years, the deep water of the cold was blown into a white mist, which enveloped this world.

The silhouette of the Hanshabingling snake struggled in the mist, screaming painfully.

I saw that Hansha Bingling snake’s field of Hansha has collapsed and shattered.

The ice-colored snake scales on his body were also fragmented and bloody.

The blood of Yin Hong bleeds out, dyeing the deep water of pale blue all red.


The Han Shabing Ling snake was seriously injured, but his ferocity was not reduced.

Suddenly opened his mouth at this time, a condensed cold, turned into lance, and blasted towards the spring flower.

Although Chun Xiaohua owns a flower armor, this cold shame lance is terrifying.

lance fell, hitting on the flower armor, and the flower armor suddenly cracked.

The whole person of Chun Xiaohua is like a kite with a broken thread, falling from in midair.

Eventually fiercely smashed into deep water.

Hong long long !

10000 Hualian burst continues.

This is Chun Xiaohua’s killing move. Even the cold snake is difficult to resist at this time.

In the wailing, he was seriously injured and fell. Although he was not dead, he also lost his battle strength.


Deep water churned, and a small head burst out of the water.

It is spring flower.

At this point she looked pale and wet.

The body armor is covered with cold and frost, and there is a crack like spider web.

Obviously this flower armor has been hit hard.

“It’s a loss, a big loss this time!”

Chun Xiaohua held a 10000 flower tube in her hand and kept muttering in her mouth.

The flower armor was damaged and injured itself, and the martial skill was displayed.

This time the loss is too great.

The flowers are so big that they cannot be to bear.

At this time, the 10000 Hualian burst is nearing its end, all around is the white mist evaporated by the evaporation of deep water.

Han Sha Bing Ling Snake has fallen seriously injured, occasionally twitching that’s all.

“Hurry to get the holy fruit, or this time you will lose to your grandma’s family!”

Chun Xiaohua gritted her teeth and flew out of the icy deep water. The cold lake was very cold, and she also needed a lot of Spirit Qi to stand in the sky.

At this time she no longer cares about the severely wounded Han Sha Bing Ling Snake, flying straight to the direction of the villain.

Soon she saw the villain again, and she was very happy.


At this moment, a silhouette flew by and suddenly appeared beside the villain.

Immediately reach out and take it off.

Xiao Changfeng turned his head and grinned at Chun Xiaohua:

“This thing belongs to me!”

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