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Whether it was a conspiracy, Xiao Changfeng just speculated, but was not sure.

As for the purpose of this conspiracy, Xiao Changfeng couldn’t guess for a while.

But at this time, the black puddle twisted again.

Soon, the black puddle disappeared and replaced by a dilapidated palace.

The palace was dilapidated and collapsed a lot, leaving only the breath of vicissitudes and decay.

“Sure enough, it’s a space change!”

Xiao Changfeng looked at the broken palace in front of him, and the guess in his heart was confirmed.

The so-called space transformation refers to two different spaces with position transformations.

Like 2 items, one does not move, the other is moving.

However, Xiao Changfeng knew that he was actually not still.

Instead, he changed his position, just because compared with the place in front of him, it seemed that he hadn’t moved that’s all.

I am changing, and the place in front of me is changing.

Like 2 counter-rotating grinding discs.

“The frequency of change is about one hour and one change!”

Xiao Changfeng fumbled for time and inferred the frequency of change.

“However, does this spatial transformation exist in the entire Second Heavenly Layer, or is it unique here, and has the frequency of transformation always been the same?”

When I first arrived, Xiao Changfeng had to figure it out.

But he thinks the probability of covering the entire Second Heavenly Layer is greater.

After all, in 1st Heavenly Layer, the gray fog also enveloped the entire area.

As for the conversion frequency, Xiao Changfeng doesn’t know, and needs to continue to verify it.

Think about it.

He took one step and walked towards the broken palace opposite.


The ruins on the ground have been devastated by the years, and have long been torn apart.

When one foot falls, it is like stepping into the snow.

Xiao Changfeng was slightly frowned, but didn’t say much, and continued to walk towards the broken palace.

He didn’t fly over directly, since there is space to change here.

Then it means that the space here is not stable, if accidentally encounter Space Crack.

Even Xiao Changfeng Divine Physique Great Accomplishment can’t resist it.


Xiao Changfeng walked down the hill and came to the broken palace.

There is still half a golden plaque on the palace, but only the 2 words Yuntang can be seen vaguely.

And the word cloud is only half. Obviously what Yuntang is this broken palace.

But Xiao Changfeng did not care about these.

He stepped forward to step into the palace.

Oh la la !

A messy sound rang.

Immediately, the clutter became stronger and stronger, as if something was approaching.

Xiao Changfeng brows slightly wrinkle.


Soon a huge silhouette appeared in front of Xiao Changfeng.

This is a giant snake, most of his body is still in the palace.

But just a snake head is ten meters in size.

Covered in dark blue snake scales, a pair of 3-corner snake pupils, staring coldly at Xiao Changfeng.

“Blue scale viper!”

Xiao Changfeng recognized the origin of this giant snake at a glance.

Blue scale viper, highly toxic, and like to live alone, very strong offensive.

It seems that this dilapidated palace is the site of this blue scaled viper.

It sensed the arrival of Xiao Changfeng, so it appeared.


This blue-scaled viper is very strong, and Paragon’s real strength is not weaker than that of the snake king who used to eat the silver snake.

At this time, Blue Scale Viper 2 didn’t say anything, just opened the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and bit to Xiao Changfeng.

2 sharp fangs are dripping venom.

Eroded the ground into 2 huge holes.

“Sword is coming!”

Without hesitation, Xiao Changfeng directly took out Flying Sword.

In a flash, the Flying God Sword turned into a dark golden sword rainbow, slashing towards the blue scale viper.


A bloody wound was cut on the back of the blue scale viper.

Xiao Changfeng knows that the weakness of the blue scale viper is not in the abdomen, but in the back.

Under this sword, it worked instantly.


The back was chopped, the blue scaled viper took pain, and issued an angry roar.


The blue light roared out, it was the realm of the blue scale viper.

Xiao Changfeng was shrouded in the realm, and it was instantly poisoned by poison, and snake shadows were heavy.

“Cold flames, come out!”

Xiao Changfeng’s face did not change, and he immediately exhibited a cold flame.

Blazing flames landed on the blue scale viper.

Suddenly the wound of the blue scaled viper was frozen.

But only a moment later, the wound quickly cracked, and a large piece of flesh and blood disappeared, and the bony bones inside were faintly visible.

As a result, the blue-scaled viper is more surprised and angry.

It opened its mouth and a blue light roared.

Blu-ray turned into dozens of blue snake shadows, want to bind Xiao Changfeng.

“White Tiger Fist!”

Xiao Changfeng right hand Make a fist, punched out.

Suddenly the snake’s shadow shattered, and the blue-scaled viper was the first of its kind.


The injury after one after another made the blue scaled viper mad.

Strength of Domain shrinks rapidly, poison qi is rich, it seems that Xiao Changfeng will be poisoned.

It’s a pity that Xiao Changfeng’s azure light is shining and remains unmoved.

Ka-cha !

At this moment, a broken long knife suddenly appeared, slashing towards Xiao Changfeng.


Xiao Changfeng punched out, blocking the broken long knife.

But brows slightly wrinkle, surprised in my heart.

He didn’t expect this blue scaled viper to use weapons.

“An hour is coming!”

After a long battle with Blue Scale Viper, Xiao Changfeng was thinking about the time and decided not to get entangled with Blue Scale Viper.

“Martial Spirit Melt!”

Xiao Changfeng Martial Spirit melted into a White Tiger of ten meters in size.

Simultaneously control Meteor God Flying Sword and Cold Flame God Fire.

Although the blue scale viper is strong, it is only a Demonic beast after all, and Cultivation Art and Martial Skill are not strong.

In the end, Xiao Changfeng punched his head and fell.


The body of the blue scale viper fell down, and the broken palace collapsed again.

The Blue Scale Viper is a treasure, but it is not seen by Xiao Changfeng.

At this point, Xiao Changfeng crossed the blue scale viper and walked deep into the palace.

“Moon Snake Holy Fruit!”

A silver white fruit grows deep in the palace.

This is a low grade holy medicine, but it seems to be immature.

Apparently the blue scale viper used this as a nest, and wanted to wait for the moon snake’s holy fruit to mature.

However, Xiao Changfeng couldn’t wait so long to directly reach out and pick this immature moon snake holy fruit.

Although it is not mature, there is a lot of medicinal power, and you can refining into a pill.

For Xiao Changfeng, this is an unexpected joy.

The palace was already ruined, and behind it was the hole.

Soon it was time for Xiao Changfeng to stand in the palace and look around.

I saw that the hilltop I stood before was quickly twisted and turned into a new place.

But Xiao Changfeng’s attention soon changed.

He turned to look behind the palace.

I saw that the space here has also changed, and the frequency is extremely fast.

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

The frequency of spatial transformation here is almost one minute.

One after another The scene is like a horse and a flower, and it changes in front of Xiao Changfeng.

This scene confirmed Xiao Changfeng’s second guess before.

Spatially changing frequencies is obviously not static.

“That is……”

Suddenly Xiao Changfeng pupil shrink, surprise!

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