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2 With a fist and a sword, Xiao Changfeng blocked the attack of three snakemen.

And a fist smashed nether shadow to destroy the soul dagger and beat the female snake man.

This result caused the three snakes to change color.

Obviously they are also didn’t expect, Xiao Changfeng is so powerful.

And this time.

Xiao Changfeng did not continue to shoot, but focused on the three snake men.

“Chi Lianjun!”

Xiao Changfeng chewed these three words.

The previous speculation has also been confirmed.

Sure enough, in this White Python Secret Realm, there are indeed snake people.

The previous Yuanshang was only one and could not be proved, but the three snake men in front of it were enough to prove it.

And they also said what they are doing.

It seems that the Snake Race has established forces, otherwise there will be no similar army.

But why are they here?

Xiao Changfeng was puzzled.

In the 1st Heavenly Layer, except Changshang, Xiao Changfeng has not seen other snake people.

Is this Second Heavenly Layer the base of the Serpent Race?

What about Third Heavenly Layer?

Xiao Changfeng thought about 100 revolutions, and I also felt that the snake person with Heavenly Venerable Realm here has great probability.

But all this is just speculation.

“Tell your origins, I can spare you your life!”

Xiao Changfeng spoke indifferently.

He wanted to hear the news from the mouths of the three snake men.

“Outsider, die!”

It’s a pity that the three snake men do not want to speak, at this time loudly shouts.

The middle Han Snake shot again.

He thundered and thundered, and immediately merged into his hands.

“Inferior martial skill: Thundercloud Palm!”

The Great Snakeman photographed with both hands, and suddenly the lightning burst on the palm of his hand.

With a force of violent destruction, he came in a horizontal shot.

This palm directly shoots the air away and emits a harsh sky-splitting sound.

Obviously the Fleshy body strength of the Han Snake is also terrifying.

“Since you are stubborn, then I will kill you first, and then search the soul!”

Xiao Changfeng coldly snorted.

What he has is a way to find out the truth.


Rich platinum aura emerged from within the body of Xiao Changfeng.

A Qi of Slaughter rushed like a tide, letting all three snakes have their facial expression grave.

“White Tiger Fist!”

This is the fourth punch of Xiao Changfeng.

Rays of light are blazing, and there are clanging sounds.

It seems that Xiao Changfeng’s fist is not a body of flesh and blood, but a fist of steel.

With a punch, White Tiger now, Fight Heaven and Earth!


fist and palm collided, the snake man suddenly vomited blood, his figure retreated violently, and shot several hundred meters in the air.

Finally, a huge pit was smashed into the ground.

With one punch, the big man is defeated!

The strength of the snake man is not weak, and his fleshy body strength is also comparable to Spirit Physique Great Accomplishment.

If you meet other people, you may not lose.

But unfortunately, he met Xiao Changfeng of Divine Physique Great Accomplishment.

Competing with Fleshy Body, he is no opponent at all!

But the snake man is not dead, and he has not even lost his battle strength.

Obviously the red-trained scale armor on that body played a big role.

“Low-level martial skill: Flowing Light Sword Technique!”

At this time, the sword-backed snake man also shot again.

The green rainbow sword in his hand bloomed with a brilliant sword light.

This green rainbow sword is also a middle grade sacrificial artifact. It has no other characteristics, just one word: fast!

Tear off!

The sword-backed snakeman slashed out with one sword, and the brilliant sword light condensed into a line, as if it had split the entire Heaven and Earth.

It’s almost reaching the extreme, almost cut out.

The sword light appeared in front of Xiao Changfeng.


Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness disperses, already has a feeling.

At this moment, the hands were folded, and the sword light was sandwiched between them.

The platinum aura is bright, and with a fierce force, the sword light is broken.


At this time, Flying Sword, the meteor god, under the control of Xiao Changfeng, whizzed out and slashed towards the snake man with the sword back.

The sword-backed snakeman made a backhand to block the Primordial Spirit Flying Sword, but he also took a few steps backwards.

“Outsider, you dare to break my nether shadow soul extinguishing dagger, I will eat you!”

The female snake-man had already re-flyed at this time, her face was savage, her eyes splashed with cold glow.

“Intermediate martial skill: Yin snake breath technique!”

The female snake man suddenly raised his head, her eyes completely turned into a pair of golden vertical pupils.

The breath of the whole body skyrocketed in an instant, as if to break into the Paragon realm.

One after another black scales appeared on his face, and a dark image appeared behind him.

The image is vaguely of an incomparable gigantic Giant Black Snake.

The female snake man’s mouth uttered an ancient language, which resembled a whisper of a devil and hissing like a poisonous snake.

The female snake-man glared her eyes fiercely, and the huge black image behind her slammed into the female snake-man within the body.

And her body soared, and a black mist emerged, condensed like a substance, and faintly turned into a snake head, biting at Xiao Changfeng.

The snake’s head seemed real, with its mouth open and its fangs fierce, as if it could bite off a tiger.

“5nd punch!”

Looking at the black mist snake head approaching quickly, Xiao Changfeng showed no fear on his face, just waved punched out.

This fist, the White Tiger fist turns into a white golden beam of light.

He directly smashed the head of the black mist snake, and immediately penetrated the void.

Fiercely hit the female snake man.

In an instant, the snake scales shattered, blood splashed, and the female snake man flew out again.

And this time is even more miserable, flying several hundred meters, fiercely hitting the ground.

Make the whole ground vibrate.

“Hey, he didn’t die!”

Xiao Changfeng lightly exclaimed.

He felt that the punch just now did not kill the female snake man.

“cough cough !”

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the female snakeman struggled to get up from the pit again.

She looked very miserable.

Most of the snake scales on the lower body were broken, and the blood dyed reddened the ground.

And her left shoulder was also bloody and smashed.

The dark face looked yellowish at this time, and he was breathing heavily.

But she didn’t die at all, but seriously injured that’s all.

I saw the red training scales on her body, exuding a faint black and red light.

Obviously it was this Chilian scale armor that saved her life.

The fleshy body of the female snake person is not as strong as the big snake person.

The martial skill is also inferior to the sword-snake man.

She is good at sneak attack and assassination.

Unfortunately, under Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness, it is nothing.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng was hit with 2 punches.

Her injuries are also very serious.

“Finally ask you once, say, or die?”

Xiao Changfeng stepped forward, fighting intent like raging waves, and the horrible Qi of Slaughter was filling Heaven and Earth.

If you can directly inquire, Xiao Changfeng does not want to perform Soul Searching Technique.

After all, for him, there is no small load.


The three Snakemen apparently did not intend to admit defeat.

At this time 3 people roared.

I saw the Chilian scales on their bodies, even the rays of light masterpiece.

Immediately, the beam of black red lased out.

It even connected 3 people to form a triangle.

And the breath of these three snake people, this moment seems to be fuse together, turning into one person.

“Joint battle battle!”

Xiao Changfeng eyes slightly narrowed, didn’t expect even to see the combined combat battle here!

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