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Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness has long since dispersed.

But at this time his attention was mainly focused on fighting Yuan Shang.

When he discovered the Slaying Sacred Spear, it was already a little late.

The speed of killing the holy spear was extremely fast, and at this time Xiao Changfeng was being entangled by Yuan Shang.

“Not good !”

Chunmanlou is also complexion greatly changed and wants to block it.

However, Yuan Shang saw this change, and suddenly the baleful qi became thicker, dragging Xiao Changfeng and Chunmanlou tightly.

Pu chi!

Even if Xiao Changfeng had responded in time, he was still stabbed by the Killing Holy Spear.

I saw Xiao Changfeng’s lower abdomen directly penetrated, blood dripping continuously, and his face pale as paper.

The Slaying Sacred Spear is a high-grade holy artifact, plus a sudden attack.

Even the Divine Physique Great Accomplishment of Xiao Changfeng is somewhat unsupported.


The Killing Sacred Spear whizzed out, passing through Xiao Changfeng’s within the body.

Only a fist sized hole of blood is left.

Through the blood hole, you can even see the broken internal organs.

This blow is not weak.

Xiao Changfeng fell directly into the ground from in midair.

This abrupt scene also surprised everyone.

For a while, everyone turned their gazes together, and their gazes fell on Qiu Jiankui’s body.

The Slaying Spear is the weapon of Akikanai.

Obviously this is the action of Akiyama!

And instead of attacking Yuan Shang, she injured Xiao Changfeng seriously.

“Haha, the Autumn Young Lady is still the Autumn Young Lady, as always.”

The happiest one was Xia Wuxing.

At this time, he laughed heartily and made no secret of the taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune on his face.

The relationship between the Qiu ethnic group and the Xia ethnic group was irreversible.

But because of the marriage, the two races had conflicts and estrangements.

Xia Wuxing hates Xiao Changfeng because Xia Chan is a stain on the Xia clan.

On the other side of the marriage, the Qiu Clan obviously didn’t like Xia Chan.

Even with Xiao Changfeng, they are regarded as a killer.

Although Qijiankui did not show hostility to Xiao Changfeng before.

But murderous intentions have always existed.

The dog that bites doesn’t bark, and Okujiankui is obviously this character.

If she doesn’t make a move, it’s a deadly move.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng was targeted by Yuan Shang and was already in danger.

She took the opportunity to shoot and was seriously injured with a spear.

In this way, the chance of Xiao Changfeng’s fall is even greater.

To the excitement of Xia Wuxing, Qiu Jiankui still looks calm and composed.

The Qiu and Xia have had a very poor relationship these years because of their marriage.

Qiu Jiankui didn’t wait to see Xia Wuxing either.

At this time, she thoughts move, she must control the killing spear to continue attacking Xiao Changfeng.


At this moment, a cold voice sounded.

I saw Dong Yingxue’s proud figure appeared in front of Qiujiankui.

The ice and snow sacred sword exudes coldness, but it is less than 1/10000th of the chill in Dongyingxue’s beautiful eyes.

“Winter Young Lady? What do you mean?”

Xia Wuxing’s smile converged, and she was taken aback at this.

He didn’t want to fight, Dong Yingxue would actually intervene sideways.

At this time, Qiu Jiankui was also black brows slightly wrinkle, and looked suspiciously at Dong Yingxue.

Unfortunately Dong Yingxue did not speak any more.

Instead, he raised the ice and snow sacred sword and cut it down with one sword.

This sword is not because she has a grudge against Qiujian, nor is it that she likes Xiao Changfeng.

It is because she insists on the justice in her heart.

She was really dissatisfied that Xiao Changfeng had taken the first place in the Hidden Dragon List.

But it was a legitimate competition. She planned to defeat Xiao Changfeng in a dignified and correct duel to prove that she was the strongest.

This behavior of Akiyama is not ashamed of her.

