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The violent baleful qi surged like a tide.

All the people gathered around the stone platform all around are now complexion changed.

Shocked by this baleful qi, he felt as if he was in the sea in a rainstorm.

It was Xiao Changfeng, and at this time his eyes were slightly fixed.

I saw a snake man out of the light door.

That’s right, the snake man.

The upper body is a man, the lower body is a snake, and the baleful qi is monstrous.

This snake man is ten meters high.

And this is his snake tail bent, if fully expanded, I am afraid it can be seventeen-eighteen meters long.

His lower body is a snake body, strong and powerful.

The dark green snake scales above have a metallic luster.

Each snake scale foot has a palm-size, dense and compact, and it will rub out a small spark when sliding on the ground.

And his upper body is a sturdy middle-aged man.

back of a tiger and waist of a bear with broad shoulders.

But it’s not that they don’t wear anything, but there is a green scale armor like Battle Armor.

His face, however, is not so unusual to humans.

square-faced, square-shaped, strong features.

But at this time he was grinning, eye shows the ominous light, and was scanning everyone.

On the sturdy arm, at this time he was still holding a long fork with a full height.

The long fork is silver white with a sharp top and sharp sides.

A vicissitudes of blood spilled out of it, making people throb.

Obviously this long fork background is quite extraordinary.

Its grade has reached the top holy artifact.

But the most powerful expression for everyone is the strength of this snake man.

Paragon realm 9th layer!

Extremely powerful, it can be said that within this 1st Heavenly Layer, it is enough to sweep everything.

Who is he?

Why did he come?

Did he make this entrance mutation?

The doubts were deep in everyone’s minds, and their eyes were also gathered on this person while they stabilized their bodies.

But no one dared to care, at this moment everyone backed up several dozen meters, and distanced from the stone platform.

Now here is basically the strength of the Emperor Martial environment.

There is no Paragon realm, if anyone is caught by this snake person, I am afraid that no one can resist it.

At this moment, after the snake man’s eyes glanced around, he seemed to be a little distracted.

“My name is Yuan Shang. If you want to go to the Second Heavenly Layer, you have to defeat me, but you little Brat too weak, for so long, no one has come to Paragon. I don’t think you can get in. Now.”

Yuan Merchant actively introduced himself.

Immediately showing his disdain, it is clear that Xiao Changfeng and the others do not value it.

Even if it is Heaven’s Chosen, he is also a genius in the family.

And he is the strength of the 9th layer of Paragon, which is a great realm higher than these people.

Moreover, he can also see.

These people are not monolithic, and there is still a lot of suspicion and plot against each other.

I will be the only one off this time, and 10000 will not be opened!

Yuan quotient?


After hearing Yuan Shang’s words, everyone responded quickly.

“Brother Xiao, I have never heard of a gatekeeper before. Perhaps this mutation was planned by this guy, but I just don’t know if he is a person or someone else behind him.”

Chunmanlou leaned beside Xiao Changfeng and reminded in a low voice.

According to the news from the Chun people, the entrance is the entrance, and no gatekeeper said.

However, as soon as the yuan quotient came out, it showed its intention.

He must be defeated to enter the Light Gate and go to the Second Heavenly Layer.

I am afraid it is a conspiracy.

“There is only one entrance, we have no choice, only conspiracy, only to go to Second Heavenly Layer, or Third Heavenly Layer to know.”

Xiao Changfeng said calmly.

The emergence of Yuan Merchants, although unexpected, is not a big deal.

Even heavenly materials earthly treasures are protected by Demonic beast.

even more how an entrance.

As for whether someone is manipulating behind the scene, this matter cannot be ascertained for a while.

Besides, even if there are people, don’t you go to Second Heavenly Layer?

Everyone who comes in is already well prepared for all kinds of accidents.

Including falling here!

After all, this is the Secret Realm left by the White Python god. No one knows how many Demonic beasts there are and how dangerous.

Even when Heavenly Venerate powerhouse enters, they dare not speak absolutely safe.

even more how they are.

Therefore, the emergence of Yuan Merchants, whether it is a conspiracy or an accident.

They have no other choice.

Now that the entrance has appeared, Yuan Merchant has also appeared.

So what they need to consider is how to defeat Yuanshang.

It is not so easy to defeat Yuanshang.

The first thing to consider is how to join forces.

That’s right, it’s teaming up!

Yuan Shang is too strong, and the strength of the 9th layer of Paragon is invincible here.

No matter which party it is, it is not a rival of Yuanshang.

There is hope only when we join forces with one another.

But there are already conflicts between Four Great Divine Clans.

Plus Xiao Changfeng, Shao Yuan Shao, 9 days and the others.

So joining hands is also a big problem.

One is not good, maybe it is to make wedding dresses for others.

Moreover, no one can guarantee whether anyone will take the opportunity to murder their opponents when fighting against Yuanshang.

For example, Xiao Changfeng and Xia Wuxing, it is an irreconcilable death feud.

“You, we must join forces now, otherwise no one can enter the Second Heavenly Layer.”

Chun Man Lou suddenly spoke loudly, attracting everyone’s attention.

But everyone is not a fool. At this time, his eyes are looking at Chun Man Lou, waiting for the following.

Joining hands is inevitable, but how to join hands and how to avoid risks.

These also need to be considered.

“We have a total of more than 2 people here. If we shoot together, it is easy to cause confusion. My suggestion is to choose ten people as the main attack, and the rest of the people are on the periphery. As for grudges, we should let go together.”

“I represent the Spring people. I express my attitude here. If someone is careful and murders their companions while fighting, then no matter who you are, I will go all out to kill you, even if I don’t enter the Second Heavenly Layer. Do not hesitate.”

Chunmanlou’s voice was loud, but it showed a strong side.

Although he usually smiles gently and treats people comfortably, it does not mean that he is really a good old man.

I heard Chun Manlou’s words.

Everyone brows slightly wrinkle, thinking about the feasibility of this proposal, but no one really refused.

“I agree!”

At this moment, a cold voice sounded.

Everyone looked sideways and saw that the person who spoke turned out to be Dong Yingxue.

Dongyingxue is the young god of the winter tribe, and it was also the first Hidden Dragon List, and its prestige is not small.

At this time her opening made many people sway.

“I also agree that since it is destined to join forces, then do it quickly.”

Shaoyuan Shao opened his mouth, he was decisive, he didn’t like to hesitate.


Xia Wuxing looked at Chun Manlou with a smile, and nodded agreed.

“I have no opinion!”

Akimi Aoi also agreed.

In this way, the overall situation is set.

It doesn’t matter if others have some objections.

“It seems that you have a plan, okay, grandfather has itchy hands for a long time, so I will play with you!”

Yuan Shang grinned and waved a long fork in his hand, killing directly towards Chun Man Lou.

He took the lead!

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