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That moment.

A group of scarlet Fireballs with a size of 100 meters is like a gradually raised day. It is extremely bright and dazzling, covering Heaven and Earth.

A powerhouse also had the reaction in the future, that is, it was directly burned to ash.

The scarlet flame is still expanding.

Seems to devour all living things.

The silhouette of Yuan Merchant was overwhelmed in an instant.

In addition to Yuan Shang, at least some thirty-forty people were also shrouded in it.

In front of the Gate of Light, Xia Wuxing felt the horrifying power behind him.

He is no stranger to this power. It is Spirit Qi of Heavenly Venerate!

At this time he also understood what Xiao Changfeng did.

“Is he crazy, even using Heavenly Venerate Orb!”

Xia Wuxing’s heart was shocked.

How could he didn’t expect, at this time, Xiao Changfeng actually used the Heavenly Venerate gem that Yan Heavenly Venerate gave him.

Heavenly Venerate is so precious, even if he owns one.

But he will never use it until as a last resort.

However, Xiao Changfeng actually used it.

Still at this time.

This is beyond his expectation.

At this time the horror wave of the Heavenly Venerate orb explosion.

Even if he was not the main target, he was still affected.


The terror that was hard to resist was hit with a heavy hammer.

Let Xia Wuxing instantly look pale, blood spout from mouth.

This force is so strong that Xia Wuxing can’t resist it.

At this time he was not far from the light door.

Therefore, the powerful shock wave was directly pushed into the light door, and the silhouette immediately disappeared.

And on the other side.

Both Dongyingxue and Qiujiankui retreated quickly and dared not stay where they were.

As for the farthest Chun Man Lou and the others.

Even if they are separated by 2,000-3,000 meters, they still feel the shocking explosion wave.

That seemed to be the end of the world, destroying the power of Exterminating Heaven and Earth.

The breath alone is enough to make everyone look pale and frightened.

Not to mention the bulge of the hard ground.

As the earthquake struck, Earth Dragon rolled over.


Mo Wenjian reacted the fastest, turned around and fled.

The thunder of hong long long sounded in his within the body, and the skin instantly turned into golden-yellow.

It’s awesome that Lei Yin’s golden body method was used.

Not only that, he with the body’s rich Spirit Qi is even more crazy.

At this time he only felt his scalp numb and tried to escape by all means.

But soon he felt his back hit by an invisible sledgehammer.

The whole person leaned forward in an instant, and his back spine seemed to be broken.

Even if he has a Leiyin body, he feels that the inside internal organs are all misplaced at the moment.

A congestion swelled from the abdomen and sprayed down the throat, unable to suppress it at all.

“It’s over, at least 3 4 bone is broken.”

Mo Wenjian was anxious in his heart, but he didn’t dare to turn back at all, and continued to run wildly.

This is the case even for Mo Wenjian, not to mention others.

Fair-skinned and blue-eyed Saintess are weaker than Mo Wenjian.

At this time, if hit by this explosion wave, I am afraid it is even more unbearable.

But Chunmanlou rescued them.

Holding the Holy Fan of Spring Scenery, the spring wind blew out, softening the explosion wave.

At the same time, the willow rays of light masterpiece on the roof of Chunman Building enveloped Bai Xi and Saintess.

But even so.

Bai Xi and Qingque Saintess still felt shaken as if their bones were falling apart.

Finally, 4 people fled to the edge and came to the land of fog.

So there is no sense of crises.

“hu hu! ”

Mo Wenjian breathed heavily, his back was red, all blood.

And he was lying on the ground halfway.

The sweat was dripping and the wound was spurting blood, which was obviously not bad.

This is also the situation after he took the red scale saint fruit.

If it were before, I am afraid it is even worse.

Chun Man Lou on the other side also put down Bai Xi and Qingess Saintess.

Even if Chun Man Lou is a young god, it is also look pale at this time, which is somewhat unsustainable.

As for Bai Xi and Qingess Saintess, they are pale, corner of the mouth flow blood.

The two of them were protected by Chun Man Lou, plus their own strength, but they were the least injured.

“I’ll be good, the formidable power of Heavenly Venerate is too strong!”

Mo Wenjian panted while he was afraid.

Although he knew before that Heavenly Venerate is very important.

But I have never seen it with my own eyes.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng urged directly, the horrible destructive power erupted.

Frightened him, like seeing death!

At this time, he did not care about his injury and hurriedly looked back.

I saw the original blank space, already filled with scarlet rays of light.

The red light was so dazzling that I couldn’t see clearly what was inside.

However, judging from the terrifying explosion wave just now, it is clear that this time will surely cause heavy casualties.

The light door opened before, although someone rushed in.

But there are only about 100 people.

There are 100 people left.

At this time, these 100 people were basically affected.

Someone must have died and someone was injured.

But Mo Wenjian doesn’t care about others, only Xiao Changfeng.

“Brother will not be injured?”

Chun Man Lou shook the head, and then explained:

“Heavenly Venerate has taken this issue into consideration when making the Heavenly Venerate Orb. Those who activate will have an energy shield that can protect them from harm. Brother Xiao should be fine.”

As a young god of the Chun ethnic group, Chunmanlou has a deep understanding of Heavenly Venerate.

“So, Yuan Shang is dead?”

Xiao Changfeng is fine, Mo Wenjian is also relaxed.

Immediately mentioned Yuan Shang.

After all, Xiao Changfeng exhibited the Heavenly Venerate Orb this time to kill Yuan Shang.

Such a terrible explosion fluctuates, and Yuan Shang is almost at the center.

I’m afraid it’s hard not to die!

“If he doesn’t have a treasure against the sky, or a powerhouse above Saint Boundary to save him, then he should be dead!”

Chunmanlou is nodded.

He is well aware of the formidable power of Heavenly Venerate, let alone Yuan Shang is not Saint, even Saint.

In the center of the explosion, it is also difficult to resist, to be holy.

“That’s good!”

Mo Wenjian grinned, but it touched the injury and immediately grinned.

The red light gradually weakened.

Soon Mo Wenjian and the others were able to see the situation in the blank space.

One word: miserable!

Yin red blood dyed red the earth.

The ground is tumbling as if it had been ploughed over again.

Several broken bodies fell to the ground, and apparently the dead could not die anymore.

But most people have their own life-saving things, so they have not died.

But even if he didn’t die, he was seriously injured.

Even winter snow and autumn hibiscus are affected by the corner of the mouth flow blood.

They are just outside the explosion.

And in the place where the Orb of Heavenly Venerate exploded.

Only a red fire energy hood is suspended.

Xiao Changfeng is naturally in the energy hood, and it is unharmed.

But the silhouette of Yuanshang is disappeared, and only a pool of bloody mud remains in place.

Obviously die without a whole corpse!

Seeing this scene, Mo Wenjian was relaxed.

After all, it was just what Chun Man Lou said before, and you can rest assured only by witnessing it with your own eyes.

Ka-cha !

At this moment, a crisp crackling sounded.

I saw above the stone platform.

The light door leading to the Second Heavenly Layer turned out to be…cracked!

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