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The rays of light in front of me were dazzling and suddenly bright.

Xiao Changfeng has entered the Second Heavenly Layer.

Within the 1st Heavenly Layer, fog is shrouded, Divine Consciousness and vision are blocked.

However, in the Second Heavenly Layer, there is no more fog.

But there is no fog, but there is something else.

Ruins, various ruins.

At a glance, endless.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng was standing on the top of a small hill of ruins.

Except for Xiao Changfeng, there is no one around all.

Not to mention the autumn seeing Aoi, even the people who started before are nowhere to be seen.

“The reason for space fluctuation? Or is it because the light door is broken?”

Xiao Changfeng brows slightly wrinkle, speculating in his heart.

He originally wanted to directly pursue Akimi.

But now I can’t even see a silhouette.

In the Second Heavenly Layer, the light is bright and no longer dim.

But there was no sunlight, and the sky above it was covered by dark clouds like a cloud.

On the ground, it is cascading green, like a rolling mountain range.

It’s just that these are not mountain ranges, but relics.

At this time, the hilltop at the foot of Xiao Changfeng was actually made up of countless fragments of eaves, ruins of palaces, and fragments of statues.

Perhaps this used to be a place of sect, but now it is things have remained the same, but people have changed.

The ruins are nothing.

But Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness spread out without being hindered.

all around is empty and quiet.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!

Xiao Changfeng didn’t carelessly. At this time, Divine Consciousness spread and carefully explored everything around.

1st Heavenly Layer has gray fog and Snake Monster Beast.

This Second Heavenly Layer is logically dangerous and stronger.


Suddenly Xiao Changfeng expression moved.

I saw the ruins in front of him suddenly twisted, and quickly changed.

After a moment, the remains disappeared.

Instead, it is a black water pool of 100 meters square.

Based on Xiao Changfeng’s knowledge, he naturally recognized that the black pool was real, not an illusion.

But the former ruins of the mountain are also true.

Both are true, and your position not at all changes.

How is this going?

“Spatial transformation?”

Xiao Changfeng eyes slightly narrowed, there was speculation in my heart.

But true or false, you still need to continue to verify.

He did not leave here, but sat cross-legged, waiting while healing.

“This time Yuan Shang was an accident, but it also made me see through the attitudes of Qiu Jiankui and Qiu people.”

Xiao Changfeng took out the top grade Spirit Stone and began to absorb refining.

But his mind was clear and his thoughts were clear.

This time, the emergence of Yuan Merchant is an accident for everyone.

Xiao Changfeng was also unexpected.

And Yuan Shang later stared at himself, which was beyond Xiao Changfeng’s expectations.

However, at a critical moment, Akimi Kwai secretly sneak attack, although Xiao Changfeng was injured, but also saw Akimi Kwai’s posture.

Originally, he regarded Xia Wuxing as his first goal, and Akimi Aoi was only his second goal.

But after this battle.

Xiao Changfeng decided to regard Xia Wuxing and Qiu Jiankui as his first goals.

This time, kill them!

“But the Heavenly Venerate Orb is also a bit troublesome. There must be a Heavenly Venerate Orb self-protection on them. If you want to kill them, you need to solve this problem first.”

The use of Heavenly Venerate orbs at this time also made Xiao Changfeng aware of its formable power.

Even if he is Divine Physique Great Accomplishment, but in the face of this Heavenly Venerate orb, it is bound to be seriously injured or even fall.

So this is also a difficult problem.

However, there is no good solution to this problem for a while.

Xiao Changfeng was pressed to the bottom of my heart and didn’t want to do it for the time being.

“Brother Mo and Bai Xi followed Brother Manlou. It shouldn’t be a big deal. As for the wise Buddha and the others, I saw that they seemed to have come in before. If they meet, look at the situation.”

Xiao Changfeng is not worried about the safety of Mo Wenjian and the others.

After all, although Chun Man Lou is the bottom of the 4 young gods, its strength is also extremely strong.

And also owns a Heavenly Venerate orb self-protection.

The normally dangerous Chun Man Lou can withstand.

Moreover, Mo Wenjian and the others are just weaker, not really burdensome.

apart from this, Xiao Changfeng is also concerned about, naturally, the three Buddhas.

Before, near the stone platform, the three Buddhas also opened with the light door, and the first wave entered.

Now Jun Tiankuang and others who are not good for himself have been killed by himself.

On the surface of the enemy, only Xia Wuxing and Qiu Jiankui are left.

“Wait, as if I forgot someone!”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes flashed, and an alluring figure appeared in his mind.

Purple hair purple pupil, back wings, tail.

Like the Banshee essence in mythology.

It was Yuchan.

Before entering White Python Secret Realm, Xiao Changfeng and Yu Chan glanced at each other, and a killing intent suddenly appeared in their hearts.

This killing intent comes out of instinct.

Xiao Changfeng also remembered Yu Chan deeply.

However, in 1st Heavenly Layer, Xiao Changfeng did not see each other.

Even near the stone platform, Xiao Changfeng did not find it.

Then there are only 2 possibilities.

Either she never appeared, hiding in the dark.

Either she will pretend, she has already changed her face and made herself unrecognizable.

But no matter what kind, it is a threat to Xiao Changfeng.

If there is a chance, Xiao Changfeng will never be soft.

Xia Wuxing, Qiu Jiankui, Yu Chan, and an unknown winter friend Ying Yingxue.

These all are on the surface of the enemy.

But Xiao Changfeng knows that there are still secret enemies here.

These enemies are not among the crowd.

But outside the crowd, such as Yuan Shang!

“The White Python god left that year, did not leave any descendants? This is obviously impossible, and now it seems that there is a Snake Race here!”

For Changren, Xiao Changfeng is no stranger.

Although this life is the first time I saw it, but in previous life, he knew the powerhouse of many snakes.

For example, Fu Xi of one of the Three Sovereigns, such as Nuwa, who made man.

These all are the powerhouse of the Snake Race, half human and half snake, this is the Snake Race.

They are not half demon, but a special race, powerful and mysterious.

Chun Man Lou once said that the White Python God was just a normal White Python Demonic beast.

But now there are snake people.

It is most likely related to the mysterious treasure that the White Python god got at the beginning.

Xiao Changfeng has little interest in the mysterious treasure.

But for the snake people, and the snake people in front of them.

Xiao Changfeng is still a bit wary.

“A yuan quotient is the 9th layer of Paragon. I’m afraid there are Saint Boundary and even the snake people of Heavenly Venerable Realm.

Through clues, Xiao Changfeng quickly guessed the truth.

If you really have Heavenly Venerable Realm’s snake man powerhouse.

So those who entered the White Python Secret Realm over the years will inevitably have no life.

But White Python Secret Realm opened once every 100 years, and apparently someone left alive, so Heavenly Venerables will continue to let them in.

However, regarding the news of the Snake Man, Xiao Changfeng did not hear Chun Manlou say.

Is it because Chun Man Lou concealed it?

Or is there another reason?

The wisdom of using Xiao Changfeng 2 as a person soon became speculative.

Perhaps this White Python Secret Realm is a conspiracy from at first.

And it lasted for thousands of years!

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