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Chi training army?

Xiao Changfeng brows slightly wrinkle, puzzled.

At this time Divine Consciousness poured out, enveloped the three snakemen, and looked quickly.

The three snake men look different.

The one on the left is a female snake person, and the lower part of the snake body is as dark as ink.

The upper body is also black.

Her strength is not weak, Emperor Martial realm in the 9th layer.

However, she wore a scale armor with two ancient scripts on it.

This kind of scale armor has 3 snakes.

The snake man in the middle is a rough man.

He is burly and has a height of 7 meters, which is higher than the other two snakes.

The snake body of his lower body is silver-white thunder pattern.

All hair must be Zhang, like Zhang Fei.

The snake man on the right is Xiao Su, reserved.

But he carried a long sword on his back, and the whole person exudes fierce sword energy.

All three snake men are wearing Chilian scale armor.

And the strength is almost the same, it is the powerhouse of the 9th layer of Emperor Martial.

“Inferior martial skill: Thunderspike!”

The middle snake man took the lead.

I saw him stretch out his hands and scratched into the void.

Suddenly two white flashes of lightning appeared in his hands.

2 Thunderbolts are intertwined with each other, turning into a white glowing lightning spear.

This handle of lightning lance is very condensed, just like substance.

From a distance, it looks like a sparkling Divine Weapon.

The Han snake man held the light spear, and his temperament suddenly changed.

It seems that it turned into a deity that bowed down on the 9th.

His body bent, forming a perfect bow.

The spine of a dragon is a bow body, the feet and hands are bow strings, and the lightning spear is the divine arrow that shoots down the sun!


The Han Snake threw this spear violently.

How powerful this spear penetrated the sound barrier almost instantly.

And the light spear is purely composed of thunder and lightning, and its mass is extremely light, so the speed is also faster, almost close to 5 times the speed of sound.

The crackle’s thunder and lightning spear directly rubbed against the air in the air, and pulled out a long tail flame.

Like the comet striking the moon and the white rainbow running through the sun, the imposing manner is so extreme that it comes to Xiao Changfeng.

Although it is just ordinary white lightning.

But at this time in the hands of the Han snake people, it showed a good formidable power.

Even Xiao Changfeng had to be cautious.

“White Tiger Fist!”

Xiao Changfeng right hand Clenched fist and punched.

Platinum aura burst out from within the body and poured into the fist.

With a punch, Heaven and Earth startled.

The air was directly exploded, sending out a deafening sky-splitting sound.


The fist and the lightning spear collided together.

Suddenly the sound of thunder and thunder exploded on the ground, and countless channels of electricity and energy spread to all around.

Turned into an electric circle with a radius of several dozen meters.

“It was able to stop my thunder spear!”

Dahan Snake, at this moment was surprised.

Obviously didn’t expect only Emperor Martial 8 Xiao Changfeng, can actually resist oneself this no stronghold one cannot overcome the thunder spear.

“Thunder Snake!”

Xiao Changfeng eyes slightly narrowed, recognizing the origin of this big snake person.

Its snake body is a rare demon snake.

Thunder-sweeping snake, as the name suggests, can swallow thunder cultivation, within the body contains majestic lightning.

And this big snake man is obviously also an extraordinary natural talent.

The ordinary white thunderbolt can display such terrifying formidable power.

It seems that this Thunder Spear, he has been cultivated 1000 100 times, reached the Great Success Realm.

This feeling is somewhat similar to Yuan Shang.

Obviously this big snake man is not a weak genius.

“I come!”

The back-sword snake man stepped out in one step, and directly pulled out the long sword behind his backhand.

“Tear it!”

He stepped out in one step, the long sword split, and a green rainbow of unrolled bolt of white silk, like a 9-day divine sword, descended across the sky, from all directions, to Xiao Changfeng.

“Terrace intermediate martial skill: ten square sword energy!”

Sword energy is like a rainbow, but it comes from all directions, as if Xiao Changfeng was to be crushed on the spot.

This sword energy is extremely condensed, like the steel essence of thousand hammers, hundred refinements.

With a sword, the sword energy roared.

Even the space was trembling, and obviously some could not support it.

“Sword Art Great Accomplishment!”

Xiao Changfeng eyes slightly narrowed, this sword-snake man, even reached Sword Art Great Success Realm.

“Sword is coming!”

Xiao Changfeng didn’t care about it, thoughts move immediately.


The Meteor God Flying Sword was cut out into the sky and turned into a dark golden sword rainbow.

Jianhong is like a Tianhe River, traversing the sky.

The biggest feature of Primordial Spirit Flying Sword is its sharpness, which is beyond doubt.

At this time, Shifang Sword Energy is surrounded from 4 sides, but Primordial Spirit Flying Sword is a simple and decisive cut.


In an instant, Shifang Sword Energy is like a piece of thin paper, cut from the middle.

Sword energy 4 scattered, roaring 8 directions, directly flying the ruins on the ground.

See this scene.

The sword-snake man is also brows slightly wrinkle, obviously this result is somewhat unexpected.


At this moment, the female snake man suddenly burst into tongue.

Her figure swayed, turned into a light and shadow like a thin film. From a weird angle, she appeared behind Xiao Changfeng in an incredible way, and her hand magically changed into an odd-shaped dagger.

The dagger is divided into 7 sections, each section is carved with a special poison curse, more like a snake.

At this moment, with a slight wave, a jade green snake soul emerged from above, with a fierce tear of the soul, rushing straight in.

Middle grade Holy Artifact: nether shadow Soul Extermination Dagger!

This dagger has 7 different special poison spells on it. This poison spell is a poisonous snake because of the female snake person, and the formidable power is stronger.

Moreover, being killed by this nether shadow dagger will hurt the soul, which is very scary.

“White Tiger Fist!”

Xiao Changfeng’s response was unpleasant.

At this time, she sensed that the female snakeman appeared behind her, and she immediately punched out without looking back.


The dazzling White Tiger punch came out, but it did not hit the female snake man.

At this time, the female snakeman’s face showed a touch of your foolish expression.

Immediately his body shape changed, and two phantoms appeared in the air.

The two phantoms, each holding a nether shadow soul-killing dagger, attacked Xiao Changfeng from the second side.

2 phantoms, one true and one false.

But whether it is breath, fleshy body, strength or imposing manner, they are exactly the same.

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that it will not be able to tell for a while.

But Xiao Changfeng’s vision is so high.

And he also owns Magical Powers One Qi Becomes Three Purities.

He has a unique vision for this phantom.

He immediately ignored the phantom on the right, and directly raised his hand, making a fist to hit the phantom on the left.

White Tiger illusory shadow Fight Heaven and Earth, soaring into the sky.

With a strong Qi of Slaughter, he blasted out boldly and directly hit the nether shadow soul extinguishing dagger.

Ka-cha !

The expression of the female snake man suddenly froze on her face.

Seeing the nether shadow soul extinguishing dagger, it even let out a whine, starting from the tip of the knife, it broke off every inch.

In the end, the nether shadow soul-killing dagger was completely shattered.

“How can this be?”

The female snake-men looked shocked and couldn’t believe it.

But the fist mang was castrated unabated, hitting the female snake man.

Directly beat the female snake man out for 100 meters.

One punch, sacred artifact!

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