So she stood up and gave Qiujian Kwai a sword.

On the Hidden Dragon List, Dongyingxue ranks 2 places higher than Akikanai.

Its strength is also stronger than that of okami.

At this time, the sword was cut down, and Qiu saw that Kwai was facing an enemy, not daring to be careless.

“Dong Yingxue, you don’t need to worry about my business!”

Qiu Jiankui sounded like a man’s rough voice, obviously dissatisfied with Dong Yingxue’s sudden shot.

It is a pity that Dong Yingxue ignored her.

As a last resort, Qiu Jiankui had to withdraw the Killing Sacred Spear to face the winter and snow.

Xia Wuxing on the side has a somewhat gloomy face.

He had planned to do Xiao Changfeng a heavy blow just like Qiujiankui.

However, Dong Yingxue’s sudden appearance completely broke his thoughts.

At this time Dong Yingxue was fighting with Akikanai.

But Xia Wuxing could feel the gaze falling on him.

Obviously, Dong Yingxue would definitely stop him if he did it himself.

“Forget it, he won’t survive without me, let’s watch the show first!”

In the end, Xia Wuxing decided to give up the shot.

Anyway, Xiao Changfeng was seriously injured at this time.

Moreover, he had to face Yuan Shang’s chase, and the chance of death was greater than that of life.

That being the case, there is no need to fight Dong Yingxue.

The sudden change in the situation made everyone startled.

No one didn’t expect that Qiujiankui would suddenly take action, and Dongyingxue also pointed at Qiujiankui.

The battle was divided into 2 pieces at a time.

The battle between Yuan Shang and Xiao Changfeng and the others.

The battle between Dong Yingxue and Akikanai.

As for the others, they still maintain a wait-and-see attitude.

“Human, get out, I will spare you not to die!”

Yuan Shang roared, shaking 8 parties.

And the object of his talk is naturally spring.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng was seriously injured, which was the best opportunity.

As long as Chun Manlou and others give up, he can easily devour Xiao Changfeng.


Chunmanlou’s character is still very strong, even if it is difficult to resist at this time, he still did not choose to quit.

At this moment, he was holding the sacred fan of Spring Scenery, and his colorful robe was instantly as strong as steel.

Obviously the colorful robe on his body is also a defensive sacred weapon.

Apart from this, above his head, there is a willow leaf floating.

The willow leaves exudes a bright green light, and the rays of light enveloped Chunmanlou, resisting the erosion of the poisonous realm for him.

Chunmanlou is the young god of the Chun clan, and the equipment and treasure are naturally out of the ordinary.

But after all, he is only the 9th layer of Emperor Martial.

Compared with Yuan Shang, it is much weaker.

At this time, even if there are 3 treasures in hand, it is still barely supporting that’s all.

As for the three of Bai Xi and Mo Wenjian, they can only shoot outside the domain, looking for opportunities to interfere with that’s all.

But no one has forgotten Xiao Changfeng.

At this time, everyone resisted Yuan Shang’s fierce attack, while looking at Xiao Changfeng who had fallen to the ground with anxiety.

Being pierced by the killing spear, this is not a small injury, even if it does not die, it will be seriously injured.

If there is no Yuan Shang, perhaps he can find a place to heal his wounds.

But at this time Yuan Shang was pressing harder, Xiao Changfeng certainly did not have time to heal his injuries.

And will be affected by battle fluctuations.

“Brother Xiao, can you hold it?”

Spring is full of worries, and his heart is heavy.

“Brother, get up quickly!”

Mo Wenjian shouted anxiously, hoping Xiao Changfeng could leave the battle center.

Bai Xi and Qingque Saintess were also worried and kept looking at Xiao Changfeng.

At this time, all around the crowd watching.

It was also Qi Qi that looked at Xiao Changfeng who had fallen to the ground. Some were delighted and some sneered.

But everyone has a question in their hearts:

How is Xiao Changfeng?

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