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Chun Man Lou issued a proposal and was first targeted by Yuan Shang.

The gun shot the head bird, killing the proposer first, maybe when the time comes to break one’s heart.


Yuan Merchant did not display any martial skill, but just plainly stabbed.

However, this thorn seemed to stab at the weak point of Heaven and Earth.

The entire space suddenly panned violently.

Like a calm lake dropped a small stone.

Chun Man Lou suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

As if the next moment would fall by itself.

“Spring Fan!”

Chun Man Lou’s heart tightened, but the response was dissatisfaction.

I saw him grabbing a hand, and a fan was held in his hand.

This fan is quite special, the fan bone is jade, and a beautiful picture of spring scene is painted on the fan surface.


Chunmanlou quickly waved a fan.

Suddenly a wind was blown out.

This wind is very special, does not have any attack power, nor as sharp as the wind blade.

However, anything blown by the spring breeze softened instantly.

Even space is inevitable.

At this time, Yuan Shang’s long fork had broken through the space and appeared in front of Chun Man Lou.

The sharp sharp prong was hit by the spring breeze at this time.

It was slightly soft.

At this time, Chun Man Lou is a silhouette flash, directly cast teleport and disappear in place.


But even so, a slight chopping sound sounded.

Two drops of Yinhong blood appeared in the air.

100 meters away, Chunmanlou reappeared.

However, there was an obvious wound on his cheek at this time.

Although the wound is only half a finger long, blood oozes out and looks scary.

“The reaction was dissatisfied, and I was able to avoid Grandfather’s blow.”

The silhouette of Yuan Shang stood on the spot and grinned at Chun Man Lou.

However, Chun Manlou’s face was very ugly.

At that moment, he had already exploded his potential.

However, he was stabbed.

It can be seen that Yuanshang is not only high in realm, but also very powerful.

It is by no means comparable to ordinary martial artists.


At this moment, suddenly a silhouette went straight to the light door on the stone platform.

Yuanshang shot just now and has moved away from the light door

At this time, someone wanted to take the opportunity to pick up the leak and dive directly into the light door.

However, a blazing white light suddenly burst out of the light door.


mournful scream sounded suddenly.

I saw that the person who wanted to pick up the leak was directly penetrated by countless white light, which could not be resisted at all, and there was no vitality in an instant.

“Want to play tricks under grandfather’s eyelids, act recklessly.”

Yuan Shang glanced at the dead silhouette with a sneer.

Although this light door is the entrance to the Second Heavenly Layer, but also not so easy to enter.

Even if he is far from the light door, there is still a method of manipulation.

Pick up the leak? Dream about it!

“You guys, don’t think about fish in troubled water anymore, we can never enter the Second Heavenly Layer without beating him. Let’s do it together!”

Chunmanlou wiped out the blood spilled from the wound and immediately opened.

“Come on, grandfather has fun with you!”

Yuan Shang didn’t care about Chun Man Lou, at this time he grinned, and his long fork stabbed again.


This time Yuan Shang’s long fork didn’t hurt Chun Man Lou anymore, because Dong Yingxue shot.

Dong Yingxue was the No. 1 Hidden Dragon List, and his strength is undoubted.

At this time she held a long crystal ice sword in her hand, and her whole body exuded a chilling chill.

“Advanced martial skill of the territories: Winter is coming!”

Dong Yingxue held the iced snow sword in his hand and cut it off with a sword.

Above the sword body, with a strong cold, the space was slightly frozen.

It can be seen that this cold horror.

Zhang Gongyi’s cold weather compared with one, it is simply a little witch!

However, Yuan Shang’s strength was stronger, and the shock of Long Fork shattered the chill.

Then Long Fork waved and collided with the ice and snow sacred sword.

The violent force came out through the ice and snow sacred sword.

Winter Yingxue is also unable to resist, suddenly reversed several hundred meters to stabilize his body.

“Snake people, I’m somewhat interested. I don’t know if you are really as powerful as the legend!”

Xia Wuxing silhouette flickered and appeared on the side.

He held a long spear in his hand.

The gun body was like fire, and it was hot like the sun, and the temperature of all around suddenly rose as soon as it appeared.

Flame Holy Gun, Xia Wuxing’s weapon!

“Terrestrial advanced martial skill: Raging Inferno Blazing Praire!”

Xia Wuxing held the flame holy gun, and suddenly stabbed.

Suddenly the crimson flames surged toward the Yuan Merchant, as if to ask the Yuan Merchant to burn to ashes.

“Haha, my family is so strong, can you, a yellow mouth child, know.”

Yuan Shang laughed heartily, suddenly opened his mouth.

I saw a piece of green light spray out, and the green light flame collided, even annihilating the flame.

But there is a strong poison qi popping out, overflowing 8 sides.

“Not good, this poison qi is strong, go back!”

Poison qi spread, many people suddenly complexion greatly changed, and quickly retreated.

Those who can enter White Python Secret Realm are not ordinary people.

Common poisons have their own detoxification methods.

But obviously the snake venom spewed out by Yuan Shang was too strong, making them afraid to resist.

“Slay the Holy Spear!”

The others left, but Qiu Jiankui did not go, but took the initiative to move forward.

Her little braids fluttered behind her head.

The black and white eyes are fierce.

As if she was not a human, but a humanoid ominous beast.

In her hands, she was holding her weapon.

A shot of ink-black lance.

lance is simple with wood as bone and iron as point.

However, as soon as lance came out, the space was instantly pierced and passed along the way, and nothing could stop it.

As if press forward, it can puncture everything.

“Get up!”

Feeling the assault of the Holy Spear, Yuan Shang was also distracted.

Suddenly his dark green snake-scale tail lifted up.

For Snake Monster Beast, in addition to fangs, the biggest weapon is the snake tail.

The snake’s tail is flexible and tenacious. At a stroke, there are very few things that can resist.

At this time Yuan Shang’s snake tail lifted up and suddenly pulled out.

The snake’s tail is like a whip, and it is extremely explosive.

The air was instantly exploded, making a harsh scream.


The snake tail collided with the killing holy spear in midair and suddenly burst apart.

The horrible wave swept across the four sides, turning into a violent wind, causing people nearby to stagger and stand unsteady.

2 broken snake scales drifted slowly from in midair.

This has attracted many people’s attention.

Yuan Shang was injured?

But more people looked towards half-air.

I saw that the killing of the Holy Spear actually broke into two pieces, which was obviously cut off by the snake tail.

This piece of high-grade sacrificial equipment is so abandoned?

But obviously the result will not be the case.

I saw Qiu Jiankui reached out and grabbed.

After killing the holy spear and flying again, after returning to the hands of Akimi Aki, the holy spear recovered quickly.

Soon it was restored to its original state.

It can be seen that this top-grade sacristy is absolutely unusual.

At this moment.

4 The great young gods all shot together, all showing good strength.

But it is obviously not enough to defeat Yuanshang.

“Brother Mo, pay attention to your safety.”

At this time Xiao Changfeng suddenly spoke.

Immediately step out, obviously to participate in the battlefield!

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