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Tear off!

The long fork pierced through the air and pierced Xiao Changfeng’s throat.

The volatility of the space layer by layer, obviously some can not bear the power of this fork.

“Sword is coming!”

A dark golden sword rainbow whizzed out.

But the power of the long fork is too strong, even if it is Flying Sword, it is difficult to resist.

Suddenly he was beaten out.

After all, Yuan Shang is the powerhouse of Paragon’s 9th layer.

And this long fork is not vulgar.

Xiao Changfeng silhouette flashed, teleporting directly to avoid the fork.

But his face was a bit ugly.

Obviously he didn’t expect Yuan Shang to be scheming, and he focused on himself.

At this time, the crowd was in a commotion, and Xia Wuxing and the others closed their hands directly and watched.

This made me have to face the meta quotient of Paragon’s 9th layer.

“Humans, no matter how hard you struggle, you can’t escape death. Still obediently, grandfather can make your death easier.”

Yuan Shang showed excitement and stared at Xiao Changfeng.

The long fork was waving in his hand, and his whole person was killing Xiao Changfeng.

“Some troubles!”

Xiao Changfeng silhouette flickered, avoiding Yuan Shang’s attack.

Yuan Shang is very strong, and Paragon has the strength of the 9th layer.

And it’s not an ordinary Demonic beast, but a snake man.

And his cultivation technique and martial skill are also very strong.

Xiao Changfeng is only in the late stage of integration, and compared with Yuan Shang, it is a great realm.

Even if he has the strength to deal with Yuan Shang.

But at this time there are many people gathered here.

Xia Wuxing and the others glare like a tiger watching his prey.

If you have all your cards out, you feel weak.

In the end, I am afraid it will be in crisis.

Therefore, Xiao Changfeng brows tightly knit, thinking quickly about how to break the game.

“Intermediate martial skill of the ground level: Kill in the air!”

Yuan Shang does not care what Xiao Changfeng thinks.

At this moment he just wanted to kill Xiao Changfeng and devour it.

Therefore, he did not keep his hand.

Ka-cha !

The long fork came out and flew towards Xiao Changfeng.

Between Heaven and Earth It seems that there is a white lightning, the piercing shriek, and it clearly falls into everyone’s ears.

I saw that the long fork directly penetrated the void, and appeared again at 100 meters.

Along the way, a tiny Space Crack emerged in the space.

Although small, it really exists.

At this time, the long fork has appeared in front of Xiao Changfeng.

The long fork of silver white, with the power of destruction, press forward.

Even Xiao Changfeng dared not take it lightly.

At this moment, Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness gushed out, and his eyes were soaring.

He clearly saw every trajectory, every angle, every ray of air coming from the long fork.

He with the body’s rich mana, boiling like the sea, spreading out and blooming a brilliant platinum aura.

Divine Physique crystal clear and near-transparent, sonorous.

The surging power immediately poured into the right hand.


With a punch, White Tiger illusory shadow emptied.

Immediately hit the long fork without fancy.


As two huge hammers smashed together, a metallic sound that resonated with each other showed a huge sonic cloud from the fist to the tip of the fork.

The surging cloud ring rushed towards all directions, and the sand, grass and vegetation of several hundred meters around the square were blown up by this air flow, flying sand running stone, just like a storm.

However, Xiao Changfeng was finally weak.

The whole person flew out, hitting 1000 meters away, and smashed the hard ground into a human-shaped pit.

In place, the sonic boom is still there.

Xiao Changfeng was injured by this blow.

After all, this is the full strength attack of the 9th layer powerhouse in Paragon.

Unless Xiao Changfeng breaks through to the Great Ascension Stage at this time, it is difficult to resist.

In the big pit, Xiao Changfeng’s face was pale, corner of the mouth flow blood, and his breath was messy.

But no serious injuries.

“Terrestrial intermediate martial skill: Extreme kill!”

Yuan Shang did not intend to give Xiao Changfeng a breathing time. His silhouette flickered and he caught up with the long fork.

Immediately threw it out again.

At this time, the long fork no longer penetrated the void, but burst out of speed.

The piercing shriek burst directly.

At this time, the long fork had ten times the speed of sound.

3000 400 meters in one second!

The horror is to the extreme.

The original 1000 meters distance is almost within a blink of an eye.

“Brother Xiao, I will help you!”

A shouted sounded suddenly.

I saw Chun Man Lou had rushed to Xiao Changfeng’s side, and immediately held the holy fan of Chun Jing, suddenly a fan.


The soft spring breeze blew out and fell directly on the long fork.

Due to the spring breeze, everything softened.

The long fork, which was originally ten times the speed of sound, was only 5 times the speed of sound in an instant, and the formidable power was greatly reduced.

“Spring rain is coming!”

Chun Man Lou once again fanned, and suddenly a crash-bang spring rain appeared.

The spring rain converged into a tide, like a giant palm, patting towards the long fork.

This palm blocked the long fork, but Chun Yu was completely dissipated.

The spring breeze softens and the spring rain nourishes.

Although the formidable power of the long fork is not weak, it was successfully blocked under the spring breeze and rain.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng also flew out of the big pit.

“Brother Xiao, since you were invited by me, I can’t die.”

Chun Man Lou’s facial expression grave, but pupil light is very firm.

“Man Lou, many thanks!”

Xiao Changfeng smiled slightly, and Chun Man Lou’s loyalty was shot. No matter what, Xiao Changfeng was kind to him, and he would not refuse it.

“Pill Emperor, although I am not strong enough, I am willing to help you!”

A familiar voice sounded and I saw the blue bird Saintess flying over.

Despite the threat of Yuan Shang at this time, she still chose to come forward.

“Master Xiao!”

On the other side, Bai Xi also stood up. He didn’t say much, but the gesture had already shown.

“Little brother, big brother is here too!”

Mo Wenjian also rushed out, holding a copper money sword, and did not flinch.

At this time they also saw that the situation was wrong, but they did not choose to be worldly-wise and play safe.

Instead, come forward.

This alone is enough for Xiao Changfeng to remember.

“Everyone, Xiaomou has thanked you first. My brother and I are the main offenders. You are on the sidelines.”

Xiao Changfeng said thanks, but the situation was urgent and too late to procrastinate.

Immediately opened his mouth and set the tone.

Chunmanlou and Mo Wenjian and the others naturally nodded to agree.

“It’s really not afraid of death. In that case, grandfather will send you on the road together!”

Yuan Shang held the long fork again. At this time, he saw four people in Chun Man Lou, and he immediately grinned.

His previous attack strategy worked well.

Others chose to sit on the sidelines without causing trouble.

As for the 4 people in Chunmanlou, Yuanshang did not take seriously.

Trifling 4 people, has little effect on themselves.

In this case, then kill it!


Yuan Shang was holding a long fork, circling the realm of poison, and was killing everyone at Xiao Changfeng.

Xiao Changfeng facial expression grave, dare not carelessly.

Suddenly, while controlling the Flying Sword, he cooperated with Chunmanlou.

Mo Wenjian and Bai Xi are looking for opportunities in the periphery.

After all, their strength is weak, even if they only fall into the field of poison, they will be hit hard, so they can only look for opportunities.


At this moment, there was a violent scream in the air.

The scream was so intense that it was unimaginable.

A lance flew from a distance and pointed directly at Xiao Changfeng’s back.

It turned out to be a holy spear!

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