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On the stone platform, the light door resembling exquisite artwork suddenly cracked.

Although the crack is not large, only the hair is small.

But everyone jumped in their hearts.

At this moment everyone could not care about their injuries, and they all looked at the light door.

If the light door really shattered.

How do you go to Second Heavenly Layer?

Those who can come in are not Heaven’s Chosen powerhouse, but they are not only extraordinary natural talent.

And it is also a disappointing character.

Even if there is a risk, they dare to fight hard.

Therefore, even if Yuan Shang was angry, they were all flocked.

But at this time.

The light door was cracked.

They can tolerate their injuries, and they can tolerate paying a price.

But if there is no way to go to Second Heavenly Layer, they cannot accept it.

After all, Second Heavenly Layer has more opportunities than 1st Heavenly Layer.

And only if you go to Second Heavenly Layer, you have the opportunity to go to Third Heavenly Layer.

Those who ran to the White Python god left a mysterious treasure.

How could it be willing to stay here all the time.


For the first time, unwilling people flew directly towards the light gate.

The man was seriously injured, his flesh and blood were vague, and his breath was fragile.

Apparently, the explosion of the Heavenly Venerate Orb just caused him serious injuries.

But he didn’t even care about healing.

The speed broke out at this moment and went straight to the light door.

Now Yuan Shang is dead and no one can stop it.

If you don’t go at this time, will you really sit back and die?

This man was very close to the light gate, and at this time he exploded with all his strength, and soon came to the light gate.

Immediately rushed into the light door without hesitation, disappeared.

Ka-cha !

However, after this person entered, there was another crack in the light door.

“Guangmen can’t bear it!”

An extra crack appeared and instantly caused everyone’s pupils to shrink suddenly.

The appearance of 2nd cracks indicates that the light door is no longer stable.

No one knows when the light door will completely collapse.

But you must enter the Light Gate before it collapses, otherwise there will be no chance.


With this in mind, the crowd rushed madly towards the light gate, even at the outbreak of fighting.

Ka-cha! Ka-cha!

And as more and more people enter.

There are more and more cracks on the light door, densely spread like spider web.

The light door on the verge of collapse may collapse at any time.

And the more so, the faster the speed of everyone.


Dong Yingxue held the ice-sacred sword in his hand and ordered it.

She is not alone, and there are other Heaven’s Chosen of the Dong clan behind her.

At this time, one man one sword killed a bloody road and went straight to the light door.

She came for the mysterious treasure, and also did not want to be left behind.

The arrival of Dong Yingxue aggravated the scuffle in front of the light gate.

For a while, many people fell.


The energy hood broke like a bubble, and the silhouette of Xiao Changfeng walked out of it.

He saw Yuan Shang directly burned to ashes by the Scarlet Fireball erupting inside the Heavenly Venerate Orb.

This revenge has already been reported.

But other enemies have not yet.

But the crack of the light door was also in his eyes.

“Brother Lou, take them first to the light gate!”

Xiao Changfeng told Chun Man Lou and the others.

Nowadays, the four great young gods, only Xia Wuxing entered the gate of light.

Chunmanlou also came for the mysterious treasure, and it must go to the Second Heavenly Layer.

“Brother Xiao, what are you doing?”

Chunmanlou heard Xiao Changfeng’s unspoken implication and could not help but slightly wrinkle.

At this time, the light door is breaking down, and entering as soon as possible is the most correct choice.

At this moment, it is really inappropriate to reproduce the incident.

“If others didn’t offend me, I don’t offend me, if someone offends me, I will kill!”

Xiao Changfeng looked at Akihiku in the distance and said calmly.

Aki see Aoi sneak attack shot, seriously injured himself.

This hatred, Xiao Changfeng will never forget.

even more how

So Akimi must die!

“Brother Xiao, it is imperative to enter the Second Heavenly Layer first, when the time comes, we are not too late to seek revenge from her.”

Chun Man Lou is anxious, and he wants Xiao Changfeng to help him fight for the mysterious treasure.

If you stay here because of this, everything is empty talk.

Therefore, he opened his mouth to comfort, hoping that Xiao Changfeng would leave first and revenge later.


Suddenly violent rumbling sound sounded.

I saw that Dong Yingxue had taken people into the light gate, and the light gate was shaking violently.

The top is covered with cracks, on the verge of collapse.

Obviously it is on the verge of collapse.

And seeing this scene, everyone is more eager.

At this time Qiu Jiankui also took the Qiu people and killed him before the light gate.


Xiao Changfeng silhouette flicked straight and went straight to Qiu Jiankui.

Seeing this scene in Chunmanlou, he quickly flew out after clenching his teeth.

Mo Wenjian and the others quickly followed.

Soon everyone came to the chaotic battlefield in front of the light gate.

“Brother Lou, they will trouble you to take care of it!”

Xiao Changfeng went straight to Qiu Jiankui and gave Mo Wenjian and Bai Xi and the others to Chunmanlou.

“Brother Xiao, I am waiting for you at the Second Heavenly Layer. See you there!”

At this time the situation was critical, Chun Man Lou was also swaying his heart, and immediately took Mo Wenjian and the others straight to the light door.

Chunmanlou’s strength is very strong, and there are not many people left at this time.

Soon, Chun Man Lou killed a bloody road and entered the Gate of Light.


Just after Chun Man Lou and the others entered, the upper half of the light door collapsed directly.

Only the second half is left, and it may collapse at any time.


Seeing this scene, everyone else was desperate.

Suddenly the battle became more intense, and each and everyone rushed crazy towards the light gate.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng came to Qiumi Aoi.

“Heaven Overturning Seal!”

Xiao Changfeng has no nonsense, just shoots.

With both hands constricted, the stone platform illusory shadow emerges above the sky dome.

“Xiao Changfeng, you should not live in this world!”

Qiu Jiankui looked ugly, but had to deal with it.

This is also the first sentence she said to Xiao Changfeng.

In a word, it represents her, or the attitude of the Qiu people!

Obviously, the Qiu tribe still cherishes the events of the year.

Xiao Changfeng did not answer, but turned his hands over, and stone platform illusory shadow came down from the sky and smashed into Qiu Jiankui.

“Body protection maple leaf!”

At this time, the light door collapsed, and Qiu Jiankui was also reluctant to entangle with Xiao Changfeng.

Suddenly clenched the teeth, took out a maple leaf like fire.

This is the treasure of Maple Heavenly Venerate’s body protection for Akimi. At this time, Akimi cannot care about it.

The maple leaf grows up against the wind and grows rapidly, resisting the Heaven Overturning Seal.

Akimi Kwai turned around, bursting out of speed, and went straight to the light gate.

“Sword of Divine Consciousness, cut!”

Xiao Changfeng responded quickly and used the Heaven Overturning Seal against the body protection maple leaf.

Immediately Divine Consciousness came out, One Sword Shrouding the Sky.

Qiu Jiankui wholeheartedly wants to enter the gate of light, too late to resist.

Suddenly he was cut by the sword of Divine Consciousness, staggering and almost falling.

But she bit her tongue, looked back at Xiao Changfeng resentfully, and immediately slammed into the light door.

This collision, the lower half of the light door also quickly collapsed.

“The one I want to kill, the ends of the earth cannot escape!”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes were cold, and the silhouette flickered into a stream of light.

At the last moment when the light gate collapsed, flew into it!

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